A GTP/GT5 conversion of Fumes' tuning guide

I know this from my past weeks of testing lol... Lower front higher rear will make a car understeer.. Higher front lower rear will make a car looser.. Stiffer front springs than in the rear will loosen a car up and stiffer springs in the rear than the front will tighten a car up. Play with the front dampers it affects the rear. Play with the rear damper it affects the front.. Sway bar just seem to work better at a lower setting havent got them figured out all the way.. But on the left side of the suspension screen they have front and back reversed or the game does the exact oppisite. Go put your front at +20 and rear at -15 in any car it will be so loose you will spin out going straight lol.. But according to the GT-5 guide this should tighten a car up. And then go set the rear at +20 and front at -15 and it wont turn in a 10acre lot it will be to tight but the game says this should loosen the car up but it dosent. Same with springs go 13.5 front and 6 in the rear and the car will be loose but game says this tightens car up.. Then go and set the front at 6 and rear at 13.5 and agin super tight. So no matter what the game says it is easy for ANYONE to go test this with front engine rear wheel drive car and see what happens.. Dampers and roll bars im still trying to figure out.. They have rear toe correct + rear toe will tighten up the car and - rear toe will loosen it up. They also have camber correct but front toe is up for debate. But in the real world + toe is what will give you some extra grip cornering and in GT-5 going with - seems to help so thats a little odd. + Should help corner it makes the outside tire turn sharper and when weight is put out there it should help grip but in the game everyone goes with - front toe cause it helps the cars turn and gives a little better lap time. All im saying is some things are off.. Caster also helps the outside front tire get grip while cornering but GT-5 wont let you play with that :) When you go to test this go online in a room by youself the differences are so much more noticable.. But offline you will still see the same affect.
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I only know of one. Find me another that contradicts and we'll go from there.

I agree. I have only seen it printed in official documents like this.

Positive toe = toe in
Negative toe = toe out

You can find many internet forum posts where people say it is the opposite.
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I bet my newest tunes also look realistic, but that doesn't change the principles of how I arrive at those realistic-looking setups, does it?

Look, you either believe that some things are backwards or you don't. You just can't have it both ways. Too often I see people (not directly calling out you CSLACR) demanding that settings are backwards then posting well not for this car or that drive train type or for that situation. That just doesn't fly with me. It's either backwards or it's not - pick one. In my testing, the only place that I have seen the ride height high front/low rear produce any significant gains is with some FF cars. It's useless on LMP cars, JPTCs, most race cars, most FRs, MRs and 4wd.

I have my method and it works for me. You have your method and it works for you. I have respect for many tuners on this forum and their differing methods of tuning. Where things all fall apart is when someone wants to write "the guide" and some like to post their thoery as "the rule."
Thank you very much! Just one thing of Fumes you left out was ranges of spring rates based on car height. From the original:
So the next big question is how much Spring Rate is not too much or too little?
This question will depend on the weight of the car itself.

Use this as a general guide only.

Light cars 1000kg or less = values of 9 – 12
Moderate weight 1000kg to 1400kg = values of 12 – 15
Heavy cars 1400kg upwards = values of 15 – 17
Rally cars on dirt only = values of 5 - 7

I'm late finding this wonderful update of yours so you might not be following, but if you or anyone else can confirm that these numbers still apply in GT5 I'd appreciate it.

Thanks again, -Rick