I haven't followed the events of this election extremely closely, but reading through this thread, a couple kind of random questions spring to mind.
I actually don't have stats to back this up, but am I correct in assuming most blacks in America vote Democratic? If this is true, my question is - why?
Now, I understand on the surface that, when the Republican Party is represented by faces like Roy Moore, based on Moore's statements, a black voter would be inclined to vote Democrat. That said, an arguement I saw presented a while back (and I forget exactly where), was, ok, blacks don't vote Repliblican because Republicans are racist - but what exactly has the Democratic Party done for black people in America? The person presenting this arguement went on to point out examples - the municiple governments of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Flint Mi, for example, have been Democrats for quite a long time, and based on observations of those cities, is there evidence that the Democratic Party actually has black people's (or poor people for that matter) best interests at heart?
To be clear, I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with this notion, and I would need to dig a little deeper into it to check facts and whatnot, but I do find it interesting. Basically the idea that, black people feel the Republicans have no love for them (and there's some evidence that could perhaps back this up), and feel that the Dems have their best interests at heart (which upon investigation, shows that may not actually be the case).
The second thing I'm curious about, and this is much more trivial, is that someone here said Moore was quoted in an article referring native Americans and Asians as reds and yellows. Again, not taking a stance for or against this language, I'm curious why red and yellow are socially unacceptable, yet black, white, and brown are socially acceptable?
I think the consequences of the United States history of racism are deeply ingrained & not easily "fixed". Democrats may not have a good record in advancing the position of blacks, but the vast majority of African Americans still seem to believe (only those who actually vote, you understand) that the Democratic party represents their interests better than the GOP.
No...surely no politician is guilty of that.pander for votes
The consequences are ingrained, what does this mean?
Neither party represents the interests of a single race better than the other, it's not their job to and it's political suicide. There are a portion of them who pander for votes based on welfare promises, so they represent themselves come election time as handouts beget handouts.
Believing that Democrats and blacks are far more likely than Republicans or whites to have received food stamps at one point or another, for example, is a fact, probably why it is a common sentiment among Republican voters. Democrats pandering to them makes sense since they make up a decent percentage of their voting base.You've just echoed a fairly common belief among the Republican base, that black voters are a bunch of greedy welfare chasers, yet you wonder why they feel that the Democrats represent their interests better? C'mon man, it ain't that hard of a mystery to solve.
Believing that Democrats and blacks are far more likely than Republicans or whites to have received food stamps at one point or another, for example, is a fact, probably why it is a common sentiment among Republican voters. Democrats pandering to them makes sense since they make up a decent percentage of their voting base.
You missed the point by a mile. The notion that black folks' voting habits ultimately come down to voting for whoever gives them more benefits is incredibly insulting. It perpetuates the stereotype that they're lazy and greedy.
I reckon far more black voters are pushed away from the GOP by sentiments like that, than are pulled away by "pandering" Democrat programs.
The notion that black folks' voting habits ultimately come down to voting for whoever gives them more benefits is incredibly insulting.
No, actually I don't but welfare is in no ones best interest.you wonder why they feel
Most people vote for who gives them the most benefits that's how the world works. Not all stereotypes are incorrect.You missed the point by a mile. The notion that black folks' voting habits ultimately come down to voting for whoever gives them more benefits is incredibly insulting. It perpetuates the stereotype that they're lazy and greedy.
I reckon far more black voters are pushed away from the GOP by sentiments like that, than are pulled away by "pandering" Democrat programs.
The lazy and greedy one is probably unhelpful though. How do rich black Americans who aren't on welfare vote? If it isn't overwhelmingly Republican then maybe it's not all about self-interest.Most people vote for who gives them the most benefits that's how the world works. Not all stereotypes are incorrect.
Rich Americans of all colours vote in their own self interest most of the time, same as everyone else. Lazy and greedy is unhelpful if it's applied to those that aren't lazy and greedy but it's not my generalization so I'm not sure why you're asking me about it.The lazy and greedy one is probably unhelpful though. How do rich black Americans who aren't on welfare vote? If it isn't overwhelmingly Republican then maybe it's not all about self-interest.
The same as all other rich americans? it's just a guess.How do rich black Americans who aren't on welfare vote?
How do rich black Americans who aren't on welfare vote? If it isn't overwhelmingly Republican then maybe it's not all about self-interest.