A couple solutions to dirty drivers

  • Thread starter MoxGoat
GT 6 used to have a group who raced dirty for fun. the lobby was usually called "dirty nordshcliefe" or something. It was always great fun - knowing it will be dirty made it ok. They should make something like that more prominent so as to pull the trolls away from clean races. Can't beat, them join them i say.

There must be something wrong with the penalty system (in gtsport) - I guy was weaving in front of me to block me and rammed into me as I passed. I got 10s penalty - I don't he got anything. I finished ahead of him over the line but with penalty I was placed behind.

However, i think gtsport has some major improvements because there is much less of first corner carnage. That ghosting business also works reasonably well (sometimes not).

I think if the penalty system and ghosting develops in the right direction there may be a solution there.
Also, pre-race qualifying performance should influence matching more so as to sift out the dirty.
So really the only issue is that everyone starts at SR rank B forcing people who are not SR S or SR A to be playing against crashers. Another reason that Damage is not the answer as the crashers are put into the higher SR ranks early.

The whole system is built around SR if you drop down and race cleanly you will rise in rank, but you might actually be a dirtier racer at full race pace than someone at rank C who is not wanting or willing to drop back and waste races just building the rank up. Personally SR should not be based on clean sections, but rather close clean racing, clean passes, correct braking points and driving lines, its much harder to race at full pace in traffic and be clean than run at 85% pace with little to no traffic.

I agree that a starting racer should start at a lower ranking and work their way up.

But like anything else regardless of a racers SR ranking at the current time certain dirty racers have figured out how and when to use contact and they avoid the penalty while bulldozing their way towards the front and the innocent clean racer gets the penalty or get wrecked or both.

The only way I see to stop that is with high damage that has a much worse penalty through loss of performance than any reward hoped to be gained by intentional contact. Sure at first innocents will have some instances of undeserved damage, but in many cases as they are punted from behind the damage to their car will either not affect performance at all or at a minimum while the dirty racer will receive front damage affecting handling and possibly engine damage affecting speed as well.

Sure sometimes damage will disable your car as a result of a driving mistake hitting another car or going off the track and hitting a wall but what part of that is not more realistic than bouncing off the wall head on and continuing as if nothing happened.

To promote clean racing you have to promote careful racing and taking care of your equipment. Once the mindset changes from dive bombing the corners to learning your braking zones and cars limitations and how they change within race traffic over an empty race track then we will see the type of racing most of us desire and in the public daily or weekly races as well.
I really would have preferred high damage as a deterrent. I get that there will be griefers but not every race has them. Sometimes it's just normal guys getting overzealous as well. Having high damage would definitely make races better imo because everyone (except trolls) would be forced to weigh the risk Vs benefit of a shoddy move.
The last Need for speed game I played encouraged you to hit other cars (some sort of police chasing). I was basing my comment on that :)
You might be referring to the last Need for Speed game I played which was Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit on Windows 95. Shortly thereafter GT1 changed my perception of racing games forever.
I don't think the damage would work at all with daily lobbies. Think about it.. If these dirty drivers get damaged car early on, what would they be doing the rest of the race? Ramming more like there's no tomorrow.

I don't think it would be impossible to implement a system that adds certain hard penalty in some situations. For example if you're ramming and hitting others with full throttle you would be penalized with time penalty that gets added at the end of the race even if you try to slow down. I think the system could recognize this parameter. Also heavy steering deliberately toward other cars, and I mean full turning not the small imputs. Maybe even sanction the line change during braking zone in some corners if there's someone behind you within half a second. This would probably be harder to implement as there could potentially be different factors (someone ramming into the car, just losing grip, driving error etc.). It would be a start.
Imo there are some different kind of "dirty" (not actually all of them are dirty by definition) races/drivers:
-Griefers/Trolls:these people enjoy ruining others people games/races.They dont care about playing a game that is all about "demolution derby".So NSF is not the best "playground" for them.
-Competitive "dirty" drivers:these people are so serious about winning -even one place in a race- that they'll do anything to get that win/one place.Many of them are "serious" about sim racing but their mentality is just that:win at all costs.And if the said "sim" makes it easier for them to race dirty and get wins,they happily do it
-"Casuals" (or you can use another word for them):usually are people that are not "hardcore" sim racers.They dont care about realism but they only want to have fun racing.Most of the time,they have little/zero experience to "sims" titles and have the "plug/play and have fun" mentality.Usually they make a lot of dirty moves due to getting over excited or because of their inexperience. They do not have -necessarily- a goal to race in a "dirty" manner,many times are super carefull and show a lot of respect but they do make a lot of mistakes that some "hardcore" people describe as "dirty intended moves".
Either way the problem remains the same:the rating system should be able to make groups according to their skill (pace)/race etiquette.If it does not,then you'll always have races tha will mix people from different skills/etiquette.

I fully agree, i was about to write a reply using almost the same arguments ;-)
I am pretty sure the demolition derby guys are in a couple of weeks no problem anymore. They will play other games, maybe shooters, or drive in the hell of the lower SR groups.
The latter will also happen with the competitive dirty drivers.
Casuals (i am one of them) will have problems to achieve better driving ratings.
So in short time professional clean drivers will be safe.

I fully agree, i was about to write a reply using almost the same arguments ;-)
I am pretty sure the demolition derby guys are in a couple of weeks no problem anymore. They will play other games, maybe shooters, or drive in the hell of the lower SR groups.
The latter will also happen with the competitive dirty drivers.
Casuals (i am one of them) will have problems to achieve better driving ratings.
So in short time professional clean drivers will be safe.

I've been reading a lot of these kind of posts here (lately).
Is there a logical explanation or reason that can support this opinion or is this something -you/others- wish/hope?
I've been reading a lot of these kind of posts here (lately).
Is there a logical explanation or reason that can support this opinion or is this something -you/others- wish/hope?

hmmm no logical thoughts, only common sense and insights of a long term computer games player and wannabe psychologist ;-)
I also trust the SR accuracy of GT Sport. I made about 50 races and i was involved almost every race in crashes (if you start from place 6/7 in the grid the first 2 laps are crazy). Very very few were manifestly dirty. Some more, but also few, were from aggressive racers. And i would say 90% are caused by bad driving skills (mine or the opponent). In almost all cases my SR level after the race was fair. I jumped up after a couple of races with no error from my side and very sudden downgrades if i made bad mistakes.
hmmm no logical thoughts, only common sense and insights of a long term computer games player

Again I dont get it.
How "dirty" people that enjoy racing games are gonna drop the best selling PS4 racing game?
I am not attacking you in any way,just curious,because I've seen a lot of people posting similar opinions.

I also trust the SR accuracy of GT Sport

Imo you should not.Its not working as good as it should.Its too easy to get an SR S -example-.