Welcome Perkel from Poland
Somehow the ? mark was ommitted from my original post, and if your not a big fan of irony, that might have made some difference. So seriously this is and was an attempt to gather useful comments about a great title (GT5) and the future and present ways to improve it. You know constructive criticism. While everyone else, we like to be taken seriously. I must say I am no one 's dude. There was no attempt at solving hunger or peace but your comments again remind me that intelligent lifeforms are thinly spread on this planet anyway.
My first comments were genuine praise of this franchise and many of my serious concerns have been address in the last year probably because myself and others have taken time in a thoughtful and positive wasy to share these aspirational what ifs with Gtplant and hopefully PD. I waited to do the 24 N'ring and Le Mans events until the game save feature made its way into the game. I did not want to leave my PS3 running constantly for days until I finished all 24 hours in one event with no co-drivers. Two hour stints are reasonable but 24 at once is not realistic. That is just one positive upgrade made since launch.
My mentioning the Level D aircraft sims was to add gravitas to my speaking about simulators. They are so accurate it is possible take all your training and rating test without ever touching the real Aircraft. I have in fact done one of my jet rating in that way with many hours of safe accident free flying. One of my jobs was to ensure the real aircraft and the simulator were accurately matched so pilots would not die in the application of their craft.
With regard to motorsports I have held annual or hard card credentials as a photojournalist for many international racing series. I have stood in the pits and dodged the cars, smelled the rubber,fuel and sweat from the driver as they got out of their cars. Again real world experience not just reading about it.
Instant, in the 5 th version, is by definition not accurate.
While track and car selection will be as varied as the people who would make them, there are still landmark efforts that should by most accounting be included. The fantasy tracks are much less effort (read as cost) to produce and I think should give way to actual venues which can be made available. DLC paves the way for these additions.
When you take away peoples' dreams you commit them to boring and uninspiring lives. This title GT5 has the ability to bridge the gap from casual gamer to hard core racer and everyone in between. So why not add more and better feature for all to enjoy? "A Real Driving Simulator", more marketing than reality but truly a noble effort. And again did you miss my opening remarks about loving the game?
With regard to your female friend, I'm sure she probably enjoyed the fact that she could pilot her own car in a new world and try things she might not in her own car. I am able to take my daily driver around the 'ring very quickly while in the actual seat from that car and while its power seat function is not as important as the feel in its accurately modeled cockpit, it enhances the experience.
My ability to send PD additional funding is of little import,for they have only asked any of us to contribute $59.95 plus tax at launch or more for DLC content.
I'm not sure if the title confused you or just made you mad, either way you're always welcome with positive contributions. So enjoy as intended or keep your thoughts to youself.
Robert Phelps
Fair enough. I didn't miss it (about loving game) it is just that your Title gives wrong ideas for your post. If you trully wanted to discus about improving game you would use something like Improving GT5 or something. Not " $80 Million and going backwards" which suggest something other what you want to say in your post.
Well weird part is that my post is somewhat taken offensive

as my fellow GTP user said:
I agree quite a bit with Perkel. Except for his tone to the OP. It's true that he went a little overboard with that.
If those are you thoughts I'm sorry made you feel that way.
"A Real Driving Simulator", more marketing than reality but truly a noble effort."
Well, your words can be aplied to any simulator even to those multimilion flying simulators. There is absolutly no perfect simulation hance even those multimilion simulators are constantly evolving and will be evolving even 10 or 20 years from now on. This is why my point of "A Real Driving Simulator" still stands. It's simulation of multitude of cars given best simulation engine to cover them all at this point of time. In few years GT5 model will be like dinosour for us as engine of iRacing or LFS.
Made no mistake i too feel some things are flawed especialy for me low speed model with cars sliding from road ...

standing still. Slip streaming being ultimate weapon, Cluth working on/off and many many other things.
Well given your job i don't want but i must assume you have little knowelage of developing games. Especialy something like GT. This why i care to reply to your post.
You and many other people take things for granted. Every time i see something like your title or half of your post (especialy with tracks part) i feel like him: (you must watch it)
Making game as GT is monumental task.
If PD wanted to create super simulation they would do it. They have skills and workforce and talent that iRacing devs probably will get in few years if ever.
The biggest problem what lies at point of creating game is in it's scope.
Creating physic engine for few cars isn't a problem because you can fine tune it by every car, creating physic engine for 10-50 cars is menegeable with fine tuning but you must aply some world optimalizations and rules. Any numbers cars above that physic model can't be created by fine tuning.
What it means you have to create something that covers them all.
Now add open whellers, drift cars, rally cars, weather and other things and this is pretty much clauster####. That's would be freakishly hard in itself.
Add above must be aplied to all 1000+ cars in game.
If world would be perfect there would be simple E=mc^2 but it isn't. Doing work on that massive rooster of cars is amazing hard. How i know ? It's easy. Any game that is big and complicated have milion of bugs. The bigger the scope the bigger bugs will be. And what is most weird GT5 is almost bug free for its scope.
To normal people things like tyre model is something that could easly be pulled of. For game developer it is matter of time in weeks, moths or even years.
People have been wodering what PD did for almost 5 years ? They've been working hard probably sleeping under their desks (like usually PD staff do) to deliver 1000+ cars game with best simulation they could pull of.
You said constructive criticizm. I agree. But half of your post isn't that. You sounded like PD is doing nothing and we all should point at this flaw.
That would be normaly be treated as constructive criticizm but it isn't.
If any racing game developer strive for more simulation in their game IT is definetly PD. In every interview in every show, every time Kaz as head of PD point at something that values for him, it's delivering best simulation he could do to people as close as it can get. So in their plans there are milestones for delivering it hence things like low speed simulation or tyre model are well known to them and probably they know even more things we don't even realize that has to do with simulation.
Things they don't realize or they just have diffrent opinion are like UI problems, online bugs and other annoyences which they constantly from premiere improve.
If they wanted they could easly stop at GT3 level of simulation but they didn't they showed much progress when we got GT HD and then improved in hugely in GT5 Prologue. Then it was GT Time trial challange for GT Academy and they revamped physic engine many of us who tought was awasome even more. With premiere of GT5 they again upgraded it a little. And all that was in between GT4 and GT5. Like jump from 3rd league to first.
And even after premiere they upgraded things like slipstreaming and other which most of us thought almost non-issue.
They know what to do in therms of physic. Give them time they will change it either in life of GT5 or GT6 or if it is resource problem in GT7.
What we should is to show them things like annoying popups after buying cars, improving sounds of cars (to me it's problem with resources of PS3), improving online to be less tidious (especially that terrible search of lobbys). Show them what they missed with their work (as lately NSX texture change.), how to improve carrier mode. Or give them ideas about track creator.
If you have been watching closely development of GT you would know that they had and probably have some amazing things to include.
Time and money is enemy not PD lack of skill ot vision in therms of delivering proper simulation. They doing what they can you just don't see it.
What would sum up my post is that:
PD know well their problems with it's simulation model and they never said they are happy with that. They constanty improve it as they can also delivering something new in process. Bitching about it won't change anything unless their mentiality will change that they won't try too improve things.
Let's help them with things that they aren't aware of. They showed us that they aware of us.
Yelling at them FASTER FASTER FASTER on things they aware of won't help them at all.