6 reasons why I think GT Sport Remastered will and should launch with the PS5

  • Thread starter Magog

Ok let's look at those links;
Express - not even clicking
Uploadvr - "PS5 Won’t Arrive Until At Least 2021"
T3 - "who has confirmed that there will be no new PlayStation before 202"
Gamespot - "PS5 Still Three Years Off"
Buisness Insider - "The PlayStation 5 won't launch until at least 2021"

Polygon - "The next PlayStation is at least three years away"

Ah ok, so it looks like Sony have said that it's at least three years away and 2021 is the earliest possible it COULD launch, ok seems fair enough, so what did you say?

Sony has confirmed that the PS5 will launch in 2021 though

Its amazing to me how these 'journalists' ran with the story.

Here's what was said:

"While he doesn't use the word "PS5", Kodera says (again) the PS4 entered the final stage of its lifecycle and that Sony will spend the next three years "preparing for the future"."

Compare that to what was written and how the audience ran with it.
They said dynamic time of day and dynamic weather won't make it in GT Sport because they would need to downgrade something else, as everything is so detailed and in high quality. So maybe in PS5 we can have that.
Also, I think we will get a new GT with PS5.
Kazunori said that car customization may return in the next Gran Turismo.
And maybe the next GT can have both cars and bikes, since Kaz stated that bikes are wanted a lot from the community, and it's a project that has it in the back of his mind.
I honestly think we need to get away from the idea of Gran Turismo as a released title and have it grow into a platform that you opt into. A game like this is inherently iterative in design and all an actual game release becomes, is a snapshot of their current development milestones with a title slapped on top of it.

I know that's idealistic, as consumers are still drawn to actual title releases more than they are to DLC. They could get around this by treating each DLC pack as a title release. ie, release Gran Turismo Rally for $40 containing all packaged rally content pieces in addition to GT Sport access as a standalone title. Prior Gran Turismo owners only have to pay $20 for the Rally DLC since they have the rest of the game. Conversely, new GT Rally players are now opted into the platform so you can now sell them access to the non rally tracks and other content pieces for $20.

Their game engine is so expansive (my Rally example was probably a bad example) that they could expand each racing category and sell it as a standalone product in the $40 and below pricing point. I'm sure you can imagine all the other DLC/standalone titles they could put out like Nascar, Go Karts, F1, etc.
Seems like they are already working on their next gen Gran Turismo. I don't think they will remaster GTSport that's just pointless. I expect PD to go back to their old classic Gran Turismo with lots of cars, tracks, and game mode given how mediocre the reception of GTSport
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Nope OP you have it wrong. PS5 will be completely bc with PS4 so GT Sport will run on PS5 with enhancements such as native 4k, dynamic weather, and a more comprehensive VR mode. It just makes the most business since.
Has any company that's done driving simulations ever done a cross platform remastering?

I'm not against remastering but it doesnt seem to be a thing in our sport and it certainly isnt something PD will ever do.

Unless you think Naughty Dog is doing to do GT7?
I’d rather see PS5 released further into the future, allowing developers more time to improve game experience on the current platform, the last go round with PD focus on the PS4, left us with a rushed out GT6 missing features & a GT Sport missing a lot of content.
I feel like this generation has been muddied with the ps4pro and xbox one x - half gen upgrade and now its a full gen?

I'm sort of feeling like there's maybe still a bit more life to go on the ps4.. the xbox one though really feels like it needs an overhaul.
Me back in thePS3 era: "Thanks to the PS4, we will have a dynamic TOD/weather on every track with solid framerate. All the premium cars from PS3 and the new cars, at least 700 cars! Grand Valley, Deep Forest, Trial Mountain all remastered next to Midfield raceway and Apricot Hill future proof. "

:lol::lol: I was so naive.
Nope OP you have it wrong. PS5 will be completely bc with PS4 so GT Sport will run on PS5 with enhancements such as native 4k, dynamic weather, and a more comprehensive VR mode. It just makes the most business since.

It would make absolutely no sense from a business perspective to give away the PS5 version of GT to everyone who owns the PS4 version. It would end up costing them money actually.
The question is when the ps5 comes out.

My bet is Christmas 2020.

We'll start hearing concrete information early next year, then by summer I predict Sony to offer images of the console, detail it's specs, potential price bundles, and a Christmas release .

I would imagine PD already have an early ps5 dev kit, or rather will have by the new year, and only then will they know if a quick port with improved graphics and frame rate is viable.

I suppose they'll get stick both ways.

If they release a "remaster" they'll be called lazy, it'll be a cash grab, and then they have to focus on that game instead of building a new title from the ground up on the new hardware...which puts off a genuine ps5 GT for an indefinite time period...just look how long we waited this gen.

PS3 and ps2 both got more than one game over an equivalent 5+ year cycle, didn't they?

So, personally, I think it'll better for ps5 to get a new, purpose built, dedicated GT game, and in the meantime we should continue to receive quality updates with cars and tracks the community wants.
Nope OP you have it wrong. PS5 will be completely bc with PS4 so GT Sport will run on PS5 with enhancements such as native 4k, dynamic weather, and a more comprehensive VR mode. It just makes the most business since.

That is up to Sony to have a backwards compatibility on ps5 to play ps4 games or not to.
Personally I'd rather have an all new GT. A lot of the changes I'd like to see (physics overhaul, graphics overhaul, restructured campaign mode, dynamic time of day and weather) are probably too significant to come in future updates or a "remaster".
The question is when the ps5 comes out.

My bet is Christmas 2020.

We'll start hearing concrete information early next year, then by summer I predict Sony to offer images of the console, detail it's specs, potential price bundles, and a Christmas release .

I would imagine PD already have an early ps5 dev kit, or rather will have by the new year, and only then will they know if a quick port with improved graphics and frame rate is viable.

I suppose they'll get stick both ways.

If they release a "remaster" they'll be called lazy, it'll be a cash grab, and then they have to focus on that game instead of building a new title from the ground up on the new hardware...which puts off a genuine ps5 GT for an indefinite time period...just look how long we waited this gen.

PS3 and ps2 both got more than one game over an equivalent 5+ year cycle, didn't they?

So, personally, I think it'll better for ps5 to get a new, purpose built, dedicated GT game, and in the meantime we should continue to receive quality updates with cars and tracks the community wants.

Sony desperately wanted a first party driving game for the launch of PS4 with Driveclub. Since the devs missed launch day and when it did launch it was an inferior product I think Sony will push PD to have GT ready for launch given Xbox will definitely have a Forza game ready for the launch of their new Xbox. There isn't enough time for PD to make an all new game from scratch given their usual pace.
They won’t start over. It makes no sense, especially when you look at the delays and “mistakes” of their past.

Current assets can’t currently be fully rendered in-race either so there is still alot left on the table.

I’m serious... Launch title.

I understand this goes against everything they have been able to accomplish in the past.
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Sony has confirmed that the PS5 will launch in 2021 though

Speaking to The Wall Street Journal a day after noting that the company’s current console, the PS4, was reaching the end of its lifespan, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Tsuyoshi Kodera stated that it would be another three years before PlayStation made its next big move.

“We will use the next three years to prepare the next step, to crouch down so that we can jump higher in the future,” he said.

So next gran turismo by 2026, lol the bad part is that this isn't a joke
Have you got the link to this? It’s just what you’ve quoted (to me) doesn’t definitively say PS5 will be realeased in 2021 only that they are planning to see where they are going.
This is PD we're talking about.

They won't remaster it for PS5. They will wait until they want a GTS2/GT7, and that will take 6-7 years to do, so we'll get it just before PS6 is ready.
Nope OP you have it wrong. PS5 will be completely bc with PS4 so GT Sport will run on PS5 with enhancements such as native 4k, dynamic weather, and a more comprehensive VR mode. It just makes the most business since.
Unpopular opinion: not everyone has a 4K 60Hz TV so prioritizing the 4K is... well... useless?
The priorities should be the antialiasing, which sucks at the moment, weather and content. Graphics are already good as they are now, however if they improved them I wouldn't complain.
Unpopular opinion: not everyone has a 4K 60Hz TV so prioritizing the 4K is... well... useless?
The priorities should be the antialiasing, which sucks at the moment, weather and content. Graphics are already good as they are now, however if they improved them I wouldn't complain.

It's true that the majority don't have 4k t.v sets now, but in 3 or 4, maybe even 5 years, I suspect they might.

Just like DVD, laptops etc...flat screens have gone from very expensive and rare to almost obligatory in a household.

4k sets will likely end up the same way in 5 years.

Which means that by the time the ps5 is actually released and on sale it would have to have it as standard...especially as the ps5 would then be expected to have a 5-7 year lifespan.

That would be far too long to go without future proofing a new console with something like 4k; a purchase that would be increasingly common for customers.

By then, in say 2022, we should have 4k at 60fps (minimum) as the standard, and it should be treated the same way 1080 at 60 is now.

P.C gamers will no doubt be able to play at ridiculous resolutions with high frame rates by then, and this next console generation must be more robust and forward thinking.

People will pay that bit extra if Sony offer something genuinely cutting edge; by which I mean something that will actually be at the cutting edge for a while instead of using obsolete technologies before it even hits the shelves.
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Unpopular opinion: not everyone has a 4K 60Hz TV so prioritizing the 4K is... well... useless?
The priorities should be the antialiasing, which sucks at the moment, weather and content. Graphics are already good as they are now, however if they improved them I wouldn't complain.
Not to sound harsh but you really shouldn't complain about graphics if you're gaming on a 1080P set. My Pro is hooked up to a 4K tv and I don't have those issues my friend. GT Sport runs at 1800P and then upscaled from there on the Pro. This game is a site to behold with tbe right equipment (Pro and 4K HDR tv) this is why people say its the best looking racer thus far. Don't even bother getting a PS5 until you upgrade to 4k first or you will not even play the games in their full glory
Not to sound harsh but you really shouldn't complain about graphics if you're gaming on a 1080P set. My Pro is hooked up to a 4K tv and I don't have those issues my friend. GT Sport runs at 1800P and then upscaled from there on the Pro. This game is a site to behold with tbe right equipment (Pro and 4K HDR tv) this is why people say its the best looking racer thus far. Don't even bother getting a PS5 until you upgrade to 4k first or you will not even play the games in their full glory

I don't know why you think it's harsh, as I haven't said what I'm gaming on...you just assumed.

My point was about the future proofing of a ps5.

The ps4 pro doesn't do "real" 4k does it?

What I was trying to say was a ps5 must be, at the very least, able to output in real 4k at a high frame rate, that's all.
As it’s Esport oriented, i think the y could announce a season 2 pack, as Street fighter, tekken, or fortnite.
Still hoping something like that on coming Tokyo Game Show
Ok let's look at those links;
Express - not even clicking
Uploadvr - "PS5 Won’t Arrive Until At Least 2021"
T3 - "who has confirmed that there will be no new PlayStation before 202"
Gamespot - "PS5 Still Three Years Off"
Buisness Insider - "The PlayStation 5 won't launch until at least 2021"

Polygon - "The next PlayStation is at least three years away"

Ah ok, so it looks like Sony have said that it's at least three years away and 2021 is the earliest possible it COULD launch, ok seems fair enough, so what did you say?

Sony confirmed they will support PS4 for (at least) another 3 years. It’s the norm for Sony to support consoles long after next gen launches.

If you follow the industry closely, both tech developments, and Sony’s 1st Party releases. It’s increasingly obvious PS5 will be revealed in 2019 with a late 2019 launch. Last E3 Sony focused on already announced titles - we’ll know for sure if PS5 is 2019 based on what Sony shows, or most likely doesn’t, at Paris Games Week and PSX.

If nothing of note is revealed from any of Sony’s 1st Party at those upcoming shows that’s final confirmation PS5 is 2019. Dates can always slip but some people are in for a shock if they think PS5 is 3 years away.

As for GT Sport and the Gran Turismo franchise. I still expect a complete edition to launch on PS4. It makes all the sense in the world when you consider PS4 will still be sold 4-5 years from now at a budget price point.

I also believe the next Gran Turismo will be GT7 and release within the first 12 months of PS5’s launch. It should incorporate all GT Sport’s online features plus the ‘Car RPG’ aspects of old Gran Turismo’s. All assets and features developed for GT Sport will transfer over to GT7.

PS5 won’t be a quantum leap over PS4 despite a massive GPU & CPU bump. We’ll basically get GT Sport level’s of presentation at native 4K/60, improved effects, weather, more cars etc.
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