Just War Theory

  • Thread starter JMoney

OMG as veteran and a amateur military historian this thread is giving me a headache.
What was the course? I'm guessing it wasn't politics, or anything actually relevant to the subject material if you had free choice of topic. Hence your grade has no actual bearing on the strength of your arguments, more on the "quality" of your writing.
Says in the OP. English class.
Language and Composition 200.

Yes, the argument obviously had to be accurate. That's the funniest assumption I've heard in a long time- when has there ever, in any course at any level, been a paper assigned that can be written completely inaccurately? You must have quite an interesting education system in Australia, but I guess its better than America's, right? America's History and English classes must be terrible because Americans are fat and full of misplaced national pride, right? Since you seem to know all about my assignment and what the requirements of the paper were, why don't you tell me all about West Jessamine High School, Hallie Brinkerhoff, Morehead State University, and Kentucky's public education system. Then your assumption might, MIGHT resemble intelligence.

It doesn't matter anyway- what I wrote is what I believe, and trying to make the claim that I only got a 95 because of BS high school requirements is simply irrelevant.
Language and Composition 200.

Yes, the argument obviously had to be accurate. That's the funniest assumption I've heard in a long time- when has there ever, in any course at any level, been a paper assigned that can be written completely inaccurately? You must have quite an interesting education system in Australia, but I guess its better than America's, right? America's History and English classes must be terrible because Americans are fat and full of misplaced national pride, right? Since you seem to know all about my assignment and what the requirements of the paper were, why don't you tell me all about West Jessamine High School, Hallie Brinkerhoff, Morehead State University, and Kentucky's public education system. Then your assumption might, MIGHT resemble intelligence.

It doesn't matter anyway- what I wrote is what I believe, and trying to make the claim that I only got a 95 because of BS high school requirements is simply irrelevant.

You've got an interesting assumption that I was educated in Australia, or that I claimed that Australia's education system was better than America's. Defensive much?

And no, a composition class isn't going to fact check your claims. They're going to check that there's no major logical flaws and check that your writing and formatting is correct, but you can't expect random professor to have the level of knowledge to know if any random essay is correct, nor can you expect them to spend hours doing the reading to be able to fact check it. As long as it doesn't sound retarded, you'll get a pass, because the point of the essay is not to make a good argument, it's to write well.

So no, your grade means absolutely nothing about how good your arguments are. It means you wrote a decent paper in a writing class. Congratulations.
Since you seem to know all about my assignment and what the requirements of the paper were, why don't you tell me all about West Jessamine High School, Hallie Brinkerhoff, Morehead State University, and Kentucky's public education system. Then your assumption might, MIGHT resemble intelligence.

You actually told us what the requirements were in a previous post so we didn't need to assume anything.

It doesn't matter anyway- what I wrote is what I believe, and trying to make the claim that I only got a 95 because of BS high school requirements is simply irrelevant.

No one is questioning your belief, but rather the validity of it being something that can be considered a source of truth. You keep referencing your paper as something that holds weight when in reality it's just your opinion on a subject with a few references thrown in. You are also taking this way to personal, we aren't attacking you specifically but rather questioning the source you used to based your whole position off of in this thread. It just so happens that you're also the author of the source you used.

I did go back and read, or at least, mostly read your paper and for an English assignment it's not horrible from a composition perspective, which is probably why you scored a 95 on it.
One thing you failed to mention in your little timeline was V-2 Rockets that were hitting Britain beginning in September 1944- without the Americans, Britain would have been severely weakened by those rockets, and without a western front to worry about Germany could have devoted more troops to fight the Soviets, which would have stopped the Russian advance or at least slowed them down. With Britain slowly weakening the Luftwaffe would eventually have taken another crack at an air battle- this time using ME-262's and perhaps even the Ho IX stealth jet fighter. Just because Britain lasted until mid-1944 certainly doesn't mean it would have lasted forever without the Americans.

The V-2 was never a serious threat to Great Britain. It could be argued that the cost of building and firing a missile did as much economic harm to Germany as their use did to Britain. As a weapon against purely military targets, the V-2 was in fact useless because of its lack of accuracy.

Also, you may wish to check the figures as to how many troops were deployed by Germany in the West after the Normandy invasion and how many troops remained in the East. The invasion wasn't quite as big a distraction as we in the West like to think.
And no, a composition class isn't going to fact check your claims. They're going to check that there's no major logical flaws
The problem is, as I outlined in my first post there are. He effectively dismantles his own essay without our input.
TL:DR War is just if the president was Republican and unjust if he was a Democrat.

Of course, because FDR was a Republican, wasn't he? Either debate, or stop trolling my thread.

Also, you may wish to check the figures as to how many troops were deployed by Germany in the West after the Normandy invasion and how many troops remained in the East. The invasion wasn't quite as big a distraction as we in the West like to think.

Germany devoted 1.5 million troops to the western front in 1944-45 during and after D-Day. In the east? 2 million in 1945, which makes sense because the Russians had a somewhat larger troop count than the Western Allies. If Germany had kept half a million on the western front without an invasion and sent another million to the east, the Russian advance could have gone very differently.

No one is questioning your belief, but rather the validity of it being something that can be considered a source of truth. You keep referencing your paper as something that holds weight when in reality it's just your opinion on a subject with a few references thrown in.

I'm referring to when someone asks me a question which the essay addresses. I'm no expert on just war theory; I'm just presenting my opinions.