I was active on forums when I was about 14, probably had a few close calls with groomers during that time. Was on an old furry forum that got taken down not that long ago.
There was a guy there that kept raving about Bitcoin at the time, so I sorta wished I was a more impressionable kid

Guy would write literal pages on it just to get flamed. Guess he won in the end.
Was poor, so I didn't get a touchscreen phone until my late HS years, so the whole texting/IM thing isn't really for me. If I wanted to talk to someone who was away, like my friends usually were during the school year, I would just hop into a phone call and talk for hours and hours.
I still do that today, just with Discord. I only really interact with my friends and friends of friends. I'm friendly/cordial with everyone else, but that's about it.
The dedicated Discord gaming communities thing, though, is just too fast paced for me and sometimes too hyper-focused for me to enjoy. If the topic was say... RPGs, I don't want to talk about dps parse numbers all the time, nor do I want to talk about patch notes, class rebalances, etc, every day. We already play the game, together or not. While I'm there I want to know more about
you, not your interactions with the game.
Forums tend to do a good job of letting you know people through their posts because it's slow enough to have conversations about other topics.