I know I shouldn't be posting this because I have a risk of getting all of my recent posts deleted..but I feel very defensive at this moment AdvanR.please excuse me Talentless..I know this may be against the conduct,but as I said,I'm feeling very defensive against AdvanR at this moment.Look,Advan..you're not the ****..even though you may have been in Osaka,which you didn't even capitalize by the way =P,including the word Japan (if you respect the place you know so much about..at least have the dignity to capitailize it) Look,I may not be the almighty wise man of knowing every different type of Japanese language there is to know,but I do know what I have told you so far.If you wish to call my statements false,then please don't blame that on me,blame that on the book that I have read.and no,it wasn't a cheap mini Japanese book that you can just buy at the supermarket..it was actually one you had to order FROM Japan,so if you say it's wrong,then,heh..you might wanna reconsider your answer.please excuse my rough Japanese speaking,but I did not know that Nihongo itself still meant Japanese,I only knew Nihon meant Japan,but I didn't exactly know what the "go" meant after it ^_^,sorry.look,I know like the basics of it,mainly cause I can't remember the really long sentances and the words that sound really hard to pronounce.I can say stuff like,"Anata wa baka no gaien nasu?" I believe that's how you spell it,but I'm not 100% certain,so please don't get all mad at me for not knowing it to it's full extent..after all,I am an american.and no I don't live in Utah,and what ever gave you the idea that I'd want to change my name to Takumi,huh????just because I like a really cool anime (in my opinon) and I like one of the cars in the anime,doesn't mean I'm gonna change my name to the person that drives it.look,you have a misunderstanding of people liking REALLY cool things!such as anime!!just because someone watches an anime doesn't mean they're a Japanese wannabe!and even if they were,which if you call me that,then okay,maybe I am..but what makes me different from you?hmmmm?I learn my Japanese from Subtitled anime and Japanese books,you learn yours from teachers or something,I don't know.so just cause I watch anime and think it's reeeeally awsome,and I'm an otaku,doesn't mean that I'm a "Japanese wannabe" as you called it.I know I may have called it that first,but you used it in a different term than what I did,so you're at fault.look,maybe you might wanna reconsider about continuing this conversation,cause I won't back down from someone insulting me.To you it may not be an insult..you probably think it's either just your opinon or just something to say..but to me,it's an insult.once again Talentless,I am really sorry about continuing this matter..but as I said,I felt defensive towards what he said to me..sorry