Alien: Isolation - 07/10/2014

  • Thread starter Ellis
Jesus, I forgot this is coming out :( I get paid next Friday.. but I already had plans to pick up Horizon. Maybe I'll just go balls out and get both and just be super broke haha :lol:
The RPS verdict is pretty positive, they said there are pacing issues near the end but they'd be far less noticeable if the game wasn't as good in the good bits. I'm not sure that made sense. They also said it's the best Alien game so far, not exactly a massive achievement since they've all been mediocre or crap since AvP2 but I'm suddenly extremely excited, it won't take much to motivate me to pick it up (on PC) but since I pre-ordered the new Borderlands DL-- sorry, game, I'll leave it for a while.
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Metro is easily the fairest and most realistic review site I've seen on the internet. The don't give games higher or lower scores than they generally deserve.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun: "Isolation is the best Alien game I’ve ever played, I’m in no doubt about that. Even in its awkward moments it is doing something interesting with the license, exploring the edges of what is possible in its world, quietly and discreetly. I expect the debate about certain design choices to be loud and long. At the centre of the debate will be one of the finest entries in the Alien canon in any medium, and one of the finest horror experiences in ours."/10
It's a fine idea that once you have the PS Eye connected, a loud sound from your end will alert anything nearby in the about full-on immersion.

I mean I know other devs are working with similar ideas (Dying Light, you can attract a zombie's attention by shouting at it) but this is definitely a new one to me and a good idea.