I'll give my 2 cents worth of opinion... Photoshop is the best, hands down. It's possibilities are nearly endless, and they keep making PS better and better with every new version. I am getting ready to drop $650 to buy a commercial version of CS2 so I can use it for a little income. I am not hyping PS up or anything, but it's all I have ever known, and I can almost gurantee (??? not sure if that's spelled right) that a person that has all knowledge of PS will have greater capabilities than a person that has all knowledge of PSP. But like has been said, if you are not going to be using PS to it's full capacity and you don't need all of the special effects and plugins and advanced layer options and stuff like that, than stick with what you are going to be able to use to the extent of that you need it for. If you are only needing it to do some color enhancements and levels and little special effects, stick with what you need, and not what you don't know. But if you are planning on expanding your knowledge of photo editing and having a blast with it, I must recomend purchasing Photoshop CS-2!