A Truck Load Of 100% Free Stuff (200+ Green Tickets) OP UPDATED

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Can I have the Introductory Gift Car Ticket and 2 Colour Shifts and 2 Matte paints of your choice?
Nice thread 👍 can i have a LV9 ticket please? if not then any will do.
Do you have any of these paints? Aurora Nuvola Iridescente, Azzurro Nuvola Iridescente, Formula Chameleon Green, Maziora Andromeda, Maziora Matterhorn, Maziora Mazeran, Maziora McKenley, Maziora Seyfert, AMG Monza Grau Magno, and Mattes Dark Blue, Dark Gray, Gray, Green, and White.
Someone's been using 1.3.0. :lol:


Could I have carbon ceramic brakes please?

Also, nitro would be nice, but only if your giving away multiple items per person.

Sounds good.

Can I have the Introductory Gift Car Ticket and 2 Colour Shifts and 2 Matte paints of your choice?
Sounds good.

Nice thread 👍 can i have a LV9 ticket please? if not then any will do.

Sure thing.

Do you have any of these paints? Aurora Nuvola Iridescente, Azzurro Nuvola Iridescente, Formula Chameleon Green, Maziora Andromeda, Maziora Matterhorn, Maziora Mazeran, Maziora McKenley, Maziora Seyfert, AMG Monza Grau Magno, and Mattes Dark Blue, Dark Gray, Gray, Green, and White.

I have all of them ;)
I'm confused what the difference between a green ticket and normal car is? If you could send me a 180SX Type X '96, I would be eternally grateful!
I'm confused what the difference between a green ticket and normal car is? If you could send me a 180SX Type X '96, I would be eternally grateful!

Green Ticket = Won by an event & 0/0/0.
Regular = Bought & non 0/0/0.
What's your PSN so I can add you?

I'll send an FR on Monday, because I'm away this weekend.
Could you possibly spare a '65 ticket (or whatever year that Alfa TZ2 is), or a TZ2 green ticket, if you have one? I hope the offer's still open!:scared:

EDIT-I'm also interested in the...:
Ultra High RPM Turbo Kit
Stage 4 and 5 Weight Reduction
Large Diameter Rotors + 8/6/4 Piston Calipers
Carbon Ceramic Brakes
...but not as much. The tickets are the priority. Thanks, man!
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I'm very sorry guys. But my PS3 has gotten the Ylod. I will try to get it back up and running ASAP!
Hello, I'm currently running a league that I've started and I've involved prize car tickets for wins. So far I'm missing lvl 6, 22, 24 (and anything above 24). What can I trade you to acquire any or all tickets available? My PSN that I'm trading from is GeoQuin4. Please let me know what you can do. Thank you for your help.
Ok guys. Just sent out an order for a new fanning system. Should be here in the next few days!
Ok guys. Just sent out an order for a new fanning system. Should be here in the next few days!
Pleased its an easy fix for you mate. Good luck with it. 👍

Hey, interested in the

Ultra High RPM Turbo Kit
Stage 4 and 5 Weight Reduction
Large Diameter Rotors + 8/6/4 Piston Calipers

Please, if and when you can manage it. :)
And GT5-EXPOSED, this is your "online user name"??

Many thanks.
My file got corrupted recently and I'm trying to get back my Sauber C9. Can I have a lvl. 23 ticket please?
Whenever you get your PS3 working, can I hzve 2 Gold and 2 Silver chromes? :)
(Just for the sake of having them)
I'll take the classic muscle car green ticket if its still available. What's your PSN so I can send you a FR?
I'll take the classic muscle car green ticket if its still available.

I will be sending the Cougar XR7 this coming reset.

@ OP If this ever gets moving again may I have a 96 a 99 and a 02 ticket please? to Robabza2