80's SSR5 Challenge!

  • Thread starter AE86Driver
You can have your opinions, just be civil.

I know, but that does not excuse the times you did.

I would think no such thing, but I have never been one to assume what adding an o would do to the meaning of a word. For all I know Nihongo could mean anti-japan.

For the record, I did have the suspicion that bai bai means what you said.

Alright, I did noticce some of that, but there is a differences between acting arrogant and insulting.

Anyway, peace to you.
I know I shouldn't be posting this because I have a risk of getting all of my recent posts deleted..but I feel very defensive at this moment AdvanR.please excuse me Talentless..I know this may be against the conduct,but as I said,I'm feeling very defensive against AdvanR at this moment.Look,Advan..you're not the ****..even though you may have been in Osaka,which you didn't even capitalize by the way =P,including the word Japan (if you respect the place you know so much about..at least have the dignity to capitailize it) Look,I may not be the almighty wise man of knowing every different type of Japanese language there is to know,but I do know what I have told you so far.If you wish to call my statements false,then please don't blame that on me,blame that on the book that I have read.and no,it wasn't a cheap mini Japanese book that you can just buy at the supermarket..it was actually one you had to order FROM Japan,so if you say it's wrong,then,heh..you might wanna reconsider your answer.please excuse my rough Japanese speaking,but I did not know that Nihongo itself still meant Japanese,I only knew Nihon meant Japan,but I didn't exactly know what the "go" meant after it ^_^,sorry.look,I know like the basics of it,mainly cause I can't remember the really long sentances and the words that sound really hard to pronounce.I can say stuff like,"Anata wa baka no gaien nasu?" I believe that's how you spell it,but I'm not 100% certain,so please don't get all mad at me for not knowing it to it's full extent..after all,I am an american.and no I don't live in Utah,and what ever gave you the idea that I'd want to change my name to Takumi,huh????just because I like a really cool anime (in my opinon) and I like one of the cars in the anime,doesn't mean I'm gonna change my name to the person that drives it.look,you have a misunderstanding of people liking REALLY cool things!such as anime!!just because someone watches an anime doesn't mean they're a Japanese wannabe!and even if they were,which if you call me that,then okay,maybe I am..but what makes me different from you?hmmmm?I learn my Japanese from Subtitled anime and Japanese books,you learn yours from teachers or something,I don't know.so just cause I watch anime and think it's reeeeally awsome,and I'm an otaku,doesn't mean that I'm a "Japanese wannabe" as you called it.I know I may have called it that first,but you used it in a different term than what I did,so you're at fault.look,maybe you might wanna reconsider about continuing this conversation,cause I won't back down from someone insulting me.To you it may not be an insult..you probably think it's either just your opinon or just something to say..but to me,it's an insult.once again Talentless,I am really sorry about continuing this matter..but as I said,I felt defensive towards what he said to me..sorry

your last post seemed less aggressive and more defensive. now that i see that i want to say i have no problem with you if you dont have a problem with me. i just felt insulted by some of your comments.

btw, now that ive experienced a few of your responses i can see that i shouldnt take your little comments to personally. but just so you know, the comment about capitalizing a city would probably get on someones nerves. You might want to curb some of your posting habits because it seems you put little things in them that is offensive to some people. just trying to help. pls dont think im insulting your posting skills, lol.

and i thought initial d was cool too when i saw it about a year ago. but i have seen it everywhere lately and that turns me off. i havent seen any episodes past 2nd stage ep 5 i think. Good things always must have an end, and after 3rd stage this, battle stage that, this series feels more and more like the simpsons. milking profits and keeping the series alive only for making money.

btw, couldnt get any times today, sorry. i will before january 6th though.

good day.
hmmm...it felt like the simpsons?I don't see how,but okay,people have opinons.see,it's First Stage,Second Stage,Third Stage (the movie),Battle Stage,Extra Stage (Impact Blue),then 4th Stage is supposed to come out sometime at 2003 Summer the last time I heard.and to me,it just seems to be gettin' better ^_^,but that's just me.

yeah,I know what ya mean,cause if you download the same episode,but it's by different FanSubbing artists,then you'll get different subtitles ^_^,I learned that from watching the first half of Initial D First Stage with Japanese language and english subtitles,but towards the end of First Stage,I started downloading episodes that had Chinese language instead (but there were still subtitles of course) and the Japanese and Chinese used different words to represent things,so it was confusing =P,but I got the hang of it,hehe

Will both of you shut the hell up. I'm getting tired of reading this, take your agruements up in private messages not public for everyone to see.
uhh..dude,we're not arguing anymore,now quit trying to start somethin' Zero =P,tell em' Talentless :P,you had everything settled between me and AdvanR (well..we kinda settled it between each other,but still..) so please tell this Zero,or who ever he is,not to start anything..besides,the first way to try to stop a conflict,isn't best resolved by your reasoning of just blurting out,"Will both of you shut the hell up",cause you'll just get that thrown right back in your face.sorry dude,but also..another thing,when you said,"I'm getting tired of reading this",then don't R-E-A-D it!that plain and simple Zero :lol:

Well, this forum does have a focus. I would prefer you both talk about this in private. I meant that I can tolerate off topic discussions, I did not mean that I was trying to encourage them.
I know,but I suppose I should get back on topic,huh?so,how's everybodys times comin'????I've just been a lil too busy playin' my new games for christmas still...like Legaia 2: Duel Saga =D.but I'd least like to know what everybody elses times are,hehe.so,send away!

Well darn I should have read the rules more carefully, I thought the 68Gs included the car.I bought an 89 Nissan March with 108 hp lol. I ran the SS-5 in 1:31.891. Back to old drawing board I guess:rolleyes:
Originally posted by cerbera
Well darn I should have read the rules more carefully, I thought the 68Gs included the car.I bought an 89 Nissan March with 108 hp lol. I ran the SS-5 in 1:31.891. Back to old drawing board I guess:rolleyes:
'89 Nissan March? Are you talking about GT2? :confused:
yea, i bet. might as well still try it though.

anyway, ive played with this challenge for a few hours the RIGHT way now. using a miata(hehe it was pretty damn cool, like a 300hp turbo old school miata) and gts-t. both with a stage 2 turbo and as many power mods as i could get, the gts-t only had 350hp and the miata much less. i couldnt even get either into the 1:20s. my conclusion is that the best car would be something that could make way more power out of that stage 2 turbo. im sure i could get the s13 silvia a bit faster than the gts-t as its power should be the same but its still lighter, but theres no way it could beat your 300zx. im pretty sure the 300zx would be the best car for this challenge. but i will still fool around with the r32 gtr and see. if it cant do it, ill take the 300zx and see what i can do with it. im sure i wont be able to go as fast as you though because ive never used the 300zx and you seem to like it.
Yea, GT-2. Can challenges like these be played on all the GT games? The tracks that are the same ( are the same ) are'nt they?
There are some differences. Besides, the advanced physics would affect the outcome.

It's best to compete in a GT2 version and not combine results.