Ace Combat 7PS4 

  • Thread starter Akira AC
The armed version of the SR-71 (and the A-12 that preceded it), would be the YF-12(F-12B) that they planned and tested. It would be interesting to fly in the game, I suppose. I imagine it could pick off people like the MiG-31 does with SAAMs. But the maneuverability of the MiG is shocking, and I imagine the YF-12 would be even worse.

Of course this would require different mission types, or perhaps modes where maneuverability is restricted - like having a G-meter bar that you can only use so much or for a certain duration of time.

If we're talking about dream aircraft I've always wanted to fly in an Ace Combat game, I would love to fly the XB-70 Valkyrie for some kind of bombing mission. You could actually fly Bombers in AC: Infinity, which was enjoyable (if not particularly effective usually. But that could be fixed by having players be forced to use bombers in certain missions).
I loved flying the B-2 in Infinity. Once the ground targets were done I went for the air ones tossing GPBs at them xD
You could take down other bombers and attack Moby Dick aircrafts pretty successfully.
So far I've made it to M15 on hard and encountered what is the first BS of this game is the scripted dogfights. Why should I even try to fight him when he is scripted to leave anyway. You couldve atleast made it like in the older games where you gotta beat them in stages and they go off radar to come back again for another few hits. Not this BS where he is always there and it doesnt matter how many times you hit him.
I wish the camera would follow the plane in chase-cam view when performing the post-stall maneuvers. -_-
It would make the maneuvers useful in combat.

Though, I'm glad that you can perform them no matter in what position your plane is.
Bought this game last week and I'm absolutely loving it. I'm at mission 19 and it just keeps getting better.

The VR mode is outstanding. Too bad it's so small. I hope they'll add more.

Question: is there a way to land in free flight mode?

Looks like there's Falken and Morgan on the blueprints.
I don't recognise the people. The first guy looks like Mihai though.

If the first one is Mihai, then the young pair could be Yellow 13 and Yellow 4 since Mihai was Yellow 13's trainer.
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In two minds about getting this. It looks great, the reviews I've seen are pretty much universally positive (apart from complaints about HOTAS support, which I'm not fussed about), everything I've watched on YT tells me it's right up my alley.

But but but...

No VR support on PC for at least a year, and the VR support there is in the PS4 version is just 3 missions. I kind of get the PSVR exclusivity bit (Sony presumably paid good money for that) but the small amount of VR content in the release version bothers me. VR is such a perfect fit for any 'cockpit based' sim/game that I'm reluctant to shell out AAA money for one that doesn't support it.

In the meantime I've discovered Project Wingman, which will have full VR support - but as an indie effort (and one that's looking very good from what I've seen so far!) it's not going to have the sheer variety of planes (and official ones of course) that AC7 has. Downloading the demo of this one at the moment, will have a play later on and see how it looks.
I'm glad I got to play (and enjoy) the online portion of the game before it got completely ruined by the QAAM and SASM tryhards… They were frequent before, but now it seems that 95% of the playerbase are using those exclusively. The ultimate noob weapons requiring zero need for positioning or tactics.

I wanted to Platinum this game, but a few of the S ranks on Ace difficulty just seem impossible to me. Either there is more to the S rank requirements than just speed and kill points, or the required completion time/score is just a tad ridicules for some of the missions. I can't seem to get more than A on missions 8, 9, 13 and 16. Even if I did get all the S ranks, I'm still only halfway on the Frequent Flyer trophy which require you to fly 76000 kilometers. Nearly six complete campaign playthroughs, and I'm only halfway...
So I have to say that this game is probably one of my top 5 favorite games right now. I just keep ending up going through the single player and trying to get all the ace skins and various other skins for the aircraft. Such a fun game to play.
Got my last S rank on Ace today. Also discovered post stall manoeuvres for the first time :lol:

They're pretty neat. Can't believe I've played the game for so long without using them. I'm just a few missions away from the last currency related trophy, and then I just need the Frequent Flyer one. Does anyone know if the 76000 kilometers represent anything? I can't figure out why that number was chosen other than to include a trophy requiring obscene grinding.
Argh. I usually wait to buy games when discounted and have several I've yet to even play, like Metal Gear Solid V, but I'm really tempted to buy this one. For all their cheesiness at times, I loved 4, 5, and Zero but haven't played any others.
Argh. I usually wait to buy games when discounted and have several I've yet to even play, like Metal Gear Solid V, but I'm really tempted to buy this one. For all their cheesiness at times, I loved 4, 5, and Zero but haven't played any others.
If it helps your decision, I would personally rate AC7 (and AC6) against the PS2 trilogy like so: ACZ > AC04 > AC7 > AC5 > AC6. The weather/clouds and maps are cool and the gameplay is solid, but ACZ and AC04 are still more iconic and the soundtrack doesn't stick with me like the PS2 games (but it's on PS4, so I can substitute :) ).
If it helps your decision, I would personally rate AC7 (and AC6) against the PS2 trilogy like so: ACZ > AC04 > AC7 > AC5 > AC6. The weather/clouds and maps are cool and the gameplay is solid, but ACZ and AC04 are still more iconic and the soundtrack doesn't stick with me like the PS2 games (but it's on PS4, so I can substitute :) ).

Thanks, that does help. I'm also now debating whether I'd rank ACZ or AC4 as best. Kind of a tossup.
While AC4's story is good i still dont see it as the best AC game because that belongs to AC5. AC4 had wayyyy to many drawn out boring missions of fly here and score points for 15min. ACZ though Is my personal fav since the story wasnt as cheesy as AC5, I just wish it had more content like AC5 did.
I made an AC5 and AC7 X-02 and X-02S comparison.








Weapon bays.



I wonder why they won't add all planes to VR mode. Even those 3 missions would be more interesting with all planes from the main games :(
I've been playing some AC6 the last few days since I had pre ordered on Xbox, and I have to say, I miss having control over your wingman in 7. Its such a helpful tool to have them either cover you or go do their own thing. Might be my only gripe with 7 tbh
Finished Unsung War on PS4 yesterday. Still think that game has a pretty great story, especially considering the genre. I concur with @DC2_Evan that wingman controls would be a great addition to Unknown Skies. In general, I'd just like the wingmen to be worthwhile allies in missions. Graphically, Unsung War holds up quite well when upscaled, although the gameplay is very much dated. Not a whole lot of enemies at any given time, non existent AI, and the bosses aren't all that good, although the SOLG remains pretty awesome.

Playing the older games really make you appreciate how awesome AC7 is. If it had wingman control and a more cohesive story, I'd call it superior in every single way.
Finished Unsung War on PS4 yesterday. Still think that game has a pretty great story, especially considering the genre. I concur with @DC2_Evan that wingman controls would be a great addition to Unknown Skies. In general, I'd just like the wingmen to be worthwhile allies in missions. Graphically, Unsung War holds up quite well when upscaled, although the gameplay is very much dated. Not a whole lot of enemies at any given time, non existent AI, and the bosses aren't all that good, although the SOLG remains pretty awesome.

Playing the older games really make you appreciate how awesome AC7 is. If it had wingman control and a more cohesive story, I'd call it superior in every single way.
Yeah, playing through 6 I feel pretty much the same. The only other thing I like more about 6 over 7 is how long missile smoke trails stay in the air. They seem to stay up through close to the whole mission :lol: I need to find my ps2 and find some copies of 4, 5, and Zero :cheers:
Had a complete blast with AC7.

This was my first time playing Ace Combat and aerial combat games in general. Went from not being able to tell up from down to having just finished a no damage run in Hard.

I've not played another game in recent memory that rewarded you for gitting gud quite like AC7.

Though I do wish fighting the named aces were more of an occasion. As it stands, the difficult part is meeting their spawn conditions while the aces themselves behave like any other AI.
I spent most of Saturday playing AC7 online and man, did I have some great fights. Nothing like taking an F16 into an unlimited cost room battle royal room and taking out F22s, X02S's, and F35s. Had a great one on one dogfight with a guy in an F22. We were the only people in the room and just went at it. Level 2 and 3 parts make a world of difference.
I was very anxious to play this one and then I played it.
Too much bs, aiming issues and enemy AI spamming missiles.
I stopped at mission 18 Lighthouse.
Destroying the arkbird while dodging enemy missiles from drones is not fun.
Never played any AC before this but I have to say I enjoyed it, I know I missed a bunch of references to previous games and such but I still liked playing it and following with it.
Finished Unsung War on PS4 yesterday. Still think that game has a pretty great story, especially considering the genre. I concur with @DC2_Evan that wingman controls would be a great addition to Unknown Skies. In general, I'd just like the wingmen to be worthwhile allies in missions. Graphically, Unsung War holds up quite well when upscaled, although the gameplay is very much dated. Not a whole lot of enemies at any given time, non existent AI, and the bosses aren't all that good, although the SOLG remains pretty awesome.

Playing the older games really make you appreciate how awesome AC7 is. If it had wingman control and a more cohesive story, I'd call it superior in every single way.
Ace Difficulty makes me go "REEE" so many times so far.. Anyway, I have not seen a sign of my AC5 yet, how did you get it from PSN again?
Ace Difficulty makes me go "REEE" so many times so far.. Anyway, I have not seen a sign of my AC5 yet, how did you get it from PSN again?
I got AC7 on xbox, so it may not be quite the same, but I got a message from Xbox Live saying thanks for pre ordering your digital copy of AC7, here is your download code for AC6. Like I said, may be different between PS4 and the Xbox. Hope this helps
I got AC7 on xbox, so it may not be quite the same, but I got a message from Xbox Live saying thanks for pre ordering your digital copy of AC7, here is your download code for AC6. Like I said, may be different between PS4 and the Xbox. Hope this helps
I have not received such a code. Just checked my emails for the receipts and there was no mention of copy of AC5. Hmh.. I'll look into this bit later.
I have not received such a code. Just checked my emails for the receipts and there was no mention of copy of AC5. Hmh.. I'll look into this bit later.
Interesting. Yeah, I just got on my Xbox one day about a month or so after release and I had the message and code waiting. I don't use my PS4 enough to know stuff like this lol. I mostly using it to play GTS and PCars 2 :lol:
Ace Difficulty makes me go "REEE" so many times so far.. Anyway, I have not seen a sign of my AC5 yet, how did you get it from PSN again?

Unsung War is exclusive to the PS4 and you have to have bought the game before release or within a month or so of the release of AC7. From what I understood, Unsung War cannot be activated after the "pre-order" period of one month passes. The same applies to Ace Combat 6 on the XBOX One.
Came back to this game to start playing the campaign on hard. I'm loving the SU-47 with unguided bombs, it also looks pretty bad ass.


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