a gallery into an empty space [speed thrills - 2.19.08]

You lucky bastard, you got a black Gullwing....wish *I* got that color :grumpy:

Post more of it! 👍

Anywhere that suits the car.

The gt-one black beauty @ ssr5 II looks like a Cylon!

I'm loving the interesting angles.

ive some at citta iirc. just been putting off on posting them. had to pust some race slicks on it though since i couldnt pass up the oppertunnity to put some bmw rims on it :D :lol:

[edit - babylon 5? lol]

hmm ... i might end up posting the rest of my elise pictures from photo comp 23 as well. tomorow i guess if i dont forget again.
heh ... guess you dont like it. its an onboard shot of the nike 1 2022 going through the tunel at monaco. i darkened the red area since watching the f1 race there, the tunnel is always dark on the onboard view then added a little motion blurring to the viewing area.
thanks :)

theres a thread about on board pictures somewhere around here, but, long answer short. switch to the bumper view and then go into photomode. take a picture and save it as film to a memory card then devlope it to your usb card. while devloping, it should put the camera in-car. youll have to experment with settings though as its hard to get the backround blurred, yet, not blur the car. whitness my avatar, its a yellow r8 at infinion yet the car is the only thing in motion.

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