About the rigid line tapes in GT5

Tracks as Eiger are limited by line tapes on the sides. Now with implemented damage and moveable objects in the circuits, how likely is that the lines may be knock down or will be replaced by walls or fences more efficient in the complete GT5?
I was thinking about this the other day.. It's a possibility (the ps3 is certainly capable) but if you allow too much freedom then we might have problems with players cheating online.

Hopefully the tape will be destroyable and an invisible barrier could exist a few feet beyond.
There will probably be some form of barrier, don't want Motorstorm Pacific Rift, but I
would think if your car hits the invisible barrier it won't receive damage, just a guess.

Dirt 2 had it so I would hope gt5 will but I'm not sure what would happen with the car after the fence I'm not sure I like an invisible wall migt aswell keep the tape as it is...
Good question. Like others suggested, an invisible wall may be present, but I'm sure those wimpy little poles may be knocked down if they're going to implement damage. Then maybe 20 feet beyond that, an invisible wall will stop you, and hopefully make you receive damage.
Excuse me, but GT is at a stage where there definitely should NOT be invisible walls.

I find indestructable line tapes easier to bear than invisible anythings. I think it's better to make the track boundaries simply more massive.
i am against the invisible barriers because I have a feeling like I'm on a railroad. if players would try to cut corners and simply drive straight trough those S-curves, they should get a time penalty similar to prologue if you cut corners or smash other cars. it shouldn't be too delicat tough :P
I'd love a system similar to Dirt 2. If you take a corner too fast, you should go right through those tapes and take a few rolls off the course :lol:
As cool as it'd be to pull down some tape, it creates more problems than it's worth.
They should have a 10 second off track limit. If you go off the track and do not get back onto the track after the time limit then you get disqualify. If not then just design some some huge boulders a few feet behind the tapes that the spectators can sit on to watch the race that will also stop the car from going any further. I don't know. Just throwing out ideas. :lol:
Well with Kaz/PD talking about destructible track environments like the ones we saw at the TGS/Gamescom demo (with the boxes and red/white thingies), we should be able to take those "tape" barriers down too. I mean, I hope so.
They could have super spectators replacing super tapes. Plow through the tape, hit a spectator and they won't even budge but your car is totalled.
At Eiger, no. They can't have you running over innocent spectators now

But they could make them impossible to crash into, you know, like the photgraphers in GT4 in Grand Canyon and such. They literally pass the border and take pictures.
But they could make them impossible to crash into, you know, like the photgraphers in GT4 in Grand Canyon and such. They literally pass the border and take pictures.

That bring's me to another problem. Remember the rock-solid tape barriers on Grand Canyon? What would've happened if they weren't there? Yes, you went down the mountain the fast way. How would PD manage that?
They could do the same thing EA did in NFS: Carbon. Just show the cars go off and put up a message saying "Total Damage" or something similar?
This is an interseting problem as I assume PD are trying to avoid the magic reset ghost car (that many would call unrealistic and unsimlike) so how do you handle it?

There has to be some track barrier as just driving off far enough causing you to reset gets you to the magic ghost car.

You can't just drive off forver, and invisible walls are unpleasant and bring up whether you should get damaged or not... I mean running 100mph off a turn directly into... nothing... coming to a full stop with no damage... that would be pretty weird...

I think we will just see tape that is indistructable and damages you just like hitting a wall as the lesser of all evils.
Maybe replace those tapes with guardrails that you see on mountain roads? Have those guardrails deform a little but still be strong enough to stop the car and cause damage to it. I think that would be a happy medium and provide some realism.
Didn´t they do this already in the Toyota Video??
For me looks it like the Eiger only a new design.

You can see clearly the Eiger curves. Or am I wrong???
@ Socom: If they placed guard rails on Eiger then that would take away the "atmosphere" of the track. I like the tape. It suggests a true rally course in the mountains.

@ Smoothherb: I dont think that looks like Eiger at all. The tunnel is way too long and lighted. Besides, the track doesn't look polished.This track reminds me of the close up intros within prologue and GTHD. Maybe it's an early form of Grindelwald.. Who knows?
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The way I see it, these are the options:
Indestructible tape,
Destructible tape, extremely agile trackside spectators and invisible walls
Destructible tape, extremely agile trackside spectators and the ability to go as far as you want, crash and that's it, race over. No ghost car resets. Maybe allow said agile spectators and marshals to get your car back on four wheels to continue racing (as is seen very often on WRC stages), but if you've fallen off a cliff, that's it.

Personally I'd be up for that, it would definitely help stop some degree of cheating by wall riding and would really make you think, rather than just go 'oops, too quick, maybe if I can get on the handbrake I'll hit the indestructitape® barrier sideways so I can get going again quickly'.
PD now implements destructible track pieces, like barriers, and cones, tires, etc etc.. Maybe those thin barriers can be knocked down, and if you exceed them too far you fall off track into a ditch and game over? Restart the race?
I never gave a serious thought to this until this thread.

And now that I've thought about it some more, I've determined that it still really doesn't matter and that it should stay like it is. Why are you hitting the tape anyways?:sly:
This won't happen.

Proof? Check the vid's from TGS again. Some barriers can be moved, true, but the ones that mark the track's limits are still rock solid.

Even the one on the right side at the final tight right turn, just before the straight of Tokyo Route is one of them.