Actual Rain will we get to use intermediate tyres & heavy wet.

  • Thread starter Hygrade B
United Kingdom
Jamaican living in UK
I was hoping the update would give us better rain plus heavy rain.
Does anyone know if this will happen?

We have heavy wet tyres but no where to use them.
Do I need to do a 20 lap race before I get heavy rain & can use those tyres?
Does it improve from lite rain to heavy?

I should not be able to use dry tyres that easy!
Are you testing the tires on time trial? The grip reduction on wet track there is set to "low", not "real". That's why you can be fast with dry tires (by dry tires i mean Racing tires, Sports tires have treads and that helps a lot on the rain)
Go to arcade mode, Custom Race, select a track that has rain and a car and on "Grip Red. on Wet Track/Track Edge" set it to "Real", after that try using a dry Racing tire, the ground will feel like ice.
Both tyres usable in the Campaign Mode in the Super Formula Race at Spa. I can’t say I noticed any difference between the two but found that race quite a challenge to win compared to most of the other races in Campaign Mode.