AI clickbait madness

United States
United States
i want to meet who ever told ai image generators that old men over 65 are cut as hell and look like linebackers.... wth is going on? who has such cool beards at that age? no one! no one!!!! no 65+ has sleeve tats and gauged ears, nor do they do intermittent fasting or chair yoga or body type workouts, all shams......... stop with the male body shaming!!!! guys, be an ally and complain/flag any human AI ads with characters that are better than we ever can be....
I'm some way off 65 yet, so cannot possibly say how if I'll look like a fine toned specimen (or not), but what I do know is there are loads of beatiful Ukranian women whove recently become really interested in me 🤔.
Well, for what is worth, I only see those kinds of things when they're literally advertising work out routines and supplements etc. Yes, it's unrealistic, but also, it's clearly in an aspirational context, and I don't really have a problem with that. What we shouldn't be doing is normalising that appearance in completely unrelated context where you mostly would only be looking at average people.

On the plus side... 65 you say? Well that's okay, I'm only 45, which means I've got 20 years to work on that appearance.... I'll totally start next week, pleeeeenty of time yet.
Well, for what is worth, I only see those kinds of things when they're literally advertising work out routines and supplements etc. Yes, it's unrealistic, but also, it's clearly in an aspirational context, and I don't really have a problem with that. What we shouldn't be doing is normalising that appearance in completely unrelated context where you mostly would only be looking at average people.

On the plus side... 65 you say? Well that's okay, I'm only 45, which means I've got 20 years to work on that appearance.... I'll totally start next week, pleeeeenty of time yet.
I hear what you’re saying. But chasing something that is unattainable is the issue. I’m all for being healthy and living your best life. But not under the pretense of an impossible body that is only truly possible with PED’s and the like. I am only 44 myself and am in good condition, weight in check no underlying issues accept body/joints worn out from martial arts and being a professional mechanic the last 25 years.

But when I see body types that are unattainable presented as “just buy my product” that’s the rub. All those Hollywood superhero’s have awesome bods because there are no rules in Hollywood about taking a steroids or PED’s and personal trainers. Not because they did chair yoga.

It’s not only teen girls on Instagram that are being sold impossible bodies. That’s all.
I'm some way off 65 yet, so cannot possibly say how if I'll look like a fine toned specimen (or not), but what I do know is there are loads of beatiful Ukranian women whove recently become really interested in me 🤔.
Not sure how you find time for that, between all the credit card offers, dodging all the hate from doctors by doing that one trick, confounding Amazon from billing me, playing a beautiful new game on my phone, playing slots with one quintillion free chips, cleaning out my bowels every evening (but also avoiding that food the cardiologist is literally begging me not ingest), unbelievably seeing how some C-list actor is doing at age 85, looking the new Subaru lineup while picking my jaw off the ground (which looks suspiciously like a twenty-year-old Citroën), but weighing that against all these unsold SUVs which are literally being sold for 99.5 pennies on the dollar, and whatever other fakery abounds which I'd accidentally pressed on my phone.

It's like getting bitten to death by butterflies.
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Not sure how you find time for that, between all the credit card offers, dodging all the hate from doctors by doing that one trick, confounding Amazon from billing me, playing a beautiful new game on my phone, playing slots with one quintillion free chips, cleaning out my bowels every evening (but also avoiding that food the cardiologist is literally begging me not ingest), unbelievably seeing how some C-list actor is doing at age 85, looking the new Subaru lineup while picking my jaw off the ground (which looks suspiciously like a twenty-year-old Citroën), but weighing that against all these unsold SUVs which are literally being sold for 99.5 pennies on the dollar, and whatever other fakery abounds which I'd accidentally pressed on my phone.

It's like getting bitten to death by butterflies.
Said C-list actor also living in your town, incidentally enough