ACS-Aus/NZ | Season 4 | R35 GT-R TC | 9 SLOTS OPEN

  • Thread starter mij2003
Sorry for the late notice guys but I've caught the flu. Cactass will run the room as normal.
Evening Fellow Competitors,

Mij's room is now up for anyone wanting to get some early practice in.

Qualification will start at the usual 08:10pm.

Cheers, Cac.
Hey guys, I won't be racing again this week as I'll be in Melbourne overnight. Can't believe I have to miss another race!

Cactass will run the room as normal.

Sorry I'm missing another race guys, I look forward to racing you all next week.
I am working this weekend and will not be able to make the race.
Guys, I am so sorry. I'm not gonna make it home in time to race tonight and I'm in Melbourne next Saturday. I'm really sorry that I've missed so much of this season. I'll make sure I'm here to race at Rome.

Just a reminder that it's Round 7 tonight. The race will be 38 Laps around Trial Mountain Reverse.

Qualification/Race will start at the usual time of 8pm in Mij's Room.

Hope to see you all there.

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I've been so slow at getting to this post but I've been flat out lately and when I finally have time I usually forget.

There WILL be a 5th season in the ACS


The 5th season will be run on Gran Turismo 6! And will take place AFTER christmas 2013.

The car will be decided closer to the series start but one thing that has been decided is that the enduro can finally move to a bigger and better mountain!
