About Xsara Kit Car
GT4_Rule. Thanks!
GT Pro. I don't understand exactly your question, but yep, I always analize what track is the best for each car and objective in my mind. thanks for visitting.
jacoja07. Hahaha, you don't need any teaching from me. Your last Devilper is just amazing! Now, teach me how did you do that lol.
jgda9rs. Hehe, or Bugalski. Btw this car won some National Rally Championships in Spain with Chus Puras. Surely it isn't very known arround the world.
.*StReeTz*. Thaanks.
Cod_Father. I worked on them
NTX1982. Thanks a lot NTX for your comments. And happy new year... at 9th January
Arathorn. Thanks Ara!
[empty space]. Well, some wild drivers pushes the throtle when sliding in "all front" cars. I think there is excesive smoke this time, but it doesn't look bad at all
About Cracked Thumbanil Panel Tutorial
TVR&Ferrari_Fan. Thanks TVR
.*StReeTz*. Hehe, I'm still waiting for your tutorial btw.
Drift2XS. Thanks for your support man.
GT Pro. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2532351&postcount=389 👍
kraft_d. I wish this were useful in the future anyway
GT4_Rule. Thaaanks.
About Jeannot et la Maxi Turbo
Cod_Father. Wow, the curved blur was very very challenging this time. When I was making the photosession, I thought in your beautiful Maxi session. Btw I actually preffer yours than mine
Ultrashot. Haha, that's what I often say in your gallery

. I'm agree, the textures and jpeg compression gives a quite ugly look to my lovely Maxi Turbo. But... I had no chance.
.*StReeTz*. Thanks. In real live, that car is very usual in France, the Turbo and Turbo 2 street versions, and the Maxi Turbo in rally tracks. They actually still running and racing, and that's funny to see even in GT4
TVR&Ferrari_Fan. Thanks. Me too, like a double zero rally car in the surrounding events
jgda9rs. Haha, thanks a lot.
NTX1982. The middle shot is always special
Rayquaza. Yep, gives a neat distribution of the images. Because proportion matters hehe.
GT4_Rule. Thanks again!
franz. I'm gald to read that comments from you. Thans for your visit.
Now, I'd like to introduce you my new litle webpage. I'm trying to develop some themes about automotive design, mechanic, simulation and other impressions since my real experiences day by day.
I've added a link to an online translator. I know it doesn't work very well, but at least you can read the bascis in your native language or... learn spanish like I'm learning here with your help

. Btw you can post your comments if you like, even in English don't worry.
I'm working on it in my spare time, updating cotents every week or less so stay tuned.