I finally found a setting I can say is good to my taste!
Driver, 60% Gain, 92% Constant, 46% Periodic, Spring and Damper 0%.
Game: Gain 80%, Filter, Damping and Minimum Force 0%, Kerbs 50%, Road 48% and Slip 2%.
I set the degrees of rotation in the game to 40º.
By doing this, the game will use the degrees of rotation you determined in the drivers, for example BMW M1 900º and Ferrari 458 S3 540 degrees. When you turn your wheel and reach 540º for example both virtual and real wheels will lock and not rotate further.
I set in Nvidia driver pre-rendered frames to 1 as you said skazz and makes the game better indeed.
I'll use this settings from now on.
I have a not so heavy wheel, but accurate, I feel when the car start to slip and can countersteer when powersliding, it has a much better ffb than before. I may be wrong but this is the best I could get so far.
Carlos Panades.