a little pride America?

  • Thread starter Danoff
Originally posted by danoff
Remember September 11th? Many of you probably had an American flag on your car or displayed at your house. Eventually, you probably took it down (like I did) because it was time to get on with life.

Wouldn't now be a good time to get that flag back out and put it back on your dodge viper or NSX or Z06 or pinto or whatever you drive. I'd like to see some of the partiotism that we saw a year and a half ago.

I was actually contemplating that the other day...it would bring back some memories.
OK, I received a email about this thread from tank yesterday. As its a private email, I won't reveal its contents, but let's say it was related to my experience as being a moderator at a couple of forums over the last few years.

However, I can post my own email response, which went as follows (remember this was written yesterday)

Well, to be honest, I wouldn't go about doing anything. Its not illegal to show a flag as an avatar. I seem to have seen quite a number of people using the stars and stripes in some shape or form in avatars or signatures. That might bother some people just as much.
So really, just live with it. Its only a flag, nothing special. To claim someone is doing something wrong by showing a flag is really pretty silly, and you can't have everyone happy. Sometimes its best to just bite your lip, especially if your only reasoning is that it bothers you.

I say this with one of my older brothers in Southern Iraq right now heading for Basra.

This is being labelled as a war on Saddam, not a war on Iraq or its people. Earlier today the stars and stripes was raised over a captured Iraqi city.
Shorly afterwards, it was lowered again, and rightly so. The flag shouldn't have been raised in the first place saying as we are meant to be liberating the country from Saddam and his regime, not its own nationality and identity.

Hopefully in a few years the Iraqi flag will be shown as a sign of what can be done as it will need rebuilding and the UN will take on that role.
We are invading Iraq to remove Saddam and destroy his weapons.

Now that was yesterday without reading this thread, and I've since seen myself proven right with Tank indeed using the stars and stripes in his avatar.
How's that any different? We're all entitled to freedom of speech remember and just because you don't support a war or the justification of this war, does not mean you can't or don't support the troops and wish them to return home safely. (And don't forget that some Iraqi troops do not wish to fight, and others are doing so knowing that desertion may well lead to the deaths of their familes.)

I don't know if I support this war. Its not the black and white so many would like us to believe and the truth is countless shades of grey laden with hypocrisy, lies, bullying and arrogance on all sides.

But I do support my brother, his comrades and all the coalition troops out there doing their job because its what they were ordered to do.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I received an e-mail over my avatar earlier from some jackass. I don't remember who because I just deleted it without reading it.

Hehe, rock on! What do you think of my new avatar? It's different from my Bike Happy one...
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I don't support Iraq. Only the poor people in Iraq who are now in more harm than they were before.

I support the people in Iraq also but they aren't more in harms way than before. I doubt there will be as many of them killed in this war as they were under Sadaam.
Originally posted by KosmikFool
I was actually contemplating that the other day...it would bring back some memories.

Why should we have American Pride now?! Why the hell dont we always have it?! Some people are just so stupid. They only care about US and have pride for the US when we either lose something/someone or are going to war. But as soon as its over, we just dont care anymore. WHY? If you are going to have American Pride, then you should always have it, not when its only neccesary.

I had a flag on my car for a few days after 9/11 as did my friend on his pimpin ride. Until someone stole his FLAGS!!!! That kinda ruined it, and for that and many other reasons I dont wave the American Flag during times like these...
PBS in Austin aired two shows last night that I found interesting – “Blair’s War” and “Gunning for Saddam”.

The first show tackled the British Prime Minister’s role in the political situation we’re in and discussed some of the President Bush foreign policy. I took only a few things from this show as it was mostly liberal slant about the war and against bush but here goes.

The show said that basically the reason that some of the European countries are acting the way they are is because the world is somewhat scared of America as the only major superpower left in the world. I think this is fascinating. I hadn’t really thought of it from the point of view of other European countries. I mean, I consider America pretty harmless because of how driven the country is by public opinion (nice part of Democracy). The majority of Americans would have to decide that the country should go off and do something terrible for it to happen. And that’s not likely while we have a free press. It’s a nice system I think, which is why I don’t think that any country that’s able to hold itself to any real moral standards should be afraid of us (all others should fear bigtime). But I can kindof understand why some European countries (and some of the Canadians on this messageboard) might be a little scared and resentful of America. We’re the only major superpower left in the world. How do you have national pride when your government structure resembles most of the European world? When your country is not nearly as potent as several other countries? When you’re more of a tourist trap than a major player in international policy? (note: I’m not talking about all of the European countries here… I have a few in mind).

There would be a natural tendency to have some national pride though… and to do that in many cases its almost necessary to spite America so that you can claim that your country is better than ours (which it’s clearly not : ).

So this hatred of America acting without the sanction of the entire world (which is impossible) is natural for the citizens of these countries. But wait! What’s America to do about it? Bog ourselves down in asking for permission from every other country in the world for everything we do? Is America becoming a democracy run by the planet (but only taxing its own citizens)? I think not. Its our damn country. No other country on the face of the Earth is asked as much of as America. We have to get approval of everyone and their dog to take care of our own business (they didn’t even like it when we didn’t ask for permission to go after Afghanistan), we have to win our little war in 2 days with no military or civilian casualties. And we have to be clairvoyant about every action that we do take… if in 5 years it turns out that we did something slightly wrong???? Bad America!!! The world hates you you arrogant morons. Our hindsight is better than your foresight you stupid Americans.

So other countries get off on being able to tell us what to do and Bush isn’t letting them do it. OMG, Bush is actually standing up for our country. He actually cares about situation in Iraq more than foreign diplomacy with a bunch of landmarks. He doesn’t think that he needs the approval Eiffel Tower or the Autobahn or the Coliseum or a bunch of really great restaurants and breweries……. or… dare I say it… no… adding Big Ben to the list isn’t fair… after all they’re actually doing something about the situation.

After all, Blair said (and this should be an American and British motto)
'I do not seek unpopularity as a badge of honor. But sometimes it is the price of leadership. And the cost of conviction. ‘
he continued with….
‘But as you watch your TV pictures of the march, ponder this:
If there are 500,000 on that march, that is still less than the number of people whose deaths Saddam has been responsible for.'

People forget that there are actual honest to gosh convictions here (you know... the opposite of Clinton).

I’ll have to get to “Gunning for Saddam” later.
if you only put up a flag for snit like that why even bother? you only want to support your country when things like this happen? leave it up all the time you pansy arse *****************
sometimes people need a reminder where everyone else stands.... but they don't need it everyday. Overused symbols can become meaningless.