

Yes, I am still alive.
Staff Emeritus
Lap 50 : Ross Brawn is sitting on the pit wall relaxing and eating a banana, but Jean Todt has been seen talking to Rubens - pushing the button on his desk with Ruben's name on it

Lap 54 : The two Ferraris appear to be coasting home for a 1-2 finish and it looks as if it will go in favour of Barrichello this time
When they were Interviwing Jean Todt he said "On the last lap I radioed Barrichello and said I need you to do something for me WIN THE RACE"

What a joker :lol:
I was very glad the way it all turned out, go Rubens!!! :)
I know Rubens ran a great race and im glad he won, but the reson i said that is because schumacher didnt win, therefore not pleasing his home crowd, but i was surprised the fans were very very supportive. (I posted that first quote this morning before i had seen the actual race)
Yes Rubens, you are the man :thumbsup:

:ferrari: did the right thing that day, maybe I might even respect them if they keep this sportmanship up....just maybe :lol:

Ross Brawns Banana must have fueled his brain to make the right decision :banana: