5th GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship

  • Thread starter DonkeyFuzz
Okay, so PJ and Ardius are at Arrows GP, that cool.

That leaves Jordy having to pair up with SMK but the team name and everything will be up to those two to decide.
That leaves Jordy having to pair up with SMK but the team name and everything will be up to those two to decide.

SMK will not be a :gtplanet: member much longer if he continues to violate the AUP.
I've just deleted 2 messages in Japanese and notice he's edited his old "txtspeek" posts into Japanese too, clearly in response to the warning to post in clear English that he received yesterday, so we'll add ignoring staff instruction to the list...
If he doesn't grow up, he doesn't belong here. Simple as.
All messages in posted English.
It's a simple request for someone in England, and yet it's not getting through.
SMK will not be a :gtplanet: member much longer if he continues to violate the AUP.
I've just deleted 2 messages in Japanese (Because no one can use Gogle Translate in a New Tab) and notice he's edited his old "txtspeek" posts into Japanese too, clearly in response (not as a response more for cleaning up this forum of silly stuff) to the warning to post in clear English (perfect English) that he received yesterday, so we'll add ignoring staff instruction to the list...
If he doesn't grow up, (telling me how to behave when i post is breaking protocol) he doesn't belong here. (where here others cant give a simple post to a simpe query) Simple as.
All messages in posted English. (an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch) must be 90% perfect also.

It's a simple request for someone in United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland, and yet it's not getting through.
SMK will not be a :gtplanet: member much longer if he continues to violate the AUP.
I've just deleted 2 messages in Japanese (Because no one can use Google Translate in a New Tab) and notice he's edited his old "txtspeek" posts into Japanese too, clearly in response (not as a response more for cleaning up this forum of silly stuff) to the warning to post in clear English (perfect English) that he received yesterday, so we'll add ignoring staff instruction to the list...
If he doesn't grow up, (telling me how to behave when Ipost is breaking protocol) he doesn't belong here. (where here others can't give a simple post to a simple query) Simple as.
All messages in posted English. (an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch) must be 90% perfect also.

It's a simple request for someone in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and yet it's not getting through.

There. Fixed it for you. ;)
Thanks for the language & geography lesson, but I already knew that, having grown up there too.
I'd like to know how you think I'm breaking protocol by asking you to follow the rules you agreed to when you registered? It's really, really simple:
You post here, you follow the rules. You post in English, everything is good.
You post in textspeak or Japanese, expect the staff to clean up after you, come back with flippant attitude, you don't belong here and will be made to leave.
No-one should have to use a translator to understand your posts because they're required to be in English in the first place.

The site owner wrote the Acceptable Use Policy for a reason. It keeps this site a cut above the rest and prevents it from sinking into the internet mire that so may others do where "txt" slanging morons reign supreme.
If that's your thing please go and enjoy it elsewhere.
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Smallhorses Delete Post: ,21,,23,33-60 to keep this forum nice and tidy. Please.

Because... I post a simple query about the subject in this forum,
SMK Jun 14 2010, 8:40 PM #15
DonkeyFuzz, You must add this rule (For those at the back who may not have anyone to race) To achieve points at the end of the championship you must join 8 races or All races, and if you miss a race your points from your last race are award'ed evenly to the drivers who Finish behind you in that last race & only to them drivers who enter (complete) the present Race, & this rule applys to every race a driver miss in a row & if there is no drivers below the points are award'ed -1 to drivers championship from the bottom up (11 to 9 only).
+ Adopt it to 4th GTPC and it does not efect the top half at all (No harm to add spice now &again)
Then... A simple answer,
DonkeyFuzz Jun 14 2010, 9:37 PM #17
SMK, I like your idea's as they seem unique but I think it seems to complex to be doing things like that in the championship. I think we should stick to what has always been the way on GTP but if anyone else agrees with SMK and there is a majority then the rule will be instated.
Then... A post that never had to be a post,
Ardius Jun 14 2010, 9:39 PM #18
Hmm, I think thats too complicated and too confusing for new drivers. Imagine if you had to miss a race because of work/sickness/holidays/life in general and you get told you don't score the same points as everyone
We are not super-serious around here, we take the racing seriously but I personally tried to run the championship in a friendly and fun manner rather than a strict way. It may not be always fair to those that always turn up, but if you turn up every week you are pretty likely to be finishing high up anyway.
Beating the odd people who turn up for only 1 or 2 races is part of the game, its still fair in the sense of everyone had to beat those people, not just you.
I personally would hate that system as I cannot reliably turn up to every race, life is not all about video games and I sometimes have to make room for the more important things.
He clearly states' I think,Imagine,We are not super-serious around here,I personally would hate that system,I cannot reliably turn up to every race,life is not all about video games,I sometimes have to make room for the more important things. A very personally and provoking post to a simple query, he also quote respect, and here he shows a disrespectful mental attitude towards my query by thinking perspicacity & not choose to opt out.
Like all the others who disagree they choose to keep there dignity to themself by not posting.
& also it was probable Ardius plan from the get go to use this on me...
By using these forums, you agree to the following:
* You will post all messages in English.
* You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
He also sayed...
I really don't want to take part in any championship that includes you.
Ever since Japan where I finish one place ahead he has done nothing but act negative towards me hopeleslly wanting me to leave for his pleasure and benefit.

Finally, i'm a DJ i work long nights, I get terrible head aches and bad memory from the loud speakers, I cant always take medication, the best thing thats works is the right amount of alcohol, thats partly the reason behind most of my comments, and why I fell into Ardiu's provoking debate...

+ I'm not ENGLISH i'm trying my best, mate.
+ Ardius is very ENGLISH kick them when there down, because never could have kick them down in the first place, and I dont want them to get up because I hate the ground.
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You cou also say Smallhorses is being blackguardly towards me when he say...
SMK will not be a :gtplanet: member much longer if he continues to violate the AUP.
and not say by Posting nice & kind japenese sayings which at time he never knew the rules that he can only post in english, so these post will be deleted before you can translate them and we will not translate him to english for him because he needs to grow up and show respect in his natural language.
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Listen SMK, the issue at hand here was the blatant use of "txtspeek" in over 10 cases within a single post, and your response to the warning that was issued about it.
I didn't wish to stereotype initially, but I'm guessing from your name that you're Irish, where for the most part English is a native language, alongside Gaelic too.
If you post like you just have above, there's no problem with the odd typo here & there, and you'll be just fine here, but "wen u typ like dis 4 every1 2 c b4 u make edits" it's even more difficult for the many Japanese, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, Brazilian, Saudi, etc. members that are here and some of whom may have to use a translator to understand what's posted in English. Putting "txt" slang into a translator just doesn't work, and hence the reason you're asked to post properly. It doesn't have to be perfect, but something as simple as, for example, missing the apostrophe from "I'll" and typing "ill" instead to save a keystroke would yield very different results from a translator. (One meaning "I will, one result would give "sick, poorly".)
For this reason, it's important to try your best, not strictly for your own benefit, but for the good of others too.

Ardius' initial response was fine, he gave reasons why he didn't like your idea and why he runs the championship with the rules that he does, meaning that people can come and go when other life commitments take them away. I don't see anything that was personally directed at you, and it seems to me a fair system whereby, let's say if you were called away to DJ somewhere distant and didn't have time to run, you don't automatically forfeit the rest of the points you'd gained in 7 other races because you can't make the 8th and you'd still have a chance to feature in the championship results. It was constuctive criticism, and if you misunderstood that due to being slightly intoxicated, then it's perhaps a good idea to refrain from posting her whilst under the influence and leave your posting until such time as you have a clear mind.
Disagreeing with someone's opinions and ideas is part of being on a forum, and that's all part of a discussion. It's only when people start saying things like "You're a moron because you think that" or "I can't believe what a half-wit you are" that it crosses the line into personal abuse, and at that point you should report the offending posts to the staff to take action upon.

When he pointed out your blatant disregard for the AUP he was actually trying to help you out here, pointing out that you should post without "txt" contractions, and thus avoid the notice of the staff, something which you've now understood is necessary.

Take a little time out to calm down, come back here refreshed, let your tracktime do the talking, and keep the posts coming to the best of your ability without taking constructive criticism of your ideas, not yourself directly, personally, and stooping to personal attacks and bad attitude in response.
You're back on the right course again now so keep it up, and if you feel that you've seen anything that you construe as a personal attack upon yourself, use the "Report" button in the bottom right corner of every post to leave a message that'll alert the staff to it.
Do remember though that someone attacking your posted opinion, is not the same as someone directly personally attacking you.
How do you know if i'm calm or not ?

I think this bit was for Me not Ardius at all...
Take a little time out to calm down, come back here refreshed, let your tracktime do the talking, and keep the posts coming to the best of your ability without taking constructive criticism of your ideas, not yourself directly, personally, and stooping to personal attacks and bad attitude in response.
You're back on the right course again now so keep it up, and if you feel that you've seen anything that you construe as a personal attack upon yourself, use the "Report" button in the bottom right corner of every post to leave a message that'll alert the staff to it.
Do remember though that someone attacking your posted opinion, is not the same as someone directly personally attacking you.
I wish he did that when he had the chance.
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I accept gracefully, Can I use Roman alphabet & Roman Numerals. ?
I never read rules for this GTplanet (GTenglish).

+ the 2 japanese post where honest and kind not at all rude or such if you had translate them to english with Google Translate you would know. never knew that this is english only, now because you delete them and told the forum you have it makes it look as if i was being offensive.

So put my 2 japanese post back up in English and delete post 18,21,22,23,25 and yours that make me look bad, i made a silly mistake i wil read all the rules & improve my english.

DonkeyFuzz and others for sure agree to a cleaner forum, just about the subject.

and also the other problem is my Keyboard batterys are low so some key stokes are missing if I miss it before I post that is, and my grammar is bad.
It looks like i'm not welcome here just because im not english.

You cou also say Smallhorses is being blackguardly towards me when he say...
SMK will not be a :gtplanet: member much longer if he continues to violate the AUP.

and not say by Posting nice & kind japenese sayings which at time he never knew the rules that he can only post in english, so these post will be deleted before you can translate them and we wil not translate him to english for him because he needs to grow up and show respect in his natural language

The point, I've highlighted in bold for you, is in there.
It's not our fault that you didn't read the rules, nor is it our fault that you're continuing to be disrepectful and flippant to anyone who points it out to you.
Private messages are private and should remain that way.

I'm not a paid member of this site, I moderate when I need to as I'm bound by my voluntary position here to uphold the rules made by the site owner.
I'm not required to waste any of my time translating messages that aren't in English be they good, bad or indifferent, if they're not English they're gone regardless.

There's no need to delete posts by anyone else as they were made in English, you made your own decisions to post in Japanese, contrary to the site rules and I upheld them by deleting the offending posts. If anyone has made you look bad, it's your own doing.

As I've said, it's time to draw a line under this, end it here, and move on from this unsavoury incident and continue to post in the manner in which you've just done.

How do you know if i'm calm or not ?

I don't. I can't possibly know.
I'm judging from your responses, and I actually asked you to take a break and calm down a little before you dig yourself deeper. It's time to let go of this issue.
Leave Ardius out of this, as you're now verging on the very cusp of making the personal attacks that you're unjustly feeling a victim of yourself.
Ever since Japan where I finish one place ahead he has done nothing but act negative towards me hopeleslly wanting me to leave for his pleasure and benefit.

Ever since? The first falling out I've had with you is right here in this thread.

He clearly states' I think,Imagine,We are not super-serious around here,I personally would hate that system,I cannot reliably turn up to every race,life is not all about video games,I sometimes have to make room for the more important things. A very personally and provoking post to a simple query, he also quote respect, and here he shows a disrespectful mental attitude towards my query by thinking perspicacity & not choose to opt out.
Like all the others who disagree they choose to keep there dignity to themself by not posting.
& also it was probable Ardius plan from the get go to use this on me...

I did take it personally because I am one of the people who cannot turn up every race and I know many people can't, sometimes for very personal reasons. I feel it is wrong to punish people further for not turning up because it completely goes against what this series is for - fun. They are already being punished by not scoring points and I think that is enough.
There is no prize money or reward for winning, just the fun of doing so. There is no reason for punishing anyone for not turning up.

Although my first reaction was a little aggressive in nature, I said nothing that disrespected you. Criticising ideas is part of forums and is nothing to do with respect - it can be done in a respectful way though which I feel I did. I never insulted you or made fun much like you did later.

As for "opting out" and "keep their dignity by not posting" - why did you not do the same for my posts? I'll tell you why, because this is a forum for discussion. If someone posts something you don't like or you feel is wrong, then you say. You suggested a rule I did not like and that I saw flaws in, what was wrong or disrespectful in responding to that?

As for "planning", well I don't know what to say about this. Only that I never "planned" anything malicious on this forum ever and I have never had an issue with you until this argument. We had some good races online and you beat me fair and square a few times too, I don't understand why you think I had any problem with you before you started personally attacking me.
ARDIUS Look, you are stil doing it this, quoting me and answering back,
Ever since? The first falling out I've had with you is right here in this thread.
Now you've falling out with me... what next you dont like my wife aswell.
+ it's sily to judge me on all this alone.

I am one of the people who cannot turn up every race
so whats your point
There is no prize money or reward for winning, just the fun of doing so. There is no reason for punishing anyone for not turning up.
it's all about fun for everyone. I'm OK with the way the points are it just means,
Theres no point for me to race more because I will finish at the bottom of the list anyway, so tell what makes this so diferent than racing online anytime and doing this in One day. ?
+ you can do this in one to six days if you dont have time.

+ I never ask anyone else but DonkeyFuzz if they like my rule DonkeyFuzz was the one to ask if anyone agree to post a reply.
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I don't see what your problem is SMK. It's quite clear what Ardius is trying to say, and it's also quite clear that you don't seem to understand.

If you have a problem with finishing at the bottom, then there is one answer. Practice. Even though it's just a game, none of us here got so good at this game by not playing it. Hell, the first time I played in the Championship, I was mid-pack, but then progressed through as I practiced more.

If you want to compete in this Championship, then show people respect and race us on the set date, it really is that simple. If not, that's fine, just don't start moaning about the rules that we have in place here AND the rules that you AGREED to.
I was saying the system you suggested was complicated, more complicated than the simple points system we already have in place.

The points system would be the same, you just add the rule to that system to stop people mising races, just because there to tired, lazy, have to party, doing little things.

When you join GTP, theres rules you agree to
In F1 a team cant miss 3 races PROST,USA GP, reasons why they did funny things.
ARDIUS Look, you are stil doing it this, quoting me and answering back,

Now you've falling out with me... what next you dont like my wife aswell.
+ it's sily to judge me on all this alone.

so whats your point it's all about fun for everyone. I'm OK with the way the points are it just means,
Theres no point for me to race more because I will finish at the bottom of the list anyway, so tell what makes this so diferent than racing online anytime and doing this in One day. ?
+ you can do this in one to six days if you dont have time.

So thats what this is about? Your personal gain? You feel that just because you turn up every week you should be given a better championship position than those who cannot for whatever reason? Everyone has to beat those people that don't turn up all the time, not just you, in this sense it is still reasonably fair. For example, F1MadAd turns up every week and has to race say Kakundoo for 1st position. Every few weeks, DonkyFuzz turns up and beats F1MadAd and Kak finishes 1st. Yes, this may be slightly unfair to MadAd because he had to also beat someone who is not always there....but I'm arguing it is still fair because Kak also had to beat that person. Its just like turning on rain, sure it might advantage one person over another, but both people had to deal with it and so it is balanced out.

My problem is not picking a day I can do it, rather I cannot reliabily say "ok, this day I will 100% always be there" because I cannot know what can happen on said nights. Some things are not planned in life, I know most Fridays at 11pm I can make it, but every now and again something happens where I cannot.

Your system is more complicated, its altering the points after the race just because said person did not make enough races. The current system is very simple - you turn up you score the points for the position you finish in, end of story. There is no need for this messing about changing people's results just because you feel that you would have done better if they weren't there.
Let me make this clear I - and I am certain everyone else here too - am completely open to suggestions for new rules and will happily discuss them as I have done so here. I am not being negative for the sake of being negative because its a new rule, its because I genuinely don't agree with your rule and don't think it would be an improvement.

+ I never ask anyone else but DonkeyFuzz if they like my rule DonkeyFuzz was the one to ask if anyone agree to post a reply.

Yes and I posted a reply saying I didn't agree with the rule, and?

The points system would be the same, you just add the rule to that system to stop people mising races, just because there to tired, lazy, have to party, doing little things.

When you join GTP, theres rules you agree to
In F1 a team cant miss 3 races PROST,USA GP, reasons why they did funny things.

Indeed, and we don't agree with your rule. This isn't real F1..this has been my point, we are playing for fun.
If you didn't agree with GTP rules, you shouldn't have registered. But here we already have our rules set and if we want to add new ones we all have to agree to them. If GTP added a new rule to the AUP, then we would be reqired to re-regsiter or otherwise stop using the forum if we didn't agree. Jordan is a fair chap and he would be implementing rules which would benefit the community. If he didn't, the community would leave.
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Yes and I posted a reply saying I didn't agree with the rule, and?

You never kept it simple as that the first time, that would have been normal. (Like most people in other forums)

We are not super-serious around here,

Do you speak for every one GOD, as We you mean every one in the Championship but me, that means that Reply was a private message to me but you choose to post it publicly.
You never kept it simple as that the first time, that would have been normal. (Like most people in other forums)

Do you speak for every one GOD, as We you mean every one in the Championship but me, that means that Reply was a private message to me but you choose to post it publicly.

I'm not going to type out my response to this as I already responded in our private message. If you want to drag this out in this thread, go ahead.

I have not posted anything from our PMs publicly, only responded to what you have chosen to say here.

I do not profess to speak for everyone, but I certainly know this series isn't super serious because I was the one who started it and they have been continued in the same spirit ever since. I have reminded people in the past not to take it too far as we did end up with a lot of arguments before, especially with collisions on where people were getting very angry about little incidents on the track. People should not be getting angry, they should be having fun, as soon as the fun stops then the game stops.
This is why I know we don't take things super seriously, because to do so is not fun.
If you want to drag this out in this thread, go ahead.
Your free to do as you choose...
You may have notce I usely only reply back to posts, with question & querys,
Well it's not to bad for you if your team mate gets a lot of points when you miss races.
I'm not sure my team mate does a lot of races.
This is ridiculous! NO-ONE should be punished for not turning up. THIS IS A GAME!! Real life IS much more important. I think you'd find that I am probably THE most competitive person you will meet, trust me. But if it came down to a race or having a great night out with my mates or my girlfriend, do you know which I would choose? REALITY.

Often or not I turn up every race unless I have technical issues, like my PS3 breaking. But if i'm competing to win the Championship, but I miss out a race due to real life commitments, why should I be deducted points thereafter and have even less chance of winning the Championship just so that a couple of people can score 1 or 2 more? Surely it's enough that I missed out on 10, 8 or 6 points, and everyone else gaining points on me.

I think we've exhausted this topic now. I, again, agree with Ardius, he can pretty much speak for all of us because in general we pretty much think alike in terms of rules in this league. We are all pretty open to suggestions for new rules, but this has gone way too far. Just drop it now SMK.
I would like to have the team name as Alfa Romeo again if that's ok.

Yeah, thats fine, I'll just change that now. :)

SMK - You are now not taking part in this chmpionship. Now further questions because you are causing disruptions throughout the forums and really just getting on everyones nerves.:grumpy:

Thanks to Ardius and Kakundoo for telling SMK where he actually stands although I don't think he got the picture. :)

In addition, Jordy, this means you will have to be part of a team on your own until someone else comes along which hopefully they will. I hope this isn't a problem. :)

Also, are we going to use the same cars as last season, like I drove the Ferrari, King had the BMW etc.?
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I'm not bothered about car choices as it makes little difference anyway, I'll happily let others drive their favourite cars if they want them. I'll drive a Toro Rosso or whatever seeing as no one appears to pick that. If someone wants that car, I'll happily take whatever else.
Hey, I use the Ferrari, it's been my car since the 3rd GTP Championship. Give it back!!! :lol:

Seriously though, pleasee???
Hey, I use the Ferrari, it's been my car since the 3rd GTP Championship. Give it back!!! :lol:

Seriously though, pleasee???

Oh, sorry PJ, I started using it when you couln't make the last few races.:lol: Sorry about that.

I will resort to the Super Aguri instead then, didn't give me much last season but I think it's got a few things up it's sleeve:sly:
:lol: but aren't all the cars equal online??

Finally, I have a teammate that is in the same ballpark as me. Ardius, don't expect any special treatement from me, you're going to have to pass me fairly in a race, i'm not letting you by ;)
Finally, I have a teammate that is in the same ballpark as me. Ardius, don't expect any special treatement from me, you're going to have to pass me fairly in a race, i'm not letting you by ;)

Fine by me, thats how I want it. :)
:lol: but aren't all the cars equal online??

Finally, I have a teammate that is in the same ballpark as me. Ardius, don't expect any special treatement from me, you're going to have to pass me fairly in a race, i'm not letting you by ;)

I know all cars are equal but I just prefer having a cool car. By the Super Aguri, I meant things went wrong that shouldn't have, it's like an unlucky car. If you can have one of those:lol: