Because the company chose the male candidate over the women candidate. Just because they chose more men then women does not mean that you can say it is because of sexism, and this law is designed purely around the idea that you can.
It's like i said in my post before this one; it's indirect sexism. There are more likely than not many women applying for a job at your office, but you choose more men.
Whether or not the men were more qualified is beyond the point in my opinion, because we're not talking about a huge difference. Today, woman are just as smart and hard-working as men.
If you had a situation where your company has 0 female employees,and then two applicants come along...Frank who can increase profits by 5%, and Elizabeth who could increase profits by 4%. What is 1% of profits? That's nothing. You're supposed to take the woman because she most likely (and when i say most likely i mean
most likely...just look at the statistics) worked harder to get to the same point as Frank, because the world we live in is still full of prejudice.
Which is something that quite frankly is pure baseless conjecture. In a perfect world there would be just as many women in high positions as men. But there are far too many unknowns to simply say that men are in high positions due to discrimination.
If I live in Harlem and 90% of the kids in school are black, that is not because the school was christened and all-black school. Its is simply the way things happened. You can't prove that they only allow men into high paying jobs simply because most high paying jobs are held by men.
What unknowns? If you really think about it, there are none that morally make sense.
You're right, the school was probably not christened all-black. But the neighborhood is probably economically segregated by what jobs those people can get, and crazy old white ladies who think the "separate but equal" policy was doing a bang-up job before those got rid of it.
To the contrary. You can very easily say that if the companies that have more men in their workforce are that way because they hired on merit. If they hired men because they were men, then I agree with you. But you cannot say that is always the case, which is what this laws makes it out to be.
No you really couldn't, because the company would probably state some privacy violation or plead the Fifth when approached about it.
What i'm trying to say is that it almost can be taken as fact that men are hired more often only because they are men, because the statistics show it. The workforce is split almost 50-50, so there are very few chances that one company would be predominantly male for no reason.
Which is a huge double standard. You can't complain about women getting treated unfairly in hiring and then turn around and say "too bad" if a man gets passed over because a company is forced to fill a quota. That is not equality. That is preferential treatment to women.
Yes you can because like i said before, one is based on government policy for the greater good (the greater good) and the other is based on mindless prejudice.
Forcing the issue is also immoral and pointless. Not to mention sexist.
It's not immoral, pointless, or sexist. Not yet. More men still hold more jobs.