actual cities in gt5

now i know that the circuits and the regular street courses are awesome but what if gt5 had actual cities and real freeways you can drive through

if anyone has ever seen the getaway in stockholm or getaway in japan dvd's then you know what im talking about.

or how about having drift courses with actual roads from where drifting the japan mountains.

just a couple thoughts
Actually, there are several real cities, and IIRC, all of the streets are real, and I believe you could go to, for example, Tokyo, and drive the "course" if you wanted to. Cote D' Azur is for sure the real deal, with all the real streets and building s and whatnot. But more cities and more varied city tracks would be nice. point is and i hate to say it but an actual city with all the streets like NFS.NFS is gay as hell but how you can cruise the whole city is pretty nice.

sony probably wouldnt do this bcuz its basically street racing but i know i would enjoy doing 250 MPH on the tokyo bay bridge in a R34

with the blue ray disks im sure they can make a couple real life real scale cities
Well, racing around scale cities in non-street legal cars, with or without traffic, would be HIGHLY illegal and VERY unrealistic. The whole free roam idea has come up many times before in these forums, and it's always shot down. Let's just leave it to the street racing games.
NO! lol Street racing is stupid for one and illegal. I don't want to see GT go anywhere near this idea.

Also the big important factor is that alot of the cars in GT you aren't going to go cruising on the street with and many aren't street legal. The idea of cruising New York with an Oreca Viper is just stupid to me. Let's keep the GT series on the track only.
it would be good for photomode if there was a free roam mode, without all those crash barriers blocking the view.
Something like a countryside with a couple of houses,barns and cows for example with little roads

Just to make some beautiful shots. And not to just move around the car with the left stick like in phototravel
I have posted that "cruisin in real cities would be cooh" before. And, everybody is always talkin ish about how it isn't real. Like you guys drivin in a race car, on a race track, while ownin 700 cars is real. How many people get to do that. Check yourself befoh reck yourself.

I want GT to be as real as the next guy, but its just a game. Some of yah might get mad at me for sayin that, but what I mean is that realism has its limits.
You want realism? Go buy a real race car and go race for real, oh wait, that isn't possible? You don't have the money? You can't do that for real? Oh man, too bad.

Need for speed isn't amazin, but I like it for its fakeness. Yes, for realism I go to GT, my fav. But, this game needs to do somethin different or its just gonna be like all the other GT's. I've posted before about how I love to cruise around in GT4 with my DFP. I still think that real cities with real streets, touges, and wangans would be cool. I've always told people that NFS had GT's physics, graphics and cars, I would have fallen in love with that game. This is a thread for GT5 like many others. Threads to give ideas to make it better or what do want to see. How come so many people always ask for GT not add some more flava? I've said this before and I'll say it again, "If you like it old and the same, there are 4 perfectly good GT games to play". Give me city streets, street courses, and race tracks and I would be one happy muthafluffer.
I have posted that "cruisin in real cities would be cooh" before. And, everybody is always talkin ish about how it isn't real. Like you guys drivin in a race car, on a race track, while ownin 700 cars is real. How many people get to do that. Check yourself befoh reck yourself.

I want GT to be as real as the next guy, but its just a game. Some of yah might get mad at me for sayin that, but what I mean is that realism has its limits.
You want realism? Go buy a real race car and go race for real, oh wait, that isn't possible? You don't have the money? You can't do that for real? Oh man, too bad.

Need for speed isn't amazin, but I like it for its fakeness. Yes, for realism I go to GT, my fav. But, this game needs to do somethin different or its just gonna be like all the other GT's. I've posted before about how I love to cruise around in GT4 with my DFP. I still think that real cities with real streets, touges, and wangans would be cool. I've always told people that NFS had GT's physics, graphics and cars, I would have fallen in love with that game. This is a thread for GT5 like many others. Threads to give ideas to make it better or what do want to see. How come so many people always ask for GT not add some more flava? I've said this before and I'll say it again, "If you like it old and the same, there are 4 perfectly good GT games to play". Give me city streets, street courses, and race tracks and I would be one happy muthafluffer.
its not like you will be forced to cruise the city, it would just be an extra.

with all the extra space on the blue ray disks why not add a cruise city option in the menu
I personally really like the idea, I would LOVE to drive some of my cars around a city like in NFS but with GT realness and attention to detail. I would pay $60-70 for a game like that which combined racing with cruising, all the while having GT physics and stuff.
I wouldn't mind the idea as long as it was only ever a free roam. I see nothing wrong with driving around a city without traffic, it's really no different to a free run around the street circuits, just without barriers. It's hardly street racing if there are no other cars around. Just a little laugh and havin fun. Ok obviously not whole cities, because several of those would take up a phenominal amount of disc space (unless thy made it a 2 disc like GT2). Like it was said, no one would be *forcing* you to drive around them just as no one is *forcing* you to drive sub-100BHP cars. You'd still have a huge amount to do even if you ignored the free roam mode.
its not like you will be forced to cruise the city, it would just be an extra.

with all the extra space on the blue ray disks why not add a cruise city option in the menu

Thats what I'm talkin about. If you don't want it, then don't do it. Just put it in for the rest of us. Others can play the regular game. For all the ideas of downloadin more cars, tracks, parts and online mode and this thread for cruisin streets, alot of people complain that it shouldn't be there. I used to be hardcore about GT, i.e. I would talk down on other games and people. But, this game isn't just for the hardcore, make it for everyone. It has the space and the potential.
Ok obviously not whole cities, because several of those would take up a phenominal amount of disc space (unless thy made it a 2 disc like GT2). Like it was said, no one would be *forcing* you to drive around them just as no one is *forcing* you to drive sub-100BHP cars. You'd still have a huge amount to do even if you ignored the free roam mode.

Its Bluray. Thats 25gb on one side and 50 to 54gb for dual layer. So they definetly have the room to put it all on one disk and more. But, the question is will PD do it. Since its the first PS3 GT, they probably won't (i.e. GT1 on PS and GT3 on PS2). They still need other GT games for the PS3. But, hopefully it will still be bigger than GT4, no sense in goin down.
its not like you will be forced to cruise the city, it would just be an extra.

with all the extra space on the blue ray disks why not add a cruise city option in the menu
It would just be an extra that would take a hell of a lot of time and effort to do, sure theres space but I'd rather an extra 10 race tracks get modelled than one or two city areas. Remember, a single car in GT3 took 2 weeks and a track in GT4 took several months to model, now think aobut modelling a whole city. Now thionk of how many more useful things like exiting new race tracks could have been added instead.
It would just be an extra that would take a hell of a lot of time and effort to do, sure theres space but I'd rather an extra 10 race tracks get modelled than one or two city areas. Remember, a single car in GT3 took 2 weeks and a track in GT4 took several months to model, now think aobut modelling a whole city. Now thionk of how many more useful things like exiting new race tracks could have been added instead.

I can wait, actually I can't, but I guess I'll have to.

This brings up the downloadable content again, if you don't want it, then don't download it. I guess I can do that instead. Just so it wouldn't hold up production for the actual game.
Thing's not all racing's a car enthusiast game as you said live4speed, not just a racing game so why just race tracks?.

I mean don't get me wrong, the more tracks the better (race or otherwise), but let's face it..after GT4, PD owe it to the fans to actually do a little extra work. Push the PS3 to the limit and give people something to beat without waiting until 3 years of PS3 has passed.
Thing's not all racing's a car enthusiast game as you said live4speed, not just a racing game so why just race tracks?.

I mean don't get me wrong, the more tracks the better (race or otherwise), but let's face it..after GT4, PD owe it to the fans to actually do a little extra work. Push the PS3 to the limit and give people something to beat without waiting until 3 years of PS3 has passed.

Actually doesn't the box say "real racing simulator" or something like that? Not sure really but that would imply it's all about racing. :)

SHINSPIKES: Speak for yourself man. Some people here actually do go to the track and race. Maybe not in Zondas or Ferraris but in whatever they have. Which is kind of the point of GT, racing for everyone on all budgets. You should go try it sometime if you never have. Racing in a 20k dollar car is fun. You just need some friends, a track, and a little competitiveness and it's a blast.

Oh yeah, and this idea is still bad. Seriously what would be the point just to roam around a city?
Thing's not all racing's a car enthusiast game as you said live4speed, not just a racing game so why just race tracks?.

I mean don't get me wrong, the more tracks the better (race or otherwise), but let's face it..after GT4, PD owe it to the fans to actually do a little extra work. Push the PS3 to the limit and give people something to beat without waiting until 3 years of PS3 has passed.
It is for all intents and purposes a racing game, it's about entering and winning races in order to buy and win new cars. If someone (as in a company as I don't think private mods will be possible) got hired to create a downloadable free roaming city then great, but I'd hate it to be part of game, especially like NFS where you had to drive to the shops ect.
Now one city I know that would NOT make it, if this thing were to happen. Which I dont because NFS has that, and GT4 does not need it, but Los Angeles would not make it there. With the exception of only 1 stretch..and that would be Olive, which can make a great Street Circuit, but other than other part as the pot holes and bumps would destroy a suspension....But that would be nice, to have a Street Circuit in L.A Say Olive St...the S/F would be on 6 St...then head north to 4th street and make a right, where you'll go over a hill and down 4th to Spring St, then make a left to 3rd Street...Right on 3rd Street and then Right on Main St. Then you shoot all the way down to 9th street (the back stretch) and make a right and head up 9th to Olive Street and back to the S/F.... :scared: GOT IT???? Here' a map.

I know its not EVER going to happen..not that many corners and some of the streets that the track runs on arent that smooth (9th street)...but it would be cool as you'd be driving past buildings that are a little over 100 years old!
Speak for yourself man. Some people here actually do go to the track and race. Maybe not in Zondas or Ferraris but in whatever they have. Which is kind of the point of GT, racing for everyone on all budgets. You should go try it sometime if you never have. Racing in a 20k dollar car is fun. You just need some friends, a track, and a little competitiveness and it's a blast.

Oh yeah, and this idea is still bad. Seriously what would be the point just to roam around a city?

Read my post before you write anything IMADreamer. My argument was how real does the game get. Everybody wants a real game, but majority of us (like you) can't race on a real race track with a real race car. So some parts of the game can be real like the cars and handlin, while others can have more fake aspects like cruisin in the city with an exotic. The experience of racin in a city against other random people would be nice, and I wouldn't want this to be the main purpose of the game, just a little fun on the side. You don't dream very big dreamer.
I think a *legal*, sanctioned Formula 1-style track in Sydney, Australia would be called for in GT5.

So long as it has fences, barriers, and other official markings. I agree that street racing is foolish and highly illegal. It's the reason that I race in GT4 and avoid the NFS series like the plague.
Actually doesn't the box say "real racing simulator" or something like that? Not sure really but that would imply it's all about racing. :)

Read the case again..."The Real Driving Simulator", that would imply driving..which covers more then just racing.

Anyways, I get where you're coming from live4speed. Just saying it wouldn't be so bad, hence the idea of it being on a seperate disc/in arcade mode
Read the case again..."The Real Driving Simulator", that would imply driving..which covers more then just racing.

Damn right!!!!! Real driving simulator. Heh. Why are people so scared of illegal street racin in a game? Are you guys afraid of gettin busted................. by the game police. :sly:
i would love it if they had a city you could cruise around in, but i dont know about illegal street racing, sure it is tempting having a street racing game with the physics of GT but they should probably create a whole different game rather than put it in granturismo.
Damn right!!!!! Real driving simulator. Heh. Why are people so scared of illegal street racin in a game? Are you guys afraid of gettin busted................. by the game police. :sly:
Two things, it would reduce the car count, companies like Nissan no longer allow their cars to be included ni prodcts that portray them to be braking the law. Secondly, creating a city is a hell of a lot of work for a not so important part of the game and if it did become an important part of the game then Gran Turismo is no longer Gran Turismo, there's plenty of games that have taken up the idea of free roaming cities and imo it's not all that anyway. but theres two big killers for that idea making it into a Gran Turismo game, it will reduce the number of interetsted manufacturers and cars included in the game including some pretty big companies such as Nissan, and it would require a hell of a lot of work.
So long as it has fences, barriers, and other official markings. I agree that street racing is foolish and highly illegal. It's the reason that I race in GT4 and avoid the NFS series like the plague.


But within the tracks, free roaming could work. Like, you could drive into the pit garage to make chassis adjustments. Other than that, it won't happen. Period.
Damn right!!!!! Real driving simulator. Heh. Why are people so scared of illegal street racin in a game? Are you guys afraid of gettin busted................. by the game police. :sly:

Because alot of manufactures will pull their cars and also there are young influencial people who play these games and we don't any more advertisements for illegal street racing. Enough young people are dying already doing it.

I hate to sound like an old fart because I am not but looking back on my youth we did some stupid stuff and street racing was high on that list. I'm suprised we are still alive to tell about it and I don't want to see young people get hurt doing it. So if a game maker can have the decencey to keep it out of a game I am all for that.

I just want GT to stay on the track, legal racing.
But within the tracks, free roaming could work. Like, you could drive into the pit garage to make chassis adjustments.
Heh. That would be pretty cool. Especially if the pit crew waves you in! Why not include street racing in Gran Turismo HD? I can think of a few very good reasons:
1. Everyone else's racing game does it. The Gran Turismo dynasty has kept it out of the game and it's made the game unique. It's kept the simulated sport pure, and has helped to bring a few models over to the U.S. from overseas, thanks to its portrayal of legal racing.
2. It keeps the influence of crime away from something strong and respectable. The only thing I can say that games like Need for Speed, Outlaw Racing, Midnight Club, and others have done is helped to convince some rich kids to take their exotics out onto the Interstate and risk the lives of many families. Some of them could be your relatives. It's also helped to convince a few young adults to get ahold of a small car, wrench on it, and do some highly illegal, risky stuff.
3. In all honesty, what good could come from portraying illegal street racing? I'm all for city-based race tracks, but anything beyond that should be the imagination.
Two things, it would reduce the car count, companies like Nissan no longer allow their cars to be included ni prodcts that portray them to be braking the law.

but theres two big killers for that idea making it into a Gran Turismo game, it will reduce the number of interetsted manufacturers and cars included in the game including some pretty big companies such as Nissan, and it would require a hell of a lot of work.

Does that mean that Nissan won't be in the NFS series or even juice anymore? Aren't they still included in them now, I swear I've seen them. For some big companies, that are mostly european, they will probably shy away.

But, do you truly believe companies like Nissan don't want to be apart of street racing? They have Representatives that say they don't. But, Nissan is a money hungry industry just like the rest. They make money off the street racers, lots of it. They say they don't promote it, but all companies and games say that. To not know this is too naive. Its like the cigarette companies, they don't want you to die, but oh well. Money, money, money!!!!! They're all the same. Even Sony. This is why I ask for so much. I want my moneys worth. If I'm gonna die from a turbo, that turbo better be damn fast.
Does that mean that Nissan won't be in the NFS series or even juice anymore? Aren't they still included in them now, I swear I've seen them. For some big companies, that are mostly european, they will probably shy away.

But, do you truly believe companies like Nissan don't want to be apart of street racing? They have Representatives that say they don't. But, Nissan is a money hungry industry just like the rest. They make money off the street racers, lots of it. They say they don't promote it, but all companies and games say that. To not know this is too naive. Its like the cigarette companies, they don't want you to die, but oh well. Money, money, money!!!!! They're all the same. Even Sony. This is why I ask for so much. I want my moneys worth. If I'm gonna die from a turbo, that turbo better be damn fast.

I don't think Nissan was in the last NFS game due to the street racing thing. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
yeh i did notice that nissan wasnt in the last NFS game, it probably was because they didnt want to promote street racing, but nissan has always promoted street racing one way or another. Since nissan went under the renualt badge or sumthin i heard that tuning garages in japan arent goin so great anymore. Like when they stopped producing the nissan silvias, and the skyline the garages were bummed