Alright, here are my whack opinions.
1) Ant's crash was terrifying, and caused by yet
another GT Amateur class Ferrari. Which begs the question, why do we even have an
Amateur class at the world's most prestigious motor race? It is even more highly regarded than the Olympics (IMPOSSIBRU!) by National Geographic.
I think we need to make the current GT class GT2 and introduce a GT1 that can take the fight to the leading LMP2s. Maybe even the LMP1s. I know that defeats the point of having classes, but damn, we need more cars like the McLaren F1 taking the overall win. Maybe they could get rid of LMPs altogether and just make the GTs super fast.

I'd watch that.
2) LMAO at Nakajima taking out the Deltawing.

There was just no way Nakajima was going to drive in a 24 hour race without making a mistake of some sort. Especially when he had no LM experience. Better luck next year. Good show of respect to Highcroft later on, though. 👍
3) Thank you Speed TV for showing the NASCAR Practice at Michigan, it was one of the most exciting things I ever watched, I'd rank it up there with that one time I watched paint dry. Seriously, it was awesome. 👍 I'm sure NASCAR fans must have greatly appreciated it when you switched over from that dumb race in France.
(I know they were showing it online, but principles, dammit! If Speed TV was showing it over Le Mans, it had to be good, right?)
4) I apologize for this is another rant against Speed. Thanks so much for showing the same ads over and over again in the 24 hours, really, they were great. Judging by the quality of the ads, I'm sure they must have payed you
huge amounts of money to show their ads so many times in such a major event. 👍 Well done Speed!
Oh, and you don't
need a Speed 2 to show those racing events you used to show when you were Speedvision, and awesome. Seriously. Seeing as you did
just fine showing equal coverage of most motorsports on
one channel a decade ago. Because, you know, you had just the
one channel back then.
Maybe it's time to cut back on the Nascar and those stupid reality shows no one wants to watch? Just a thought. 👍