A question about offline custom races

Porto Alegre
First of all, i dont have GT7 yet and i didn´t found no details about the offline custom races in GT7.

All i know so far is that the payouts are much lower than the standard racing events, but i still interested for have the possibility of make better race events than the common "start in last place and overtake everyone in 3 laps". But i have some questions about it:

1 - How is the options to pick the AI cars in the race? Can i pick one by one, or its just by category related to PP limits?
2 - Can i limitate the range of tyre selection or force the AI to use the same as mine? For exemple, make everyone use Confort Soft tires.
3 - How challenging is the AI in the hardest difficulty? I remember it was very soft in GT Sport. Do they race passively in line or they are also agressive between each other?
4 - Any other aspect that i should keep in mind?
1. Yes, you can change them one by one.
2. Not a 100% sure on this, but you should be able to, settings were very similar to online room options.
3. This is a hard one to answer. It all comes down to skill, but for me personally the hardest difficulty is too hard to be able to win races witha car matching the AI. But when I switch to the wheel, it becomes manageable.
4. Hmm...
You can pick the cars one by one, but to do that, you can only use cars already in your garage.

If you can't/won't do that, your options are one-make, single category, or random, with no ability to then choose individual AI cars.
I didn't see any way of changing the AIs tires, they all use the ones the car comes with from factory I think. It might also be that they use whatever you have on them currently, but I'm not sure.
What bothers me the most is how road car driving AI is using ASC to a ridiculous extent, it's a disco when looking at it in replays :boggled:
In offline there only Arcade Race, Time Trail & Drift Mode or are you talking about Custom Races in the World Circuits which requires online

In the offline Arcade race you can select track, laps, certain time/weather conditions & select from pre-selected cars, not from your garage, also no dynamic weather.

In World Circuits, Custom Race (online) you create a personal grid by selection 'Select from Garage' any car you want

If you choose 'Random' for the cars the AI will use what it has for default tires, if you choose 'Select from Garage' then whatever tires you have put on them, they will use

If you use your garage cars, then you can control the PP by tuning them respectively for more challenging races.
Since we're here, i've got an additional question. Does anyone know if you can actually get the maximum difficulty in Custom Races? I try change every setting to fill up the 'chilli meter' but just like in GT Sport, it never seems to get me the highest difficulty setting/payout.
Oh, and all custom races have noticeably worse "rubberbanding" than GTS.
All I do are 3 lap races against 3 same-make from garage AI. And the outcome is always the same: first lap all AI race "normal". Second lap: the AI is slower. Third lap: still slower, until you overtake all. Then they awake back to normal to fight you shortly before the finish line.
But ultimately boring.
Since we're here, i've got an additional question. Does anyone know if you can actually get the maximum difficulty in Custom Races? I try change every setting to fill up the 'chilli meter' but just like in GT Sport, it never seems to get me the highest difficulty setting/payout.
You can. I believe you need to set the opponent cars to Gr.1, maybe some of the lower ones work too.
I started to wonder that not long after i wrote that post. Think i have put harder AI on before too, but never paid attention to the difficulty level i guess.
Oh, and all custom races have noticeably worse "rubberbanding" than GTS.
All I do are 3 lap races against 3 same-make from garage AI. And the outcome is always the same: first lap all AI race "normal". Second lap: the AI is slower. Third lap: still slower, until you overtake all. Then they awake back to normal to fight you shortly before the finish line.
But ultimately boring.
Rather than creating a new thread just refreshing this one.

But I want to echo your comments.

Just done a custom race today as I wanted to do a race sim of the Nations cup and work out what tyres are best. Well what a waste of time and easy credits.
16 laps with tyre wear x3 I’m running on softs and AI on hards. I was on professional difficulty with all cars been Gr3. After lap 3 I was P1 and pulling clear of the pack. Lap 6 I completely switched off and forgot to brake so crashed badly. This put me down to P8. Worked my way back up to P1 by lap 8 and then on lap 9 I pitted. New tyres no fuel and total pit time was 21 seconds. Exit the pits and I’m 18seconds behind P1. By the end off my outlap P1 was only 1 second ahead. Checked the replay and the lap time of P1 when I pitted, and the car completely slows downs and then speeds up once I’m within a certain distance to them.
PD seriously need to look at this as it just pointless doing custom races when the AI virtually let you win.
So that Rubber Banding is real, huh.
Very annoying but I didn’t do custom Races so haven’t experienced it by myself.
In SP Mode this doesn’t or at least hasn’t happened to me.
Thankfully, otherwise SP Mode or GT7 in General would be a huge let down for me.
I beg PD to finally Fix the Open Lobbies…that’s where I got my fix in GTS.
Would be awesome if PD would let us use MP Mode on their Single Player Events.
If we don’t get full Rooms they can simply fill them up with their Bots…😅
Always a welcome pleasure to trick myself in being able to kick WorldTour Aliens‘ Ass 😂
You can change the AI's tires, The AI will swap to racing soft if you have ANY racing tire equipped in your tune AND own racing hard for the car .
The game does not have " worse" rubber banding, I have done extensive testing The AI is just bad at passing slower drivers for some stupid reason on certain tracks, that's why they appear to get "faster" after a few laps because they take forever to pass the lane hogs. If you select one make / same car the AI gets assigned different " parameters" , and some cars are slower. I have found a way to eliminate this by using unique duplicates, either way, there is an element of RNG , and each AI is unique.
Turing BOOST, to strong, the AI is much more competitive in the sense that they push harder, in GT sport this feature made them slower for some reason.

When selecting AI it is important to look at horsepower, and weight, setting them up using PP gets crap races for logical reasons.

If you guys would like, I can take dozens of screenshots showing races with 8-second spreads between 12 cars, I'm convinced many people are just genuinely bad at making a competitive field .

Over the last few days I have been refining a group of 12 cars to the point they straight up make incredibly balsey moves, including but not limited to overshooting turns , and ramming brutally into other AI . I had a car chase me so deep into a turn we both rammed into the wall ( I overshot it, and the AI followed me into oblivion) .

Also, if a car is 2000 or older, give it racing brakes with racing pad's , if a car is a 2000 -2012 non-super car, give it sports pads, and if a car is 2014+ stock pads.

I suggest you run sport soft- medium and up to sports pads and detune to 5% less ( 5 HP per 100 hp) ( the AI only goes 95% throttle for some reason, probably because they have all the assist on).

You will have enjoyable races where a mistake will cost you 3-4 spots and taking a position can take a whole lap, sometimes the group will split in half but that's fairly common in real life too.
Hey folks, I'm pretty sure you can actually use some of your own garage cars in offline mode.
I moved home recently and I had a week or so without Internet, I'm pretty sure if you go into time trial mode when offline, then select options, you should see the 'Change car' option.
You should see them there minus any liveries you've downloaded.
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