908 HDI FAP tune????

  • Thread starter joe dirte9

joe dirte9

United States
i cant get the tune right on this car... i have tried using priano's but it still likes to go sideways at random.. and even when i put toe up high.. still goes sideways..(not as much but still does).

anyone got a tune for this car that can hlp... b.c ive heard the 908 beat the audi r8's lemans record in life... but in gt5 it still loses to my audi r8.... on any course.. in terms of lap times...

plz hlp with tune..

I drive:
Steering Sen:7
Tires: RH
Turbo: none
Body stiffness thing: none
Looking at Praiano's tune, if you want to tighten it up:
Increase rear camber
Increase rear toe
Increase rear spring rate
Increase rear ride height.

Don't do them all at once, but try each and see which one feels best, mix and match.
well i decided to give it another go at tuning and i actually made a tune that seems to do everything good... i just need to mess with some things to get more speed out of it... but it doesn't under-steer/over-steer at all and gets enough traction in/out of turns.

Downforce 60/85

1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 2.813 (i moved higher.. my opinion.. but this is good.)
3- Select top speed at 410 km/h = 254,8 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 3.210
2: 2.268
3: 1.691
4: 1.308
5: 1.049
6: 0.871

Tracks: All around... i dont change even.. it just works for every track

power 735 hp
weight 930 kg
perf. points 707 pp

LSD Rear 05/05/10

Ride Height: Front -20 / Rear -15

Spring Rate 15.1/14.9
Extension 8/7
Compression 8/9
Anti-roll bars 5/5

Camber 0.6/0.5
Toe -0.04/+0.12

Brake Balance 7/7

Tires: RH1:RH1

This tune is without any mods on ur car... not even racing mediams.. and u wont have to worry about understeer or anything
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I wish everyone requesting a tune would do as you have done, Joe. :bowdown:

thx... im slowly learning how to tune better.. idk if i got lucky or not on this tune.. but it turned out good...

6:07 seconds around nurgburgring... Priano's with this car was like 5:39 i think but im using no car mods and just racing hard... I tried priano's with no mods and RH but only got like 6:17 at fastest
Well, Praiano is also a driving god. :D He is regularly at the top of the heap in our shootout and I want to say he is D1 or 2 in the WRS. No shame in being slower than him. 👍
yeah... i have his 787b tune on well.. my 787b... only problem i have with the tunes he has is there made for racing soft with all the car mods on.... and i drive with all that off... so his tunes are made for a more grippy car.. and the turbo which changes the power bands of the transmission most likely..

so when i put them on my car that means the car would be more slippery and worse shifting due to me not using them...

but yes.. he is very good :)
i would kinda like to see priano make a tune with mods off.. i think it would be kinda interesting to be honest... just to see how much he can overcome driving a car with less traction than what hes used to
i would kinda like to see priano make a tune with mods off.. i think it would be kinda interesting to be honest... just to see how much he can overcome driving a car with less traction than what hes used to

Hello my friend. I did the test with no mods and RH. I´m 5.55.xxx like this. The tune stay the same, just LSD go to 5/5/5. Can be a little bit more comfortable with a special tune, but not faster for me.
I ´ll try your tune tomorrow night.
Have a good night.
Hello my friend. I did the test with no mods and RH. I´m 5.55.xxx like this. The tune stay the same, just LSD go to 5/5/5. Can be a little bit more comfortable with a special tune, but not faster for me.
I ´ll try your tune tomorrow night.
Have a good night.

color me impressed... i could of sworn i was driving that 908 as fast as possible with my tune on every tunn... i would like to see what you think of my tune and anything you may beable to improve and still keep it handling the same for the most part....
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well i decided to give it another go at tuning and i actually made a tune that seems to do everything good... i just need to mess with some things to get more speed out of it... but it doesn't under-steer/over-steer at all and gets enough traction in/out of turns.

Downforce 60/85

1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 2.813 (i moved higher.. my opinion.. but this is good.)
3- Select top speed at 410 km/h = 254,8 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 3.210
2: 2.268
3: 1.691
4: 1.308
5: 1.049
6: 0.871

Tracks: All around... i dont change even.. it just works for every track

power 735 hp
weight 930 kg
perf. points 707 pp

LSD Rear 05/05/10

Ride Height: Front -20 / Rear -15

Spring Rate 15.1/14.9
Extension 8/7
Compression 8/9
Anti-roll bars 5/5

Camber 0.6/0.5
Toe -0.04/+0.12

Brake Balance 7/7

Tires: RH1:RH1

This tune is without any mods on ur car... not even racing mediams.. and u wont have to worry about understeer or anything

Nice offline tune , a little bit stiff for the ring i think, but still very safe and fast. Need throttle control out medium and slow corners ,nothing difficult to control.
For online use the over-steer is more evident and the car is more technical to drive. Raising the rear ride height to -5 is enough to let the rear more planted.

Nice job.

Nice offline tune , a little bit stiff for the ring i think, but still very safe and fast. Need throttle control out medium and slow corners ,nothing difficult to control.
For online use the over-steer is more evident and the car is more technical to drive. Raising the rear ride height to -5 is enough to let the rear more planted.

Nice job.


i decided to try the car at the ring again and actually got a 6:03...still no 5:55 like u but its better than the 6:08 i got with it in the past...

But then i took it to other tracks, Grand Valley, La Sarthe... and uh... the car was kinda disapointing... and i was woundering if u can help me mess with this tune to get it better...

I like how my tune handles at the ring... but when i get to other tracks i think it kinda handles like ****... and everything seems kinda off... any way you can help this tune be faster while still maintaining any of the handling...

**i dont care if whole tune is changed.. but i just want some handleing like my old 1**

Grand Valley Times:
-Minolta, Sauber, 787b, Pescarolo Hybrid... can all score a 2:39
-908 HDI FAP Team Oraca.... 2:41-2:43... not consistant at all

La Sarthe times:
-Minolta: 3:24
-787b: 3:25
-sauber: bro's car so idk
-Pescarolo Hybrid: 3:27
-908 HDI FAP Team Oraca.... 3:31

As i said shown by some of the lap times... its kinda a let down compared to my other cars.. and i would like some help with it...

thank you