Adobe Photoshop CS2: Worth the $300?

  • Thread starter DuckRacer

Which is better? (please say why when you vote)

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Answered question
What's the difference? I see everyone ranking Photoshop higher than Paint Shop Pro, but why?

Sorry for the short message.
Ok, new question. I have Paint Shop Pro 8 that's a few years old now, and I'm considering to upgrade to Photoshop CS2. Do you believe it's worth paying $300 for? Would you do it?
Never used PSP, so PS for me. It's the industry standard and more evolved than PSP.
I used to use Paint Shop Pro, and I found that it was just like Photoshop, plus turorials, mins layers, so it depends. In my case, Photoshop.
I don't know what kind of user has written that, but PSP9 has layers, letter spacing, leading and that kind of things. :odd:

Aha, I see it: I wouldn't trust too much on articles that were written eight years ago. The same guy probably thinks that a 233MHz processor is state-of-the-art.
Is Corel any good?
Back in the days of pioneering vector illustration software, CorelDRAW! was the bees knees. Today though, it's all Adobe Illustrator and/or Macromedia Freehand. Coincidentally Adobe has now acquired Macromedia to form one giant company.

If Corel Paint Shop is what you have in mind, by all means it is adequate for touching up photomode pictures, but is nowhere near as powerful as Adobe Photoshop.

I started out with version 4 of Photoshop on an old Acer 486, now I use version 7 with 500mhz of raw processing power, by all means I'm used to using ancient computers.
Is Corel any good?

I used Photo-Paint 10 up until a year or two ago. The main disadvantage I found with it (and never found a way to fix it) is that the colour palette in the program is not the exact colours you get when you view the images outside of it. This made web design really frustrating.

PP10 could read .psd files, but had a problem rendering text that had any effects done to it. I found the program easier to learn from the beginning, but it's easy access traded on the precise nature of PS. Though a lot of the features are similar in PP10, they were accessed differently. The main things I miss are some of the filters though, but I eventually realized there was no point in continuing on with Corel when PS is the industry standard.

Can't say I've ever tried PSP, though.
Photoshop no doubt. The differences are too long to list. Demo both and I think you will see what I mean. I know Adobe has a demo version but I'm not sure about Paint Shop Pro.

One of the big differences is Photoshops ability to make 2d images or artwork look 3d. Paint Shop Pro just doesn't cut it. Don't get me wrong Paint Shop Pro is very good at its price point but just can't compete when it comes to serious CG work.

I used to use Paint Shop Pro and I finally broke down and bought and old version (unregistered) of Photoshop 7. After a few months of use, I upgraded to CS2. I saved about 400 bucks. Definitely worth the money if you are serious about CG.
Or if you are concerned primarily about price, try Gimp. It's freeware, and can compete with the PS/PSP. Then again, its not quite as user friendly, but come on... It's Free!
@ Mad Murphy - No, I'm not going to steal...

@ Concussion - I already have Paint Shop Pro 8. I'm pretty much asking this question to see if Photoshop is worth the $200 jump.
@ Mad Murphy - No, I'm not going to steal...

@ Concussion - I already have Paint Shop Pro 8. I'm pretty much asking this question to see if Photoshop is worth the $200 jump.

I guess it depends on what you plan to use it for. But if I could afford either program I would definitely go with Photoshop.

If you are a student, you can purchase an academic version. It's the same thing as the retail version except it cost less and is not to be used commercially. Don't buy a pirated copy.
When it comes to the power of the program, the Photoshop is naturally better, but in daily small-scale use there is no need for a program that is the best in the world and costs a month's pay. Not for me at least.

I've used Photoshop CS2 and I'd change my PSP9 to it any day but when I look at the price tag... that's the reason I think PSP is better for non-professional users.
Wether or not its worth spending the cash depends on what tools you need to use and how often you will use them. If you manipulate and create artwork for print, multumedia and web all day long and know you need to use it often to provide solutions then Photoshop is essential but if you are not really sure why you need it and only really want it for some cool effects you have heard people talking about then its not really worth the cash just to see some filters in effect. But yes it is the best :)
Im pretty sure there is a free trial version of Photoshop on thier site, maybe you want to give that a go? Otherwise I think Photoshop is better.
I used photo-paint when I started playing around with photo
very basic but fun enough to play with
after a year or so I switch to Photoshop 4 and now with CS2
big time PS addiction :)
I tried to download the trial three times, but there's a bad file in it. I downloaded a Photoshop 7 trial, and it's good, but there's limited features on the trial. :indiff:

I'm considering upgrading to the latest version of PSP, but there doesn't seem to be enough different features than what I have right now.
I love photoshop, and the experience i've had of PSP hasn't been too great. I'm no photoshop expect, but there are some seriously good things out there you can do with it.

Oh and ving, ma panda pwns j00 and your coupe, f00l.

(Copied and pasted from first post.)

Ok, new question. I have Paint Shop Pro 8 that's a few years old now, and I'm considering to upgrade to Photoshop CS2. Do you believe it's worth paying $300 for? Would you do it?
Definitively worth 300 bucks man,although you have to have atleast 512 MB RAM to use it,I mean it will work on something slower,like my laptop(256 MB RAM),but working with it will be rather slow,especially when you go crazy like me and install 300+ fonts,dozen of plugins ect.
Still,worth 300$ IMHO.
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