Aircraft Models

I searched, found nothing. So, what the hell. One image for now.


The big one is something I'm calling the Albatross. At the bottom there is an ESR Overseer (AWACS) I've placed there to demonstrate the Albatross' incredible bigness.
Wow, extreme concepts there. I had watched the contest between Boeing and Lockheed for the U.s.'s next gen fighter jet on discover (I think it was that channel), very interesting. 👍

Fighters now. Here we have my flagship zoomie, the F-27C Hatchet (bottom), providing chase plane services for my prototype, and as yet un-named, F-44A (which is actually smaller than the Hatchet, it's just closer to the 'camera').

The spine you see above the F-44's engine is a multi-purpose sort of device. It can be a fuel tank to extend range, a drag chute deployment container to reduce landing distance, or, with some modifying, it can even take a rear-facing radar package.

Should popular demand dictate it, I'll post better pictures of both fighters next.

This is the A-32 Lancet, a prop-driven low-altitude striker much like the Skyraider in Vietnam. It's a combat derivative of the E-32 AWACS series, which I'll post later on.

More variants. Here we have another ESR Overseer preparing for a refuel by another plane that uses its basic airframe, the KC-30A. You can just see the refueler probe coming down between the wings there.

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