Now one city I know that would NOT make it, if this thing were to happen. Which I dont because NFS has that, and GT4 does not need it, but Los Angeles would not make it there. With the exception of only 1 stretch..and that would be Olive, which can make a great Street Circuit, but other than other part as the pot holes and bumps would destroy a suspension....But that would be nice, to have a Street Circuit in L.A Say Olive St...the S/F would be on 6 St...then head north to 4th street and make a right, where you'll go over a hill and down 4th to Spring St, then make a left to 3rd Street...Right on 3rd Street and then Right on Main St. Then you shoot all the way down to 9th street (the back stretch) and make a right and head up 9th to Olive Street and back to the S/F....

GOT IT???? Here' a map.
I know its not EVER going to happen..not that many corners and some of the streets that the track runs on arent that smooth (9th street)...but it would be cool as you'd be driving past buildings that are a little over 100 years old!