800PP High Speed Ring - xx:00 / :20 / :40

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For anyone suffering from quiet races there is full grids here tonight
with tagged drivers from various communities

Great 👍
Going for a spin at :00

Man, two mistakes in thesame corner. :dunce: Too heavy on the throttle I guess. But that was some good racing! :)

EDIT 2: I'm going off now, thx for the racing guys! 👍
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HSR was re-born tonight! Thanks to crazy_torise, Blagger_man, M5doc, roomboter, sejtur and anyone else I forgot for the awesome races!
How many were in the biggest grid, please?

Think the grids were mostly 12 there was one with 11 S2000s 👍

Great racing tonight from everyone GTP GT5net GT5 GTHQ GTRP
and all the untagged guys :cheers:

Best nights racing Ive had in ages :)
HSR has indeed been reborn. Some great racing out there tonight. Theres to many to even try to remember but they were from all different tags 👍 Nice to see a good mix. Until tomorrow :cheers:
Yay, won my first HSR race! :)
Good racing so far, from everybody. Last races sometimes were 6-car battles. Really nice. 👍

EDIT: Last race for me now, this evening.
Decided to start a new game which I regret, I could have to get some money quicker cause right now I'm still on the B class (and I'm on vacation right now too :().
Been a few days back when I had a fine race with an UK chap on HSR.
And finally found some time for a few races today.
Some 8 to 12 grid races with a good mix of tagged and non tagged drivers.
Sorry for my noob style driving, didn't do much racing online lately and it shows...
Had some fun though, hope I didn't messed up anyones race there

Should be there around the same time as roomboter

Edit: just been on and there's a lot of punters on there today, some disgraceful driving!
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Should be there around the same time as roomboter

Edit: just been on and there's a lot of punters on there today, some disgraceful driving!

i hope they are gone by the time i get online

see ya a bit later
Some of use are slower, but still have fun! I know i will not win with my Viper, but if i get a good draft i just about stay with anyone!!!:sly:👍
Im a bit confused about this post, didnt they end the 800 pp high speed ring race (expert) last month and replace it with some lower pp races?
i had some awesome races last weekend here with a couple of friends. took my amuse out of the garage and changes my tiers from R3 to S3, to get it on 700PP.
Yes I did this one a couple of times now with the GTLM. I just had two back to back great one-on-one races. I won one of them, but I have to work on my race-pace, it's not good enough.
Yes I did this one a couple of times now with the GTLM. I just had two back to back great one-on-one races. I won one of them, but I have to work on my race-pace, it's not good enough.

What are your lap times?
My lap times without mistakes are around the 1:08.4/1:08.5. On R1 tires.

That are pretty nice laptimes, that was probably done with the GTLM. I used the Amuse on S3 and did 1:09:049 . i will try the R1's, let's see what times i can run those tiers

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