
  • Thread starter milefile
Afganistan is one of the great triumphs of democracy and freedom, ever.

A lot of people have forgotten what was accomplished there. Some even criticize it. I want to know what could possibly be bad about democracy in Afganistan? I want to know what the nay-sayers' think would've been better.
Never going there in the first place and bringing terror to our door step, let them live life as they saw fit, and only react if we were directly involved !
Never going there in the first place and bringing terror to our door step, let them live life as they saw fit, and only react if we were directly involved !
Ummm, Al Quaeda attacked us first, and then Bin Laden went back to hide in Afghanistan. I'd say that means we were directly involved.

And I'd like to see you investigate what life under the Taliban was like before you promote letting them live as they saw fit. How would you like it if your mother, sister, and girlfriend were kept illiterate and uneducated - by law - and risked brutal punishment or death for attempting to go to school?

Did you know that the Taliban ordered and executed the destruction of dozens of ancient Hindu statuary, religious icons hundreds of feet high and thousands of years old, because they were not Muslim created? That's like Egypt demolishing the pyramids because they blocked the view of the sunset.

I repeat, to all of you young hotheads: no matter what your opinion is, know what you're saying before you say it.
Al Quaeda attacked US first ? ( not that I am defending those bastards and there asinine reasonings) but 9/11 wasn't the quote you .."know what you're saying before you say it." The US and other nations have been there for years, whether officially or not, trying to change the way of life. Nations of other religions seen as tresspassers bringing with them government and power and change is something ( whether or not we believe it is right, and there way is wrong ) You've got to expect that it will not be well received by all parties.
The War On Terror started out well enough...Afghanistwas the first major triumph.

however, when America stepped foot into Iraqi territory, with the rest of the world going, "Huh? Wait a minute..." they lost their focus and now everything's turned to **** right in front of our eyes.

I try very hard to know what I'm saying at all times. I'm not perfect. But I consistently make the effort. This is why I tend to stay out of some threads, like ///M-spec's Israel vs. Palestine thread. I have opinions, but they are not articluated enough or supported clearly enough to let me feel comfortable posting there yet.
This is why I tend to stay out of some threads, like ///M-spec's Israel vs. Palestine thread. I have opinions, but they are not articluated enough or supported clearly enough to let me feel comfortable posting there yet.
Yeah, but I didn't want anyone to think I'm automatically supporting one side or the other because I've been raised in a Jewish household, let alone have a Yiddish nickname...but I'm getting off-topic here.

Actually, I'm quite impressed with what we did in such a short span of time in Afganistan. Considering the US went from 9/11 to a fairly-well-thought-out onslaught of Al-Qaeda and Taliban supporters in less than a month, it's impressive indeed that we were able to create a state that supports democracy and the nation can hopefully rebulid itself. Although we didn't catch Osama bin Laden, we were looking to do the next best thing, and that was to remove the support and "clemency" he was receiving from the Taliban.

Now, people have choices for who they want for thier leader. There's going to be a goverment that has representatives of all types of people. And like our own nation, there's several choices to pick from (well, sort of)...even a woman was seriously running for the highest office in Afganistan, something absolutely unheard-of three years ago. Afghanistan was regarded as a nation with one of the lowest per-capita ability to have running water, electricity, phone lines, and access to the Internet. I think it's mainly because the Taliban financially destroyed the infrastructure to pay for weapons and spread loads of fundamentalist propaganda to the masses.

I think it was a rather cheap shot by John Kerry to blame Bush for "exporting the job of catching Osama", by allowing coalition forces to aid us in wiping out the Taliban/Al-Qaeda. We probably wouldn't have known the difficult, mountainous territory as well as the natives might have known it, so we couldn't have even had a chance at all to catch him.
I think it was a rather cheap shot by John Kerry to blame Bush for "exporting the job of catching Osama",

It was a flip-flop on his part since he agreed with Bush's plan earlier.

Huh? Wait a minute..." they lost their focus and now everything's turned to **** right in front of our eyes.

We're maintaining focus on our security and the prevention of terrorist attacks.
Blair had a little joke in parliament today.

He said he'd already phoned and congratulated the new president this morning.

President Karzai of Afghanistan :)

A democratically elected President in Afghanistan...despite the bomb threats and the attempts to sabotage it, this is a triumph for the Afghan people.
Yes, it was very, very nice to see. Looks like they had almost an 80% turnout as well. (8 million out of 10.5 registered voters)

Afghanistan is a much bigger success than Iraq I think. The Taliban were simply evil. I think Afghan will become a great success story. I hope the Same for Iraq, but it's not looking to good.
Afghanistan is a much bigger success than Iraq I think. The Taliban were simply evil. I think Afghan will become a great success story. I hope the Same for Iraq, but it's not looking to good.
Agreed. When the US uses its might to actually increase good and defeat evil in the world, it works wonderfully.
I think America is suffering in Iraq because of the lack of REAL international help. 1500 Polaks don't make a coalition! And the strategy they adopted as my unit was preparing to leave was not a good move. Instead of having many units living in the city spread out, they consolidated everyone into like 6 major bases in the country.... BAD idea. And patrolling the streets in Tanks and Bradleys is not doing any good either. You need an entire Infantry division +, to patrol Baghdad on foot and in hummers. In the cities, you need infantry on foot, closer to the people they are supposed to be protecting. not behind 6 inches of steel armor plating.
I think America is suffering in Iraq because of the lack of REAL international help. 1500 Polaks don't make a coalition! And the strategy they adopted as my unit was preparing to leave was not a good move. Instead of having many units living in the city spread out, they consolidated everyone into like 6 major bases in the country.... BAD idea. And patrolling the streets in Tanks and Bradleys is not doing any good either. You need an entire Infantry division +, to patrol Baghdad on foot and in hummers. In the cities, you need infantry on foot, closer to the people they are supposed to be protecting. not behind 6 inches of steel armor plating.

Sounds alot like the way the British are working in Basra. :D

And, okay things aren't all roses there, but they aren't as bad as Baghdad and the other cities. Though that could be put down to other factores
I think America is suffering in Iraq because of the lack of REAL international help. 1500 Polaks don't make a coalition! And the strategy they adopted as my unit was preparing to leave was not a good move. Instead of having many units living in the city spread out, they consolidated everyone into like 6 major bases in the country.... BAD idea. And patrolling the streets in Tanks and Bradleys is not doing any good either. You need an entire Infantry division +, to patrol Baghdad on foot and in hummers. In the cities, you need infantry on foot, closer to the people they are supposed to be protecting. not behind 6 inches of steel armor plating.

Wouldn't that make infantry signifigantly more vulnerable to IEDs, RPG and mortor attacks? Bradleys are pretty much impervious to those, right? Maybe something like the Styker is the way to go?


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