Advanced transmission flip?

  • Thread starter ripcurl
The way i do it is,default, top speed full left, 6th full right , put final to where you think it will be good lol set up the gears..once youve got your gears sorted i use the same gear setup but make final real close to fully left.done
And really with my flip method, if i find what your 6th, or any of your gears max out at, lets say your 6th is 1.371 or your 1st is 5.213, complete random numbers, but with this i can practically steal your tune due to its simplicity. I can do this in 3 minutes if i try on the trans, 2 if i do simple gearing.

Its ok if someone steals my transmission, they never will know my gear numbers. but if they do it will be for a car noone uses because I rarely run the normal noob cars that you see online. I know some of them are hard to tune and its all good, run what you do. Myself, Im just tired of using the same cars when I have over 400 in my garage.
The way i do it is,default, top speed full left, 6th full right , put final to where you think it will be good lol set up the gears..once youve got your gears sorted i use the same gear setup but make final real close to fully left.done

Thats the way i do mine just my method always gives me the lowest final gear possible everytime.
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jeez the way i do it on 3k is different , reset to default, raise final to say 5.000, lower top speed then just bring back the final to desired number, simple.
This is for a more permanent gear setup and what I do for 3k

Before I stretch the gears I usually have a set number for the graph mph i want to get to with these 2 conditions
1. final at the lowest number(all the way to the left)
2. shortest last gear(6th or 5th)- all the way to the right

The mph below final gear doesn't necessarily have to be the lowest number, usually it is but you can test different values.

To achieve the graph mph number i want to get to, its trial and error
1. set final to X number
2. set lower mph to whatever mph, usually the lowest
3. move 6th all the way to the right
4. move final all the way to the left and watch the mph on the graph
5. depending on the mph value, if i need it to go higher or lower, ill move the final the repeat steps 2-4

once i get the graph mph i want. ill manipulate 1-5 (or 1-4)

I still dont know how flipping the transmission at a certain mph value at the bottom affects the gears. I hear the lower mph number help low end and the higher numbers helps up top. I am not sure. Thoughts?
Everyone has a certain method for getting their transmission tuned. I use the top speed setting at the bottom at the lowest because its how I learned how to. Im sure if you used 1 or 2 clicks higher on the top speed you would end up lowering the final gear more before you get to the point where youre going to set it for the final which would give you the same result but with higher gear numbers. After a lot of trial and error ive found that lower gear numbers for 1 - 3.

This is a list of my steps again but with pictures for each step as to show how its done.
This is just a base setup.
This is a BMW M Coupe with 460HP
This is how my method looks if done the way i typed out the steps:
1. set to default

2. lower top speed to lowest setting

3. set 6th to highest

4. lower final gear until you get desired top speed (140mph for this car)

5. select top speed and move it up one then back down to lowest

6. set final gear to lowest and remember new top speed (141mph for this one)

7. reset to default again
8. lower top speed to lowest setting

9. lower final gear to the remembered top speed (141mph)

10. select top speed and move it up one then back down to lowest

11. lower final gear to lowest setting

12. set 6th gear to highest (look, back to 140mph)

13. set 5th gear to highest

14. set 4th gear to highest

15. set 1st gear to lowest

16. make 3rd gear "pretty" (which means...line it up)

See no odd out of order lines. and I did the steps they way I typed them.
at least what i noticed in 3k

the lower the value of the mph number below, the longer 1st gear can be set at

but not all cars in 3k needs a maxed out long 1st gear(enzo is a car that needs it) so that number can be moved around.

on the other hand, some awd cars, especially low hp ones need a lot shorter 1st gears. if you stretch the gears at a low mph in the bottom, even the shortest 1st gear is still too long (car bogs)

so i end up having to stretched the gears at a high mph in the bottom, some much closer to all the way to the right(high) then left(low)
at least what i noticed in 3k

the lower the value of the mph number below, the longer 1st gear can be set at

but not all cars in 3k needs a maxed out long 1st gear(enzo is a car that needs it) so that number can be moved around.

I noticed that too. With a higher final, 1st gear ends up shorter. I feel it could be used for cars like AWD cars that dont need 1st gear set to far left when using the lowest final gear. So in turn with a higher final gear you could set 1st gear to far left and possibly produce the same or maybe better results than the lowest final gear setup with 1st gear not tuned fully to the left.
If that was easy to follow.
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Hi all
I am really starting to struggle with this flipping the transmission
I have read the threads and still dont understand them
This is how i set mine up
reset to default
final all the way right
last gear all the way right
to speed all the way left
final i normally bring down to a low figure and play with it until i hit the top speed i want at the end of the run then play with the gears the normal way
it normally works ok for me in some rooms but im getting wipped in most off them all the time either on the start or when half way down the track (indy)
but at the same time a lots off my friends like dragging the top gear track and i cant drag both as i either have a bad top end or no launch so read up on transmission flipping which lets you set the top speed but dont understand it
Im not asking for anyone to pass settings over or give me them cause i would rather do that myself but just a little help on the matter
Cheers in advance
All the best Dave
Hi all
I am really starting to struggle with this flipping the transmission
I have read the threads and still dont understand them
This is how i set mine up
reset to default
final all the way right
last gear all the way right
to speed all the way left
final i normally bring down to a low figure and play with it until i hit the top speed i want at the end of the run then play with the gears the normal way
it normally works ok for me in some rooms but im getting wipped in most off them all the time either on the start or when half way down the track (indy)
but at the same time a lots off my friends like dragging the top gear track and i cant drag both as i either have a bad top end or no launch so read up on transmission flipping which lets you set the top speed but dont understand it
Im not asking for anyone to pass settings over or give me them cause i would rather do that myself but just a little help on the matter
Cheers in advance
All the best Dave
Go up and see what Karo wrote. Do it his way, it's pretty simple and obviously works, based on how fast his cars are. It always works pretty good for me.
I have a new way of tuning too. I tune cars that nobody else uses so I can then be the fastest. But don't tell anybody, it's a secret. We wouldn't want everybody finding out the key to our success troll brother:lol: I'd hate to see a bunch of other beetles running around. Then I'd have to find something even slower to tune. Nissan Leaf anyone?:lol:

You not in luck then kenny, my beetle us almost a second quicker than yours, and I'm still .2 off the Leaderboard now.
lol ok thought not
Well, if you mean tranny topspeed with final bit then......yes, but depending.

I interpreted it with final gear number, but perhaps this was wrong? Your question isn't really clear enough.
think im getting it now need to use both tranny and top speed to set my top end
Tranny...... single gear ratios and final gear or what? It would be much easier if you give us more precise information.

Tranny actually includes all the transmission stuff (tranny = transmission => logic).
Hi all. I am new to this transmission adjustment thing, so i toight to ask for some advice. My main two muscle projects are the 70 Charger R/T & Cougar XR-7. The charger is difficult to adjust (ratios/suspensions) so no clue what to do with that. Mercury however seems a little more easier to play with, and my current ratios are 1. (2.490) 2. (1.523) 3. (1.045) 4. (0.780) 5. (0.620) Final. (3.610) Top= 400 km/h (max).

Current XR-7 settings don't utilize the fifth gear much, but give me pretty good acceleration all the way to fourth gear (4th does 250km/h) and as little wheelspin as possible. Also the change from first to second is timed ok. I try to utilize the supercharger more, that is why the gears are currently so long. Any help with these ? The car is maxed btw (power).

Suspensions for XR-7 are sports, and settings are as follows

Ride Height: -10/-5
Spring rates: 4.2/3.8
Dampers: 3/2
Camber: 1.0/0.5

So as you all see, a little help would be in place :)
Hi, Alajarvi84!

Try putting this in your suspension.
Ride height- max/max
Spring rate- min/max




With this suspension, you will need a different transmission. 👍
Your Final gear ratio on both the Charger and Cougar should be 2.500

Final gear should always be minimum

Top speed in the Charger, 190. In the Cougar, 186. (MPH)

You need to utilize 5th gear.

How to set up the transmissions in these cars:

Reset to default.
Pick a starting final gear (For both cars, should be in the 5.000 - 5.100 area. I'm giving you big help with this)
Move Top Speed all the way to the left
Move 5th gear all the way to the right
Move Final Gear all the way to the left (2.500)
Move 1st all the way to the left
Leave 2nd where it is

Align up the rest of your gears so they look like this

|/ / / / /
/ /

as for your suspension. If youre using these cars at indy, use min/max for ride height. For SSRX, max/max

Spring rates should be min/min for both cars

Dampers 1/10 and 10/1

Camber: 4.5 / 0.0
Toe: -1.00 / +1.00

If you follow this advice closely you should have a record breaking cougar
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Do you mean like this (attachment) ? Do i use the maximum setting for the Final Gear at first, or the 5.100 you mentioned ? Are the 3th & 4th gears free to adjust ? What is that "Flip" thing everyone is talking about ?


  • GT5.pdf
    709 KB · Views: 50
I cant open the attachment as I don't have a PDF viewer

Don't use maximum setting. Use 5.100. Using a maximum setting will result in the top speed being too high - gears too long. Using a setting below 5.100 will have the opposite effect. All cars are trial and error, to find the correct starting final gear

3rd and 4th yes are free to adjust. but you should line them up as per how i mocked it up with slashes. 3rd 4th 5th should look like this / / / evenly aligned (or as close to even as possible)

Flipping a transmission is the act of:

Picking a final gear (5.100)
Setting the Top Speed to minimum (99 mph)
Setting the Final Gear to minimum (2.500)

The numbers in the parenthesis are a formality and will differ per car. But that is how you should set up every single transmission in GT5
After your guide the ratios are
1st: 3.798
2nd: 2.249
3rd: 1.680
4th: 1.380
5th: 1.165
Final Gear: 2.500
Max Speed (lowest) 160 km/h
Max Speed (up corner) shows 306 km/h
Good, now just make sure:
1st: Fully to the left (Longest first gear possible for best traction)
2nd: dont touch it
3rd: Line up with 5th after setting 5th
4th: Line up with 3rd and 5th
5th: Fully to the right (Shortest 5th gear possible allows for a higher starting final, and thus, a longer first gear)

launch in 1st gear.

It was remiss of me to tell you about shift points. Muscle cars like to be shifted early. shift those 2 cars between 5500 and 5700 rpm
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Allright i am getting confused now.. So when you say left or right, you mean the slider or the graph ?

I did this --> (sliders)

final Gear to 5.100
Top speed to minimum
5th gear to maximum
Final to 2.500
1st to maximun
2nd where it is

At this point it is

1: 3.798
2: 2.249
3: 1.669
4: 1.304
5: 1.165
Final: 2.500
Max Speed (slider): minimum
Max Speed (upper corner): 306 km/h
Yes I mean the sliders

Your ratios are close to mine however the 1st gear is very different

are you moving the slider of the first gear fully left or right? it should be fully left and land in the area of 2.8xx - 2.9xx