Ace Combat 7PS4 

  • Thread starter Akira AC
Initially I said GT Sport may be the deciding factor on whether or not I get a PS4. But it seems like I may give that power to AC7. I'll need to see a few more trailers to help my decision especially when it comes to getting PS VR as well.
I really hope there's an epic collector's edition for this game. Preferably one featuring some Razgriz stuff, a nice art book, and of course a steelbook case for the game itself.
Initially I said GT Sport may be the deciding factor on whether or not I get a PS4. But it seems like I may give that power to AC7. I'll need to see a few more trailers to help my decision especially when it comes to getting PS VR as well.

I second this, if I get a PS4 it will be because of this game and Horizon Zero Dawn, more than GTS. I used to play the heck out of the Ace Combat games.


If I had to guess, Ace Combat Infinity is a prequel to Ace Combat 07, and these pictures with the painted tail codes, sort of lend support to that theory...
If I had to guess, Ace Combat Infinity is a prequel to Ace Combat 07, and these pictures with the painted tail codes, sort of lend support to that theory...

Meh, not really. Infinity is in the real world but with elements from Strangereal mixed in (Stonehenge, SOLG, etc)
Meh, not really. Infinity is in the real world but with elements from Strangereal mixed in (Stonehenge, SOLG, etc)

Indeed. It's why Infinity sits next to AC04 and AZ0 on my list of favorites in the franchise.

My theory of AC07 existing in the same universe as Infinity is because of this screen shot of Ace Combat 7...


That Super-Bug (in the background) features a US Navy identification mark on it. When I see that, plus airplanes with marked out tale codes, I come to the conclusion that AC07 is at minimum an extension of the Infinity story arc. I may be wrong, but it sure looks like it to me.
I'll wait until we receive actual confirmation from Project Aces or Namco. To be honest, it's kind of inexcusable that we can't just get a clear answer from them.
I can't see VR being available for the entire game. The single-player portion of it sure, but use in the multi-player segment would create some huge imbalance issues.

For example, a player with a VR head set could easily track and shoot a QAAM missile at an opponent much faster than someone having to use the joystick.
Nothing stopping conventional players from holding the triangle button, causing the camera to focus on the enemy plane, and then sending a missile there way. If anything, VR players would be at a disadvantage, as we'd have to manually track targets, and potentially also have to look look down to observe our radar display, where as conventional players would have it displayed as part of their HUD.
Nothing stopping conventional players from holding the triangle button, causing the camera to focus on the enemy plane, and then sending a missile there way. If anything, VR players would be at a disadvantage, as we'd have to manually track targets, and potentially also have to look look down to observe our radar display, where as conventional players would have it displayed as part of their HUD.

I have yet to play the game (VR or not) so I am just speculating here, but I see the exact opposite. VR users will have the same the PS4 controller in their hands too, plus they can easily swing their head around to see the entire picture at a more natural and eventual quicker speed.

I can picture myself using all types of tactics in TDM and NTDM that will be far more streamlined because I will be able to look away from the screen all the while using my DS4 to control the airplane. If the option to plug a HOTAS stick is there, I am going to be one happy player!:)

Of course, VR could just suck and the controller method may prove faster. I can't wait to get my hands on it to find out!
Nothing stopping conventional players from holding the triangle button, causing the camera to focus on the enemy plane, and then sending a missile there way. If anything, VR players would be at a disadvantage, as we'd have to manually track targets, and potentially also have to look look down to observe our radar display, where as conventional players would have it displayed as part of their HUD.
I always play from the third-person view and use the triangle button liberally, pirouetting my plane while lining up targets. Not "authentic" at all but it's an efficient and visually appealing way to play. I can't imagine VR being as effective.
I also prefer 3rd person, because it's more visually appealing, and I feel gives a little more visual control over the jet.
I mostly use cockpit view. Even though I have a limited field of view, it feels the most realistic. And I never use triangle to follow the targets, I just do the old fashion way, using the right stick. 3rd person only to check out the aircraft and in pre-combat situations. As soon the the combat starts, conckpit always.
I always play from the third-person view and use the triangle button liberally, pirouetting my plane while lining up targets. Not "authentic" at all but it's an efficient and visually appealing way to play. I can't imagine VR being as effective.

I think it's going to come down to how AC07 interprets the high off-boresight capabilities of a helmet mounted display and Aim-9X (QAAM) type of missiles.

If you can take (for example) an F-22 Raptor and load it down with stealth parts like in Infinity, boom and zoom tactics will VR will surely become more effective.
I wonder if this game will have any customization in the multiplayer aspect, ranging from emblems or even helmets. In the game modes wise, I wonder if they'll retain the co op formula from Infinity, minus the required fuel of course.
I think it's going to come down to how AC07 interprets the high off-boresight capabilities of a helmet mounted display and Aim-9X (QAAM) type of missiles.

If you can take (for example) an F-22 Raptor and load it down with stealth parts like in Infinity, boom and zoom tactics will VR will surely become more effective.

I'm not so sure about custom parts like Infinity. I mean, the plane should perform as it's meant to be, not with some magical flaps and engines that try to defy the laws of physics. An A-6 Intruder should never become more agile than an F-16.

I'm all in for aesthetic customisation. Paints, emblems, camos. And the all the aircraft should have multiple weapon options. Apart from that, I think we should get what the plane offers.
I'm not so sure about custom parts like Infinity. I mean, the plane should perform as it's meant to be, not with some magical flaps and engines that try to defy the laws of physics. An A-6 Intruder should never become more agile than an F-16.

I'm all in for aesthetic customisation. Paints, emblems, camos. And the all the aircraft should have multiple weapon options. Apart from that, I think we should get what the plane offers.

Yeah I don't think it will feature that hardcore of a customization, at least for the SP. Multiplayer though, it would help people use their favorite plane without having to be forced to use one or two planes to have a chance at winning.
I'm all in for aesthetic customisation. Paints, emblems, camos. And the all the aircraft should have multiple weapon options. Apart from that, I think we should get what the plane offers.

If I can make a YF-12 with GAU-8s and AIM-9s, this is an instant pre-order for me.
If I can make a YF-12 with GAU-8s and AIM-9s, this is an instant pre-order for me.

You can have three awful but ultra long range missiles (AIM-47's), and that's it, okay? :D

Seriously though, I hope we don't get stuff like that, as it has no basis in reality. No F-117's or YF-12's with guns and Sidewinders...
You can have three awful but ultra long range missiles (AIM-47's), and that's it, okay? :D

Seriously though, I hope we don't get stuff like that, as it has no basis in reality. No F-117's or YF-12's with guns and Sidewinders...

If you're looking for reality perhaps Ace Combat isn't the game for you? Ace Combat has never been about reality, it's about doing cool stuff in cool jets. So yeah, I want an F-117 with guns.
If you're looking for reality perhaps Ace Combat isn't the game for you? Ace Combat has never been about reality, it's about doing cool stuff in cool jets. So yeah, I want an F-117 with guns.

Believe it or not, but it's possible for someone to want a realistic representation of the various jets while at the same time enjoying the more accessible arcade flying mechanics.

Most of the planes do adhere to the limitations of their real world counterparts, just like how they usually feature whatever it is that makes them unique in real life. In other words, the game does in fact borrow a lot from reality. The question then becomes where to draw the line. I draw it at the representation of the planes themselves.
I'm not so sure about custom parts like Infinity. I mean, the plane should perform as it's meant to be, not with some magical flaps and engines that try to defy the laws of physics. An A-6 Intruder should never become more agile than an F-16.

I get what you are saying and I used to think the way you do. It then dawned on me that I was forgetting why I play Ace Combat as compared to some PC simulator. Ace Combat is fun. I grab any airplane I want and fly and shoot without having to worry about real world complications.

Seriously though, I hope we don't get stuff like that, as it has no basis in reality. No F-117's or YF-12's with guns and Sidewinders...

I really don't see the problem here because of what Ace Combat is. It's a flight shooter...

If you're looking for reality perhaps Ace Combat isn't the game for you? Ace Combat has never been about reality, it's about doing cool stuff in cool jets. So yeah, I want an F-117 with guns.

Indeed. I like how Ace Combat allows us to pick an A-10 and dogfight with it. If all the planes in the game adhered to real world counterparts, everybody would strictly be using Gen-5 aircraft. You want to fight in an ultra modern F-22 or Pak-Fa? Great! I will see you in the skies in my designed in the 60's F-15!

Believe it or not, but it's possible for someone to want a realistic representation of the various jets while at the same time enjoying the more accessible arcade flying mechanics.

The great thing about Ace Combat is, you don't have to fly unrealistic set ups! I strictly avoided all the Japanese Anime in Ace Combat Infinity, while players I flew with frequently used them because they thought it was funny.

Dating back to Ace Combat 04, I avoided every aircraft that wasn't American. Not that I hate Russia or anything, it's just that is what I chose to do. Project Aces has always done an excellent job at giving people choices!
I get what you are saying and I used to think the way you do. It then dawned on me that I was forgetting why I play Ace Combat as compared to some PC simulator. Ace Combat is fun. I grab any airplane I want and fly and shoot without having to worry about real world complications.

The problem is, each aircraft doesn't feel different from each other. Sure, the exterior is different, but if every aircraft can perform the same way as a supermaneuvrable Su-37 with canards and thrust vectoring, then all the point of having different aircrafts and each representing a bigger threat in Air-to-air combat no longer exists, because someone with an F-4 Phantom can match an F-22 by using some magical flaps and an absurdly OP faster lock-on missiles.
The point of previous games was trying to overcome obstacles with the plane you have. Trying to defeat a squad of Su-27s with an F-5 on the hardest difficulty. Through actual skill surpass situations that seemed impossible to overcome.

This is what made the 8492nd Squadron in AC5 such a great opponent. Their planes were vastly superior to most of the planes we had access to, and winning the battle felt really worth it, specially if your plane was inferior and in theory wouldn't have a chance against them. That's what actually takes skill and makes the game feel nostalgic.

Quick lock-on, more damage per missile, super maneuvrability mods, makes no sense to me, and it's not enjoyable when everyone online uses those mods against someone who doesn't. It will reach a point where it's basically hacks to make some people's life easier, the game will feel stale and reach a point of a "pay to win" style of game. Might be fun for you, killing 10 F-22s per session with an A-10, but it sure isn't fun for someone who actually played the game far enough to the point he unlocked better aircraft, to then be beaten by a random A-10...

CSGO is the best representation of this, there are better weapons in the game, but you have to work hard to get them.

To raise the usability of each aircraft, each should have a realistic selection of weapons. An ordinary F-16C can easily use a vast array of secondary weapons. From air-to-air missiles such as Aim-9X to the Amraam, guided and unguided bombs, anti-ship or anti radiation missiles (AGM-88 Harm), air to ground missiles such as the Maverick, stand-off weapons (JSOW), cruise missiles (JASSM) and so on. This would give each aircraft a greater usability in each theater.

As for the F-117, I think it could have a better use if it had just a couple of air-to-air missiles. They could make it without a cannon, instead, they could give it a higher reload rate and a higher number of air-to-ground ammo. They could even give it some kind of perk, so it could grant an improved suvivability in combat. Something like an harder chance to lock-on on the aircraft, near immunity to anti-air missiles (SAM). Limited in dogfight, but very usable for air-to-ground missions.
The problem is, each aircraft doesn't feel different from each other. Sure, the exterior is different, but if every aircraft can perform the same way as a supermaneuvrable Su-37 with canards and thrust vectoring, then all the point of having different aircrafts and each representing a bigger threat in Air-to-air combat no longer exists, because someone with an F-4 Phantom can match an F-22 by using some magical flaps and an absurdly OP faster lock-on missiles.
The point of previous games was trying to overcome obstacles with the plane you have. Trying to defeat a squad of Su-27s with an F-5 on the hardest difficulty. Through actual skill surpass situations that seemed impossible to overcome.

This is what made the 8492nd Squadron in AC5 such a great opponent. Their planes were vastly superior to most of the planes we had access to, and winning the battle felt really worth it, specially if your plane was inferior and in theory wouldn't have a chance against them. That's what actually takes skill and makes the game feel nostalgic.

Quick lock-on, more damage per missile, super maneuvrability mods, makes no sense to me, and it's not enjoyable when everyone online uses those mods against someone who doesn't. It will reach a point where it's basically hacks to make some people's life easier, the game will feel stale and reach a point of a "pay to win" style of game. Might be fun for you, killing 10 F-22s per session with an A-10, but it sure isn't fun for someone who actually played the game far enough to the point he unlocked better aircraft, to then be beaten by a random A-10...

CSGO is the best representation of this, there are better weapons in the game, but you have to work hard to get them.

To raise the usability of each aircraft, each should have a realistic selection of weapons. An ordinary F-16C can easily use a vast array of secondary weapons. From air-to-air missiles such as Aim-9X to the Amraam, guided and unguided bombs, anti-ship or anti radiation missiles (AGM-88 Harm), air to ground missiles such as the Maverick, stand-off weapons (JSOW), cruise missiles (JASSM) and so on. This would give each aircraft a greater usability in each theater.

As for the F-117, I think it could have a better use if it had just a couple of air-to-air missiles. They could make it without a cannon, instead, they could give it a higher reload rate and a higher number of air-to-ground ammo. They could even give it some kind of perk, so it could grant an improved suvivability in combat. Something like an harder chance to lock-on on the aircraft, near immunity to anti-air missiles (SAM). Limited in dogfight, but very usable for air-to-ground missions.

1 - The problem with having a hand full of super planes is that it effectively means that most of the roster is basically useless. With AC: Infinity, the vast amount of planes and options almost assured that a player would find their favorite plane and use it without fear of never being competitive. Having 100's of planes with near equal specs thanks to mods and levels is what kept the multiplayer at a nice balance.

2 - Like you, I enjoyed all the PS2 era Ace Combat games immensely (specifically the Yellow Squadron), but I just didn't reach the level of enjoyment that you did when flying inferior equipment. When I wanted more challenge, I handicapped the game myself.

3 - I spent a considerable amount of time in AC: Infinity and worked very hard to get my favorite planes to Level 15 (+/-). Along the way I did spend some money on fuel but as with any game I buy, I generally budget around $100.00 for it so buying fuel was easy for me. I do get your frustration though, I routinely ran into Level 20 "whales" and was quickly shown door until I leveled my craft to around 15. The system was really good to me but those who spent money did have the advantage.

4 - I would love to see all the US Aircraft share the same weapons but I also understand that by doing so, there will no longer be fighter-multirole-attacker classes that have nice bonuses and keep balance in my book. Would I love to have an F-35A with GPB's? Yes. But not at the expense of balance.

EDIT: Didn't need a reason to buy it, but this will surely make many people happy.
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Many 4th generation aircraft are perfectly capable of fighting and defeating 5th gen fighters in a dogfight. much of the advanced sensor, ECM and radar equipment can and have been installed in earlier designs, and since the late 70's, manoeuvrability has mostly been restricted by human limitations rather than aircraft limitations. Sure, thrust vectoring enables fighters such as the F-22 to do some fancy stuff, but not to the extend that it will consistently be a determining factor.

5th gen aircraft rely on "stealth" that can be countered by IRST and further advancements in radar, making them insanely expensive aircraft, that don't perform significantly better than their predecessors, or in the case of the F-35, even worse than the planes it is supposed to replace.

If I got into a BVR shooting engagement in an F-35, I'd be praying for my pathetic load of 2-4 Aim-120's to hit their mark, because I'm not winning a dog fight, nor am I fast enough to turn tail and run away.

There's also nothing stopping the developers from seperating the planes into classes or year of introduction, thus allowing for online games with less capable fighters.
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