A thought on the "War on Terror."

  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by emad

emad, just once I want to see you follow up on an argument you start. Your anti-Bush and anti-American retoric is getting tiresome; not because of your political stance, but because your posts consitantly contain no intellectual value. You portray your ill-formed opinions as fact and simply ignore people when they challenge your often ridiculous claims.

I challenge you to support a claim you make with real facts. I challenge you to make sensible conclusions based on reliable information. And if someone disagrees with you, I challenge you to either prove that person wrong or admit yourself that you were wrong. If you can't manage to do these things, I must then conclude that you are a child, and arguing with children is not worth my time.

You can start by replying to DGB454's post, in which he rebuffs your first post in this thread.

oh...has anybody found ANY statistics on the number of casualties on either side (civilian included)? i can't seem to find anything no matter where i look...

Yea I found some at one point when I looked up our troop casualties. I don't remember the exact number, I do remember that it was much lower than I expected. I'm not going to do your work for you though, you'll have to look harder if you want to make a case. I'm satisfied with my foggy recollection.
Interesting hypothysis milefile. Have you been reading Tom Clancy lately? ;)

A lot of what was said in the first post certainly seems sensible and plausable. There really seems to be a lot to be gained by such a plan. Seems very logical that the Terrorists would concentrate all their efforts against the infadel in their backyard.
Certainly our government can concoct such a devious and in-depth plan.
As I am not one that usually ponders these subjects with the ferocity that most of you here do, I can say, that even as this war was barely underway, I remember saying to myself how ugly this was going to get after the war and during the rebuilding process. However, I don't think it's as bad now as I had envisioned it being.

But was it supposed to get as bad as it has you ask.

I'm sure they (US Administration.) probably predicted that it would and it's all part of the plan. But I'm sure what their major hurdle to this plans success will be what the American Public thinks and if the American Public can stomach the daily reports of American casualties. That seems to me to be the biggest factor in a plan like this. Because if the public wants out, much like the public wanted us out of Vietnam, it could get really ugly for the current and future American administrations.

Intriguing none the less and seems like a logical plan of action. If it's actually the plan at work, I hope it's successful.
Originally posted by Gil

I bet your mom never found your hidden collection of "Playboys". Not just because you said you didn't have them. It's just that they were hidden better than she searched. Same situation, larger scale.

Or maybe it's just that your mom was given poor intelligence and, under close public scrutiny, was told to search an area the size of Montana in less than eight months.

Perhaps I'm just missing the point - but let's say I gave you Montana and some crappy intelligence and told you to find something that "probably" exists.

Get off the president's back and quit blaming solely him - there's plenty of blame to pass around.
Boom has raised an interesting point.
I have read Clancy and two of his books in particular scare the hell out of me.
In Debt of Honor, a slightly crazed Japanese Jumbo jet pilot gets a notion to fake an emergency, and fly his plane into the Capitol building. (Sound slightly familiar?).
The other is "The Sum of all Fears" detailing the relative ease of building a very dirty little Nuke and detonating in a very crowded place in the US of A.

I think that in some ways Clancy has been using fiction to warn us about possible little scenarios since the "Hunt for Red October".
If you want a real good scare about NBC warfare/terrorism pick up "Rainbow Six" and pay close attention to the underlying story.
Originally posted by emad
conoct - i think

Well that's certainly not right. :P

emad, I'm interested in how you will reply to M-Specs post. And subsequently DGB's. I'm sure you happened to read it right?
Originally posted by emad
conoct - i think

Yes - Conoco and the word 'concoct' have merged into one giant corporation of confusion.

Edit: or is that a "concoction" of confusion?! Eh?!

Fine. I thought it was funny.
read it...yes...response? not yet...4 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours plus an extremely depressed feeling from what happened to my relative on the day of my ****in birthday makes for a bad time for me to think...especially when i have a 15 page marketing plan due friday and a 12 page analysis for a case study in my Human Resources class due tuesday :banghead: :banghead:

all i can say for now is the war on terrorism has created EXTREME discrimination against muslims throughout the world. You guys haven't seen or heard anything of it because you aren't a part of this minority. Most of you guys are also good natured and thus wouldn't do things like what's been happening to us. Others however...are insults to humanity and asswipes everywhere
all i can say for now is the war on terrorism has created EXTREME discrimination against muslims throughout the world. You guys haven't seen or heard anything of it because you aren't a part of this minority. Most of you guys are also good natured and thus wouldn't do things like what's been happening to us. Others however...are insults to humanity and asswipes everywhere

There will always be stupid people out there who will hate you for whatever stupid reason they come up with. That's nobody's fault but thier own.
The anguish of the earth absolves our eyes
Till beauty shines in all that we can see.
War is our scourge; yet war has made us wise,
And, fighting for our freedom, we are free.

Horror of wounds and anger at the foe,
And loss of things desired; all these must pass.
We are the happy legion, for we know
Time's but a golden wind that shakes the grass.

There was an hour when we were loth to part
From life we longed to share no less than others.
Now, having claimed this heritage of heart,
What need we more, my comrades and my brothers?ABSOLUTION
"We will never understand one another until language is reduced to seven words." -Khalil Gibran

That is retarded!!!

How the hell are you going to understand someone if they only have seven words with which to communicate??? The more words we have, the more precisely we can communicate.
Yes, but there are more chances for misunderstanding as well.

I just posted it, you don't have to adopt it as a personal philosophy.

Ok, I won't.

I don't see how having a more precise language allows for more chances for misunderstanding. I think the less precise your language is, the more chances for misunderstanding - because each word is more vague.
It was just a saying that I liked and thought other people might also like. Here's one you can DEFINITELY apply to your life:

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
It was just a saying that I liked and thought other people might also like. Here's one you can DEFINITELY apply to your life:

I'm just saying it doesn't make any sense and the guy that wrote it was an idiot (or was being sarcastic).

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Now where would the world be if all we said were nice things?

Edit: That's it. I get it now. He was being sarcastic. That pharse is suppose to be funny..... .... it is funny! Nevermind. RJ that was funny.