50 dead at Orlando club shooting.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
All I am saying is Being the same or similar sect of a religion as the people in the most known terrorist group is atleast some factor to consider.

Especially given the info above posted by Dotini.
Nope. His facebook cover photo is Pakistan nationalist propaganda.

US Afghani Pakistani Nationalist.

Doesn't matter though, it's a piece of **** that's dead now. Let's hope he left behind a lot of clues and information that points towards other retards so that they can be removed from society.
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All I am saying is Being the same or similar sect of a religion as the people in the most known terrorist group is atleast some factor to consider.

Especially given the info above posted by Dotini.
So anyone who is a devout christian/christian fundamentalist should automatically be associated with domestic terrorists Dylann Roof and the Planned Parenthood shooter just because they were in the same group?
is reading hard?

Ideas kill, we have known this for centuries, but people seem to be apologetic these days when it comes to ideas of certain religions and not others, ignoring it is as dangerous as treating everyone like a terrorist.
So anyone who is a devout christian/christian fundamentalist should automatically be associated with domestic terrorists Dylann Roof and the Planned Parenthood shooter just because they were in the same group?
Somehow we here in the US need to figure out what our common human denominator is - exclusive of all hyphenations and slashmarks.
So anyone who is a devout christian/christian fundamentalist should automatically be associated with domestic terrorists Dylann Roof and the Planned Parenthood shooter just because they were in the same group?
That is not what I said, your jumping to conclusions.
is reading hard?

Ideas kill, we have known this for centuries, but people seem to be apologetic these days when it comes to ideas of certain religions and not others, ignoring it is as dangerous as treating everyone like a terrorist.

I just don't understand how you've come to that ridiculous conclusion.
So anyone who is a devout christian/christian fundamentalist should automatically be associated with domestic terrorists Dylann Roof and the Planned Parenthood shooter just because they were in the same group?

Are they militant zealots? If so, yes.
Explain to me how it is ridiculous.

Because you said that if he was Sunni then "chances of ISIS relation could be high". That's clearly nonsense... unless you're conflating Wahabism and Sunnism, which would be ridiculous and facile.

The logic presented in return to you was that if such generalisations were so easily drawn then a Christian could be automatically associated with Dylan Roof or the Planned Parenthood killer.

That has nothing to do with apologism for any religion, it's simply an expression of considered common sense.
Because you said that if he was Sunni then "chances of ISIS relation could be high". That's clearly nonsense... unless you're conflating Wahabism and Sunnism, which would be ridiculous and facile.

The logic presented in return to you was that if such generalisations were so easily drawn then a Christian could(he actually said Should) be automatically associated with Dylan Roof or the Planned Parenthood killer.

That has nothing to do with apologism for any religion, it's simply an expression of considered common sense.
Well for starters Could is not the same as Should.
It's close when you say "if he is Sunni" then the "chances of ISIS relation could be high", you're still conflating the two and coming up with a high probability.
Well I do say Could because Wahabism is a branch of Sunni Islam.
Given the Low population of Sunni Muslims in Florida and America in General, saying there is a possibility is a statistically sound quote when you combine that with recent ISIS terrorist history.
It's close when you say "if he is Sunni" then the "chances of ISIS relation could be high", you're still conflating the two and coming up with a high probability.
We all concede it's politically incorrect to discuss religion and terrorism in the same sentence. But when you're up to your ass in alligators, it's not the time for the higher arts and social niceties. It's time to run or fight. That's the trouble with being under direct attack. It represents the failure of all previous thought and diplomacy.
Well I do say Could because Wahabism is a branch of Sunni Islam.
Given the Low population of Sunni Muslims in Florida and America in General, saying there is a possibility is a statistically sound quote when you combine that with recent ISIS terrorist history.

Only if you can demonstrate that there's a statistically extremely high chance of Sunnis in Florida being of the tiny, tiny Wahabist sect. Which you can't, so you're talking from your hat ;)
Only if you can demonstrate that there's a statistically extremely high chance of Sunnis in Florida being of the tiny, tiny Wahabist sect. Which you can't, so you're talking from your hat ;)
So now I Have to prove extremely likely from when I said could, and from an if.

Why are you twisting my words?
Did anyone consider just waiting a few hours? I think they have already confirmed ties to supporting ISIS.

I mean, let's wait for a minute and find out the facts.

Btw, is it true that "Pulse" is a gay night club? I wonder when people are going to start talking about the religion of peace's stance on homosexuality.
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Btw, is it true that "Pulse" is a gay night club? I wonder when people are going to start talking about the religion of peace's stance on homosexuality.
It is. I initially put that as motive but the way the list of the sequence of events make it appear it was a random occurrence due to the shooter's flight of the initial shootout. That's just my take, probably wrong.
That's what "high" means. Overall your claim isn't supported by statistics. Although you went on to say it was.
Yes it is, probability and could are both words that can apply to literally anything, but your apologist mode kicked in and forgot that part.

If I replaced everything with christian I doubt I would even have to explain anything to you right now.

Keep in mind I said everything after there was already links with the shooter being connected with Islamic extremism, if anything I was being overly conservative with what I was saying.