9/11 Conspiracy Theory

There is currently a widely promulgated conspiracy doing the rounds and it is suggesting bin Larden was behind the 9/11 attacks.
Wanna know the truth?

911 Research
German Engineers help the USA
Physics 911
American Coup d'état
Originally posted by MagicRoundabout
There is currently a widely promulgated conspiracy doing the rounds and it is suggesting bin Larden was behind the 9/11 attacks.
Wanna know the truth?
Sure I do. And having just spent most of an hour following these links, I can say I'm no more likely to find the "truth" there than I am anywhere else - and probably less likely.
I'll have to go with the Duke here. Nobody knows the "real truth" of who caused the attacks except for the people who caused the attacks
Originally posted by MagicRoundabout
There is currently a widely promulgated conspiracy doing the rounds and it is suggesting bin Larden was behind the 9/11 attacks.
Wanna know the truth?

1. Your really in the know aren't ya? :rolleyes:
2. You'll probably never post in this site again.
3. [edited out]
What's with these idiots? This is the third time that a first timer posts this kind of crap and runs away like the cowards they are.

For real you guys.


I don't like this member any more than the rest of you, but each one of you have done something wrong... well actually, just 87chevy, ledhed and milefile. (3 members I like :D 👍 )

But I do ask that you back off in honor of our standards at the gtp.

Thank you for your cooperation. :robocopvoice:

Thanks again.

btw, emad, that avatar has got to go.
Consider that a blatant warning. :D
Please, take care of it on your own.
Hi - There are some "interesting" responses on this thread. I posted this thread because I consider the information contained within the links I provided offers an important alternative perspective to the events of 9/11. It is made quite clear before anyone clicks on a link the premise of what the information is suggesting. If you do not wish to read what is being said or disagree with it, that is fair enough, but perhaps a better response would be to give reasons as to why, or why not, you agree with it. Or alternatively, don't post at all.
...And as it happens, I am a big fan of the GT series and I'm looking forward to racing an F40 (I hope) around the Nurburgring in November :)
I would rather argue about the moon really being made of cheese., instead of mad conspiracy theorys made up by speedfreaks who have converted to mushroom users.
Anyway the moon being made of cheese has about as much credance as these links. ( the cheese is green btw )
Originally posted by GoKents
btw, emad, that avatar has got to go.
Consider that a blatant warning. :D
Please, take care of it on your own.

Wow, you're the 2nd person to tell me to take down the Nazisoft avatar. What is it about this particular take against microsoft that offends so many people?
Only Michael Moore knows the truth. When his new film is released we will all be privy to the delicate information which only he is capable of knowing.

I can't wait for the cleverly named Fahrenheit 911. When was the last time he titled something without completely ripping off Ashton Kutcher or Ray Bradbury?
It's a known fact to some people that the US were controlling the planes from a remote location and that there were no hijackers, it was all just a plot to attack Afghanistan because Bush wanted to.
Originally posted by heero 12
It's a known fact to some people that the US were controlling the planes from a remote location and that there were no hijackers, it was all just a plot to attack Afghanistan because Bush wanted to.
I'm assuming that you're being sarcastic? Next time try the [sarcasm] tags...

If you weren't, please do post a link to some evidence for this "known fact". I could really use a good belly laugh this morning.
Originally posted by ledhed
I would rather argue about the moon really being made of cheese., instead of mad conspiracy theorys made up by speedfreaks who have converted to mushroom users.
Anyway the moon being made of cheese has about as much credance as these links. ( the cheese is green btw )

It is made of cheese..........

Ok, Ok, I apologize for point #3 in my first post. But I will still say "Do you think this is late breaking news or something?" to MajicRoundabout. Of course Bin Laden was behind the attacks!! I think that has been well documented already. And NO i didn't click on your given links. neon_duke Already let me know from his post that your links accomplish nothing. So what's your point?

Oh, heero12, please use the [sarcasm] tags or something next time, because I know your not so stupid to believe that. And I wouldn't want people missunderstanding you and wanting to rip your little throat out because they didn't know you were kidding ;)

I heard the Moon was made of Munster(sp?) cheese...
Actually, not Wensleydale. According to Wallace, "it's like no cheese I've ever tasted, Grommit!"