5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
I also do this, I used to wash my hands so often that the skin on the back of them became dry. I use hand sanitiser now but I still use it too much.

  1. I'm an Android fanboy and love tinkering with my phone (custom ROM's and all that jazz, though I don't switch ROM's as often as I used to)
  2. I love technology
  3. I enjoy watching British comedies such as "Blackadder", "Are You Being Served?", and have recently gotten into "The Thick of It"
  4. The Jaguar XJ220 has been my dream supercar ever since I discovered it in Gran Turismo 2
  5. I procrastinate way too much
Also, 1500 posts! :D

Have a pat on the back from a fellow XJ220 admirer who is currently procrastinating his Thesis away and loves good old british humour. Fry and Atkinson especially.
1. I might have developed something of a food crush for the McDonald's Swiss Stack.
2. I survived a crowd crush, and was rewarded with Valentino Rossi's signature.
3. The fastest I've ever driven in real life is 113mph (or 182km/h if you prefer).
4. Game Grumps is currently my favourite YouTube channel.
5. I once got a ball bearing stuck up my nose.
1. Passed my Motorcycle exam today. Can finally ride all bikes! Just need one myself ^^

2. I'm surprised at my pace in GTS (been in the top10 often).

3. I'll have a black kitty next week.

4. Bought my first wheel 2 months ago (T300 RS GTE).

5. Still play on a really bad chair. Need a decent one.
1. When I was a kid, I drew up a scrapbook of my perfect racing game, which had numerous features that would actually end up into titles in the near future. The big gimmick was that you could drive anywhere on Earth, as well as having a split career mode where you were a professional race driver by day but an illegal street racer by night. It would've had fully modeled dealerships where you could walk around and spec a car up right down to the interior colours (a la TDU). The open world was to have been 1:1 to scale, and you could link up a Game Boy or PSP to your GameCube or PS2 and use that as a fully functioning GPS. My 8 year old brain had some weird ideas.

2. Memes have suddenly stopped being funny to me, but I can't explain why.

3. Over the past year, I've managed to go from just owning a broken 2nd gen iPod Touch to seven other iPods of varying model types and colours. All of them (besides my current model Touch) were acquired through car boot sales and almost all of them are full with music, a lot of it from previous owners. Each iPod is usually tailored to specific genres, meaning I can take one with me and play songs that are relative to my mood.

4. Tying in with the above, I dislike how many devices are becoming obsolete due to smartphones / tablets incorporating their features as standard. I totally understand why, it's just I personally see no real reason to get rid of my originals.

5. Despite everyone telling me to do otherwise, I have never seen a Star Wars, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movie ever, nor do I plan to.
1. I wield two handed swords with my left hand leading (on top), despite being a right-handed person. Its really the only situation where I vastly prefer my left over my right hand to do the finesse work. I'm nearly worthless the other way around.

2. My biggest feat of strength to date - outside the weight lifting room - is carrying a 120 kg / 265 lbs furnace up two stories with no help. I picked it up with a hug and carried it upstairs without putting it on the floor once. It was extremely hard because it was 3/4 the size of a washing machine.

3. I'm a low-tech guy, I try to avoid using too much technology or relying too much on it. I like reading maps instead of GPS, I like to do math without a calculator, I like 70's cars you can fix without having to worry about electronics too much.

4. The best computer game I have played in the last 10 years was Hellblade. And I played a ton of good games in that time frame.

5. I have been playing with LEGO bricks for 25 years now, started with 4 and never really stopped. I completed two large scale LEGO models in this year alone.
1. I'm a heavy critic, when it comes to what I talk about, usually what I don't mention I think is a positive. When playing through a game or watching a show/movie, I will constantly find and talk about the problems with it even if it's one of my favourites. The only exception so far has been Pokemon Black/White and Pokemon Black 2/White 2 out of everything I have experienced. I recently watched Zootopia (again) this time with my brother and his girlfriend because she wanted to. Despite being my favourite non-Pokemon movie, I will keep pointing out interesting flaws of the movie instead of praising it. Surprisingly she wasn't annoyed but was intrigued in what I said.

2. I love watching Youtube videos focusing on opinions, I love what people have to say and gain more knowledge to judge stuff more appropriately to my tastes and figure out why I have them.

3. I'm very tolerant of germs, I'm usually ok with getting my hand dirty like manually cleaning out the toilet with my bare hands. Don't worry I still wash :P

4. I put Tomato sauce on almost everything I have for dinner, except Mac and Cheese, that's just too far :lol:

5. I have a problem with being lazy, this might be or not be a lazy excuse to get out of writing a 5th fact :sly:
As a baby, I used to stuff peas up my nose.
I also liked pulling things out of cupboards.
In terms of flavour, Nando's is better than KFC.
I don't like to read books.
Non-car people irritate me when they talk about cars.
  1. I accidentally made my dad buy a set of 15x7 RS Watanabe wheels to put on my mom's AE111 Corolla.
  2. I drew a RWB 911 964 and got it signed by Akira Nakai himself. It's hanging on my wall right now.
  3. When I was 5/6 years old, I sat in my neighbor's Jaguar E-Type as he took the car for the first post-restoration shakedown. I remember crying when it broke down in the middle of traffic :lol:
  4. I made my own arrangement of "Moon Over the Castle" played on a recorder for my final music test at primary school.
  5. I used to eat chips with rice when I was in kindergarten. At least that's what my mom told me. :lol:
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Non-car people irritate me when they talk about cars.
Happems to me quite often. The feeling when my friend who don't give a crap about cars shows me totally untasteful cars and says 'Oh, look at this beauty!' But he doesn't even know what that car is. :indiff: And he says he has an Audi 80 and he wants an exposed engine for it.

Also, more facts about me:
  1. I like Audi, but not as much as Volkswagen
  2. I prefer sport cars over supercars
  3. I call stupid people 'mouses' or 'cucumbers'
  4. I like adult cats more than child cats.
  5. I like to write tests if I know what should I write. :D
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1) Contrary to what you may believe, I am not Osama Bin Laden.
2) I’m a Pole who lives in Belgium.
3) As a 10 year old, I had a weird obsession with skyscrapers, even though I had a freight of heights. And because of that, I like the now gone Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.
4) I love the CLK GT-R.
5) As a kid, I found the 458 Italia to be ugly. The F430 was how Ferraris had to look like to tiny Kacper (that’s my name!). The 458 Italia is now one of my all time favourites. :D

Extra facts incoming!

6) I have only had one girlfriend, and that was when I was 7. :lol:
7) I have gotten interested in smaller YouTube creators like Nerd City, Mumkey Jones, EmpLemon (previously a known YouTube Pooper, now a commentary channel?), MamaMax, TheIconoclast, Formula World and others.
8) I’ve started watching conservative YouTubers too, like the aforementioned TheIconoclast, and Paul Joseph Watson. They’re the only ones that I actually got into.
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1. I don't use a battery on my laptop.
2. I have spent more time on my PS2 this year than any other console.
3. I am getting to where I don't agree with Disney owning Star Wars more and more every time I see something interesting from the expanded universe. (Which is no longer canon) To the point I wish Disney would lose it and the recent movies would be no longer canon instead of the EU. (Don't get me wrong I like them, just not enough to wipe away all the good EU material over the years)
4. I can almost safely say I liked 2016 better than 2017.
5. My high school years were rough and I enjoy life nowadays knowing I no longer have to be there anymore.
1. People say I look like a buff drug-free Sid Vicious
2. My favorite race cars are 1988-1991 F1 cars
3. I am extremely good at spotting details and hidden things, I am far better at this than anyone else I know
4. My worst training injury was a detached muscle in my upper belly caused by a missed power clean
5. My neck is so short that I cannot wear any kind of collar or buttoned up shirt + tie
1 - I still don't know how to tie Shoe Laces, I only ever where Velcro Shoes, Boots or Shoes that you can just slip your feet in.

2 - I still don't know how to ride a bike without training wheels, I just stopped riding bikes when I was 7.

3 - Probably one of the reasons why I actually like the Star Wars Prequels the most is because I actually first watched the entire Star Wars movie lineup in timeline order as a kid. I actually didn't know the prequels were actually made later than the original trilogy and though the original trilogy was just an ordinary continuation. Order technology in the original trilogy didn't even tip me off from thinking this until years later. I still think Episode III is the best Star Wars episode to this day though.

4 - I've gotten into Political based Youtubers lately getting into what they have to say. In terms of for knowledge, I'd say Dire Wolf is my favourite, and for entertainment, Shoeonhead and Bearing are who I usually watch.

5 - Komodo Dragon and Foxes are looking to my most preferred animals.
1. I really hate being rushed when I am eating.
2. I think Caddicarus is a FAR better Youtuber than JonTron or The Angry Video Game Nerd.
3. My desire to play old games I started, but didn't finish has gotten much stronger since I last posted about it. To the point I am somewhat rushing through my new games to go back to the old ones and I also don't even want any new games for a good while as a result.
4. My least favorite season is Winter.
5. I can't stand people who know little about technology, but still try to act as if they know everything.
1. I don't find these "wisdom teeth" videos funny, if anything I think it's mean spirited.
2. I hate going to weddings. It's not that I don't care about who's getting married, I just think weddings are soooo boring.
3. My favorite Mountain Dew and favorite soda in general is Voltage.
4. If I get an idea for a thread, I often post a status relating to the idea and if it works out well, then I make the thread.
5. I have an Xbox 360 in my room that belongs to my sisters boyfriend that's been here for at least 2 years and hasn't been played. We currently don't have any controllers for it and frankly I forget it's even there most of the time.
1. I spend 12-14 hours per week lifting weights / powerlifting
2. From time to time I listen to cheesy 90's and 80's love songs. Just don't tell anyone.
3. The best place I ever slept at was a mountain top in my tent, at 3100 meters 10200 ft altitude. Just magical.
4. I have no friends, not even one. Also no ''Internet friends''
5. My favorite race track is the Pikes Peak hillclimb track back when it was still all gravel
1. I enjoy building and working on things, mostly enjoy working on electronics but I'll enjoy almost anything.

2. From around last year to now I've lost a total of 40lbs and I'm feeling better than I have ever have physically.

3. For most of my live I actually didn't listen to much music at all and now I play it on guitar and bass a lot. (Next fact explains kinda why)

4. I used to be quite a religious person but I ended up hating it and stopped being religious completely.

5. I don't actually enjoy racing games that much anymore, now I much prefer playing story rich or rpg style games.
1. I have a strange sentiment for files of songs that bring back memories. For example, if I have a song from 8th grade I had good times with and it brings back memories, I like to have the exact file I listened to that day because it has more meaning to me. To the point where if I don't have it, I will go to great lengths to get it.
2. My preference for having physical copies of albums has become much stronger, to the point I don't buy albums on iTunes anymore.
3. I have recently developed a phobia for batteries exploding, particularly from short circuits. (I blame these lipo safety videos)
4. I have been a reckless spender my entire life.
5. When I am having a bad day, I sometimes find myself fuming over things that happened years ago that I probably shouldn't be concerned about anymore.
1. I have a strange sentiment for files of songs that bring back memories. For example, if I have a song from 8th grade I had good times with and it brings back memories, I like to have the exact file I listened to that day because it has more meaning to me. To the point where if I don't have it, I will go to great lengths to get it.
2. My preference for having physical copies of albums has become much stronger, to the point I don't buy albums on iTunes anymore.
3. I have recently developed a phobia for batteries exploding, particularly from short circuits. (I blame these lipo safety videos)
4. I have been a reckless spender my entire life.
5. When I am having a bad day, I sometimes find myself fuming over things that happened years ago that I probably shouldn't be concerned about anymore.
I can also apply number 5 to myself. It’s really stupid, though it doesn’t happen too much. :P
4. I have no friends, not even one. Also no ''Internet friends''
Of course you have internet friends.

It was my intention to come to Neustift Stubaital next week (leaving tomorrow). I'm not going to because I have to go on vacation by myself. Unless you read this in time and you want to meet.
1. This is one of my favorite threads here at GTP and I try to regulate how often I post in here, but sometimes I still fear I post way too much.
2. I don't have much patience for people that walk really slow or stand around in the way.
3. I used to buy a lot of music on iTunes back in 2010 and 2011 before I eventually stopped in June 26th 2011. It wasn't until May 12th 2017 I started doing it again and since then I have spent $153.48 in total. (taxes included) Ever since I got my iPod Classic fixed, I guess it's motivated me to buy more.
4. I prefer listening to my iPod Classic plugged into an old docking base over Spotify, Apple Music or Pandora.
5. I fractured my shoulder once when I was 16 and one of the muscles that use to hurt back then still does occasionally. (it's not bad though)
I can also apply number 5 to myself. It’s really stupid, though it doesn’t happen too much. :P
Back when I was in 11th and 12th grade, it happened all the time and even years later I still got mad about things that happened then. Thankfully it rarely happens now like it used to, but I will admit, their are still some things I haven't completely lived down yet. (A few of which are GTP related)

Thing is, when I get upset about something or someone, I don't forget it. It's not that I want to remember it for a long time, I don't, but the issue is, I just can't seem to get these things out of my mind.
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  1. I once fell off a bed hitting my head on the edge of keyboard slide-out (On a computer desk). It split my head open and it had to be stapled back together. I no longer have hair in that small spot and a scar that I've shown only two people asides from family.
  2. I have an irrational fear of ceiling fans on any other settings than the lowest speed. Sometimes even on the lowest setting it freaks me out.
  3. I like/do many things that are considered to be "girl" things.
  4. I prefer to sit down when using the restroom. Yes, even when only needing to go number one.
  5. I love the English Language, including it's rules and the sound of the words. Sometimes I struggle to structure sentences in an economic way. This leads to me typing paragraphs when talking to friends. I like to convey emotion when I type to my friends and I think that has something to do with it too.
  1. I once fell off a bed hitting my head on the edge of keyboard slide-out (On a computer desk). It split my head open and it had to be stapled back together. I no longer have hair in that small spot and a scar that I've shown only two people asides from family.
  2. I have an irrational fear of ceiling fans on any other settings than the lowest speed. Sometimes even on the lowest setting it freaks me out.
  3. I like/do many things that are considered to be "girl" things.
  4. I prefer to sit down when using the restroom. Yes, even when only needing to go number one.
  5. I love the English Language, including it's rules and the sound of the words. Sometimes I struggle to structure sentences in an economic way. This leads to me typing paragraphs when talking to friends. I like to convey emotion when I type to my friends and I think that has something to do with it too.

Isn't number 4 just an example of number 3?