Affirmative Action, Scandinavian Style - Norway has lost the plot...

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
In Norway it is now compulsory for any board of directors of a publicly listed company to have at least 40% of its composition female or face legislated closure.


This means that if your board of directors comprises three people, two MUST be women by law, regardless of ability.

I guess they'll come in handy for general cleaning & light snack preparation in the boardroom.

On a more serious note, it's quite insane to make it compulsory. Directors should be chosen on there experience, business skills & ideas. Gender should never be a requirement for employment.

If you have one director vacancy left, and you have to refuse male applications, surely that's discrimination.
Thats just plain stupid. As Mark T said, Gender shouldn't be a requirment for employment, it should be based solely on skills.
Having witnessed affirmative action more or less first hand while working in South Africa I can simply say that it really sucks if you're unlucky enough to fall in the unfavoured group.

It's not a fair system, but if you want to artificially accelerate a balance change in the employment stats of your country, I can't think of any otherway except making it harder for the over represented group and easier for the under represented group to get any particular role.

I can see why they had to do it in SA, as they needed to start shifting the earnings into the poor areas as soon as possible, so the affirmative action rules there now favour the previously underprivileged races. At the same time they also favoured women and disabled people. I real bummer if you're a white male in good health (which is why I moved back to england) but I can't see what other choice the government has. It needs to be balanced. In SA, however, lives depended on this policy being introduced. I can't see why it's so important on the terms described in Norway. The article does not attempt to explain why this change was neccessary.
I can't see what other choice the government has.

Why does government need to make a choice?

It needs to be balanced.

It merely needs to reward merit, nothing else. There's no need for government to get involved at all.

Forcing companies to appoint less capable people from different groupings only serves to devalue those from those groups who have managed to get there by merit - people think that they only got there through their physical characteristics and not abilities. This breeds resentment of that group - the exact opposite of what the legislation sets out to achieve.
Will there now be an increase in sex change operations in Norway?
They have a rapid solution in neighbouring Sweden.


Bort bort bort!
Joy for government discrimination. 👎
Sorry, Blake. You're going to have to change your sex to female.

In a new rule here at GTP, 40% of all posters have to be female. Luckily, Famine is female already, which keeps the percentage up, but you're going to have to go under the Swedish chef's cleaver. (Famine performed the snip on Mark T this morning using a specially sharpened hockey puck. It was some shot. you sould have seen it!)

if 40% of the posters were female, id love to see what the single teenage males of GTP would be replying with...
Sorry, Blake. You're going to have to change your sex to female.

In a new rule here at GTP, 40% of all posters have to be female. Luckily, Famine is female already, which keeps the percentage up, but you're going to have to go under the Swedish chef's cleaver. (Famine performed the snip on Mark T this morning using a specially sharpened hockey puck. It was some shot. you sould have seen it!)


He only got the meat though, he missed the veg. I can now apply for directors jobs as both male and female. Get in.
if 40% of the posters were female, id love to see what the single teenage males of GTP would be replying with...

Probably "OfMG yuor hot!!!", a request for pictures and then a tacky avatar fad.

Or something.
I was under the impression we only need 40% of the Super-Mods to be female to comply?
No, no, no. To be a SuperMod, you have to be 40% female. We know they can gene-splice in their sleep.

And the bit about the meritocracy is easy to explain. If meritocracy is practiced, 99.5% of government would collapse, hence: never gonna happen.
These sorts of requirements work well in the minds of people who see all people as equally qualified for all work. They'll say "you can find a woman that's every bit as qualified as a man". Which automatically shifts the prejudice back onto the person who wanted to pick the man. Because, afterall, if there was a woman who was equally qualified, then it just comes down to prejudice.

The truth of the matter is far from that assumption though. Often there really is only one applicant best suited for the job.
I knew this thread wouldn't stay serious for long. :dopey:

I think this law can potentially lower businesses productivity. Not because there would be more women to ogle at :D but because gender is being prioritized over actual skills.
I bet the government of Norway would never consider making 40% of its 169 members female. Or better yet - pass a law that 40% of the royal family must be female.
And it also seems that its perfectly legal for 100% of the directors to be female....

Mike from Oslo
I work in a small publicly listed company, but I doubt I will ever advance any higher in the company than I am now - the entire managerial level above me is female, and the level above them too. There is no legislation which says there has to be a certain percentage of men present in the board room!
Hey kiddies with your annoying Che t-shirts, take note – this is the kind of BS that socialism naturally lends itself to.
I don't see the point in reverse discrimination. I would hate to get a seat at the board table just because of the particular set of genitalia I happen to have. Or worse still, no matter how capable I am and what qualifications I have, everyone thinking that the only reason I am on the board just to meet some random quota. (If I was female - which I'm not)

Also what happens if you only have one director who happens to be a male? Does he need to become a transgender or do you need to hire a token female director to bump the ratio up to 50%?
Hey kiddies with your annoying Che t-shirts, take note – this is the kind of BS that socialism naturally lends itself to.

Ah yes, those annoy me too. They should be called Cliché Guevara shirts.

On a more serious note:
As a person who could potentially be affected by "Affrimative" action, based on race.
I hate the friggin' idea.

Yeah, it may make it compulsory to give a girl a chance, or give the choose race person, a shot.
But I don't want to get the job just because I'm not a WASP or because I don't own a penis.
I want the top job, but dammit, I expect to earn it.
If that means busting my balls in the janitorial pool to get to the mail room, to become someone's assistant, to displacing my boss because I'm better at the job. So be it.
Don't hand it to me just because I'm the right gender or race. That will be a prescription for failure, and will back the assumption that it's not a job for a female or other affirmative action candidate, because "After all, they couldn't handle it."
Don't promote me in order to screw me over later.
Funny story, we "illegalized" affirmative action in Michigan back in 2006. That one didn't go over too well with the rights groups, and it has been challenged several times, but AFAIK, the laws are still in tact and have gone on without much of a problem.

Like Sage said, you create a nanny state, they're doing to do it to everyone.
And it also seems that its perfectly legal for 100% of the directors to be female....
Mike just hasn't been paying attention; the law requires minimum 40% of each gender. This was actually in the newspaper several years ago, about a company where all board members were women (like Mike's), where they weren't sure what they were going to do because they didn't know any men with knowledge within their specialized field. Most smaller/public companies have pulled a simple evasive manouver by reclassifying the company (to private/communal or something else), legally avoiding the law.

Still, I can't defend it. I think it's as retarded and backwards as the last government that put it in place. Companies should be lead by people chosen because of their experience, not because of their gender.:grumpy:
I think it's a good idea, just as it is in the US education system.

If the jobs were given solely on the basis of skills, only men would be in office because they've had the good fortune up to this point. So it would just be a vicious cycle.