> alexwrc autoFOTO - 7th last

  • Thread starter alexwrc
Agreed, the scenery shot is beautiful. The car seems somewhat un-clean in most of the shots but oh boy, you really got along with NTX's colors I see, they're beautiful 👍
I like this update. You don't see that car too often. The saturation is perfect for the colors on that car. Great venue as well. Good job mate.
I love the last shot, but I have seen one of the true versions of the Maxi Turbo Group B Rally car in real life. Anyway Alex, please check out either of my PGR3 or GT4 galleries please, because you may like the Christmas and New Years Day updates I posted up in both of my galleries.

But remember to find those updates easier, you should visit the index on page 1 of my galleries.
I just love when U do a update Alex!! Always giving incredible shots, and this set of pics is no exception. Look at those colors?! Simply great. Look at the blur of the 3rd shot?! HOLY S***!! What more can I say...just keep doing more shots:) Congrats King Alex and happy 2007!!!
Oh man, you really bring out the beauty of this car. I have it, but never actually used it so maybe i ought to take it for a spin too :) And good idea on Vertical Thumbnails, they take way less place then Horizontal if you want to take more shots of 1 car. :)
I have to use your word ... "Brutal"!!!
Nice work on the curve blur, good angles on all shots
the pres is as good as always, prettier background this time
About Xsara Kit Car

GT4_Rule. Thanks!

GT Pro. I don't understand exactly your question, but yep, I always analize what track is the best for each car and objective in my mind. thanks for visitting.

jacoja07. Hahaha, you don't need any teaching from me. Your last Devilper is just amazing! Now, teach me how did you do that lol.

jgda9rs. Hehe, or Bugalski. Btw this car won some National Rally Championships in Spain with Chus Puras. Surely it isn't very known arround the world.

.*StReeTz*. Thaanks.

Cod_Father. I worked on them :D

NTX1982. Thanks a lot NTX for your comments. And happy new year... at 9th January :lol:

Arathorn. Thanks Ara!

[empty space]. Well, some wild drivers pushes the throtle when sliding in "all front" cars. I think there is excesive smoke this time, but it doesn't look bad at all :D

About Cracked Thumbanil Panel Tutorial

TVR&Ferrari_Fan. Thanks TVR

.*StReeTz*. Hehe, I'm still waiting for your tutorial btw.

Drift2XS. Thanks for your support man.

GT Pro. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2532351&postcount=389 👍

kraft_d. I wish this were useful in the future anyway :)

GT4_Rule. Thaaanks.

About Jeannot et la Maxi Turbo

Cod_Father. Wow, the curved blur was very very challenging this time. When I was making the photosession, I thought in your beautiful Maxi session. Btw I actually preffer yours than mine :D

Ultrashot. Haha, that's what I often say in your gallery :cool:. I'm agree, the textures and jpeg compression gives a quite ugly look to my lovely Maxi Turbo. But... I had no chance.

.*StReeTz*. Thanks. In real live, that car is very usual in France, the Turbo and Turbo 2 street versions, and the Maxi Turbo in rally tracks. They actually still running and racing, and that's funny to see even in GT4 :D

TVR&Ferrari_Fan. Thanks. Me too, like a double zero rally car in the surrounding events :D

jgda9rs. Haha, thanks a lot.

NTX1982. The middle shot is always special :)

Rayquaza. Yep, gives a neat distribution of the images. Because proportion matters hehe.

GT4_Rule. Thanks again!

franz. I'm gald to read that comments from you. Thans for your visit.


Now, I'd like to introduce you my new litle webpage. I'm trying to develop some themes about automotive design, mechanic, simulation and other impressions since my real experiences day by day.

I've added a link to an online translator. I know it doesn't work very well, but at least you can read the bascis in your native language or... learn spanish like I'm learning here with your help :). Btw you can post your comments if you like, even in English don't worry.

I'm working on it in my spare time, updating cotents every week or less so stay tuned.

autoDiseño&Mecánica | autoDesing&Mechanic


I just want to say that your page of autoDiseño&Mecanica is very well made, with so much of information about the themes that U have there. The design of the blog is also very good, love the way you display your contents. Congrats and keep it up, U have a great future ahead:)
Nice website you've got there. I have a photoshop website as well, it's pretty good. I need to spread the word for members to the forums :lol: Hope all goes well with your website.
NTX1982. Thanks NTX. Surely you could understand it much better than other people hehe.

jgda9rs. Thanks man!

.*StReeTz*. Yep, I have saw your web yet. I've noticed the photoshop content too. Thanks again.

FaLLeNAn9eL. :lol::lol::lol: coool

Ultrashot. Not all. Only the design wich are signed with my name or are under a personal theme (Like the Sketch of the week in the header). Thanks Bram.

Edit, and yes C_F, you was the first visitor from GTplanet. Until you post anything here, thanks too mate :lol:!

More amazing stuff Alex, the Maxi Turbo update is suberb. Love all of them, great colours and use of location. The curved blur and palm tree shots look so good, but what else would I expect from you. All your updates are great.

Love your website, very stylish. I can tell from looking at your shots, presentations and website. That you have a very good sense of graphic design, keep it up. Look forward to seeing more of your awesome work soon. 👍

I might try out that curved blur sometime, using your tutorial of course. :sly:
The photo with the palm trees in is simply beautiful. The composition and the lighting gives the entire scene a movie like feel. I can almost hear the exhaust note slowly fading as the car drives off into the distance...

I also really like the curved blur shot, purely because it's one of the only blurs I've never properly tried. :crazy:
lol, I thought I had commented on your blog Alex:) Very nice job. I'd love to see all your automotive sketches. I bet my jaw would hit the ground:D

BTW, are you hosting your blog on blogspot, or directing it to another URL? I'm just asking as you don't have menu at the top like on my blog and you seem to have more creative control over the layout.
Drift2XS. Thanks a lot man. I'm glad you liked them! Ahm, and.. of course :sly: haha.

Moglet. Thanks Moglet. For the sky I had to aply some cleaning on it. The textures are really ugly, even in the clouds. More plam trees are comming :D

Cod_Father. Thanks too Cod. The blog is hosted in blogger, but I've editted the layout. Well, I was working on it for 3 weeks to finish absolute hating the html and css codes. I made it in last one or two days really, but before I had to fight with an unknow and unflexible html.

Both blogs looks nice 👍 Great design
is LeSceptique your friend's blog? It has some interesting stuff there btw
Yes Franz, it's a friend's blog and I decided to add it in mine to cover more themes of industrial design. Thanks for spent a while taking a look to them 👍

I guess it's time to make an update or something... but I need more photos. Ohm! A day should have 50 hours at least! (25 to sleep of course haha)

I'll be back soon. Thanks for reading

Wow man!!! :crazy: this gallery is hot!!! :cool: I´ve just started checking it out but have a feeling that I´m gonna spend a whole lot of time more.......:drool: :eek: :bowdown: :cheers:
Thanks NTX, Ara, M3_CSL and teamDIABLO for your comments 👍

NTX don't worry, yesterday I made only 139 shots so the future will be pretty interesting I guess :D. Btw special thanks for my friend Juan AMG for having fun with his PS2. Here is one of his requests, the E55 AMG.

Remember, click the thumbnail!



Did you upload the wrong photo?
I see lights up on the preview, but no lights up on the real shot?
and it seems the tone on the car not matching with the background
could be cleaner maybe? BTW the pres is very pretty as always 👍
Nope, it isn't wrong, I changed it in last minute to make it a little bit different. I'm agrre with the tone, the car is excessive neutral and should be affected by the surrounding lighting, but I liked this white look rather another.

I didn't clean it because the complex lines wich need a lot of time to be reworked. This is the thing I dislike the most this time. Thanks for your feeling Franz 👍

Same here. I would love to see the lights on version
the preview one looks so gorgeous, very AMG-ish
I totally understand clean up laziness you having
that's why you don't see me update my gallery much