Aliens visited me!

  • Thread starter cjdelphi
@cjdelphi You're not answering many of the questions I posed, but the main ones are:

Is the camera and audio recording 24/7, and if you were asleep, how and when (relative to the depicted event) did you discover this footage?
I rules out why it's not human... only thing left is future human alien or Angel's

Humans wouldn't do this they just take people in the government cars

Angels ... lol

Aliens is the only answer that fits.. it also explains why i was so tired as well
I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably just God.
@cjdelphi You're not answering many of the questions I posed, but the main ones are:

Is the camera and audio recording 24/7, and if you were asleep, how and when (relative to the depicted event) did you discover this footage?
The power company woke me so I looked to see if I could see anything causing it to go out... I looked around 7am after the curiosity got to me, I only connected the camera up to a 100ah battery I bought for Christmas a few weeks earlier, so nothing would stop it recording and streaming even the modem has battery backup

I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably just God.
God has zero chance of existing based on logic and reason, same for angels and ghosts

UFOs on the other hand are reported daily, the navy chases and plays games with them, most of them travel cloaked

Yeah sounds crazy but there's video of it...

On normal camera you see nothing, switch to thermal, you see 2 ufos flying together they release a plume of gas (oxygen well, warm oxygen)

They collect water

And if you powerd your car or home with a mini fusion reactor that produces electricity megawatts of it from tap water the oxygen is released to help you breathe and electronics and heaters will run from a tesla sized power wall

My theory is earth is full of clean fresh water which runs their technology

Until now I figured that's it... now I know people are being abducted Google search camera flash outside window

... and here is the missing footage of what actually happened:

I hope not... looks b grade, I would have been a kid in a candy shop if I was looking at technology 500k to 100m more years than our own though
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At 5 o'clock in the morning? Why??
Because they send everyone a text message at least 2 or 3 if the power goes out in your area .. I always get them when they do a planned power outage

You seem shocked that power SA sends me text messages, they never intentionally wanted to wake me up my phone did that
Because they send everyone a text message at least 2 or 3 if the power goes out in your area .. I always get them when they do a planned power outage
So was it a planned power outage??

And you were woken between 4 and 5 am by a text message from the power company to say what - that the power went out at 4 am but it's back on again?
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Don't worry humans, aliens wom't come to heart until we have this protection.
So was it a planned power outage??

And you were woken between 4 and 5 am by a text message from the power company to say what - that the power went out at 4 am but it's back on again?
My exact words were when they do a planned power outage it was not planned

The light starts 60 meters away and finishes at my bedroom window (shadows give location of the flash)

Moves down the tree

To my path

In the video you see power go out an entire block before the block here does so a craft moving this way had to be the cause

The light between the tree went out first as it's not on our block

The lights on in that photo are a block a way, so 2 different power outages next to each other as the craft came over

The beam happened twice and focused up and it never reflected light into anything else

Only the second in 20 years!
Well no, I don't include planned outages lol..

1 when the entire state went out
2. This morning after a search light buzzed me and my property

I've seen no power from being planned outages like 10 times, they stick a card in your box and email you over and over, yes yes I know I when I wont have power.. you only told me like 30 times
So was it a planned power outage??

And you were woken between 4 and 5 am by a text message from the power company to say what - that the power went out at 4 am but it's back on again?
No the power came on an hour later, nothing wrong with it, the relays shut them down after detecting a power surge, all equipment was fine!

Even the video and stills confirm no brown outs or fluctuations just the power being switch off a block I'm front then ours like a craft traveling in a straight line with a steep decline I say that because the light we see as the power is still on on our block we see a patch of trees highlighted

No power flux only a strange light on the 8th second

Just 2 identical beams if light one with the lights on and power and one beam without power ..

One beam takes us? The second put us or me back?
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So, there was an unplanned power outage at 3:57 am, when you and your wife were asleep.

The power company then texted you some time before 5 am waking you and your wife up to say that there's been an unplanned power outage? (Do you have a screenshot of the text?)

Then, at 5 am, the power comes back on while you and your wife are awake?

About an hour later - at 6 am - you decide to check your security camera recording and find the footage of the power outage at 3.57 am and you uploaded it to YouTube calling it a UFO Search Beam power outage?

Is that all correct?
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When the power does come on, theres a point with no lights on but my outdoor light..

Compare the light that gets focused on the ground with the light from my porch light, see how the shadows on the pot plants are very similar?

If the shadows were stretching in a different location the light source wouldn't have stopped where my porch light and bedroom window is

But the shadows say both my porch light and that beam intensity was focused at the window

Not only that but... my light source bounces light off the tree and car, this does not seem to reflect off anything

So, there was an unplanned power outage at 3:57 am, when you and your wife were asleep.

The power company then texted you some time before 5 am waking you and your wife up to say that there's been an unplanned power outage? (Do you have a screenshot of the text?)

Then, at 5 am, the power comes back on while you and your wife are awake?

About an hour later - at 6 am - you decide to check your security camera recording and find the footage of the power outage at 3.57 am and you uploaded it to YouTube calling it a UFO Search Beam power outage?

Is that all correct?

Almost correct, I uploaded it a few weeks later after extracting every frame and ruling out any earthly possibilities

I lost 1 of the 2 the original screenshots I took of the power outage but found it in another screenshot lol
Aus Grid states no power cut to your area on that date and time though?

Do you have an official record of the power going out? I mean apart from and easily fake-able screenshot of a text message?

Aus Grid Historical Power Outage
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Admin keep telling me I'm replying wrong, what's the difference between quote and reply as I'm using them seemingly interchangeably..??
If you wish to reply to multiple posts, you can use the 'Quote' function and reply to multiple posts in one single post, rather than making multiple separate posts.

Almost correct, I uploaded it a few weeks later after extracting every frame and ruling out any earthly possibilities

Thanks for uploading the evidence of the text.

You did, however, upload the footage much earlier than you have just claimed - did you forget?

This video - that you uploaded yourself - is dated March 6th 2022 and the metadata from the video shows that you uploaded it at 8.40 pm GMT 6th March 2022, which is 6.10 am Adelaide time on 7th March.




This is cast-iron proof that you uploaded it and labelled it as 'UFO Search Beam' less than 2 and a half hours after it happened... so much for your 'frame by frame' analysis.
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Aus Grid states no power cut to your area on that date and time though?

Do you have an official record of the power going out? I mean apart from and easily fake-able screenshot of a text message?

Aus Grid Historical Power Outage
Call the number on the text message ... an official record other than you clearly seeing the power go out?

Your eyes less credible than a report a lazy engineer never made to say there was one? Maybe they are covering it up as the fault is unexplainable

The video proves the power went out and proves they are wrong

Besides it's power SA who would keep the records of this...

If you wish to reply to multiple posts, you can use the 'Quote' function and reply to multiple posts in one single post, rather than making multiple separate posts.

Thanks for uploading the evidence of the text.

You did, however, upload the footage much earlier than you have just claimed - did you forget?

This video - that you uploaded yourself - is dated March 6th 2022 and the metadata from the video shows that you uploaded it at 8.40 pm GMT 6th March 2022, which is 6.10 am Adelaide time on 7th March.

View attachment 1184796


View attachment 1184800

This is cast-iron proof that you uploaded it and labelled it as 'UFO Search Beam' less than 2 and a half hours after it happened... so much for your 'frame by frame' analysis.

Yeah that original video was uploaded instantly as backup as I knew that light instantly was not normal

So I uploaded them to dropbox, youtube, and gdrive to be safe

It was a month later before I started uploading slowed down videos and evidence, nice work sherlock

Now do the same with the original

To prove to the boys as girls it's not had anything modified or added it's the original 60 second video file

I know electricity, tesla coils, plasma , MOT"s Jacob's ladder I know the dangers and build these things one thing I do know is that in my video it's not electrical or lightning or meteor

It's alien, the sound, the light, all of it, missing time on the 9th second...

All I know is, if someone asks you for things you already posted, it quickly gets boring especially if they don't listen to you, they know better etc etc...
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Call the number on the text message ... an official record other than you clearly seeing the power go out?
I’m ok with not calling an Australian number from a UK mobile.

I can make the power go out in my house by switching the breaker… magic or Aliens!

Your eyes less credible than a report a lazy engineer never made to say there was one? Maybe they are covering it up as the fault is unexplainable
It’s not a lazy engineer who reports it, the grid automatically detects it.

My eyes show me power going off to some lights, nothing in the video shows your neighbour being effected, or the whole street, suburb or the whole of Adelaide.

Oh the good old coverup, careful your tinfoil hat is showing.

There is no fault, there is power being switched off, but that could quite easily be you (we already know you mess around with electronics so I know you know how a switch works).

The video proves the power went out and proves they are wrong

Besides it's power SA who would keep the records of this...
Ok, if that site doesn’t cover your specific area which I’m willing to concede Australia is a very large and wonderful country. Then SA Power should have records. Their website won’t let me view the details, assuming it’s either a fault or I’m blocked due to being outside the country.

The text you’ve shown can easily be faked, a few minutes in photoshop and voila.

So playing both sides, let’s assume there was a power cut… let’s assume ET did visit. How would you know? You said the craft was silent, yet you were in bed asleep through the incident until the text woke you up almost 8 minutes later. Did they just want to hang around all that time so you could see them, assuming you jumped out of bed knowing the cause and ran outside to look?
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All I know is, if someone asks you for things you already posted,

Did I miss the bit where you posted evidence of Aliens, all I saw so far was a collection of things you can't explain.

FWIW, I accept it's almost certain alien life exists, and therefore (an immensely small) possibility it's visited Earth... but what you're showing is not proof of your conclusion.
I’m ok with not calling an Australian number from a UK mobile.

I can make the power go out in my house by switching the breaker… magic or Aliens!

It’s not a lazy engineer who reports it, the grid automatically detects it.

My eyes show me power going off to some lights, nothing in the video shows your neighbour being effected, or the whole street, suburb or the whole of Adelaide.

Oh the good old coverup, careful your tinfoil hat is showing.

There is no fault, there is power being switched off, but that could quite easily be you (we already know you mess around with electronics so I know you know how a switch works).

Ok, if that side doesn’t cover your specific area which I’m willing to concede Australia is a very large and wonderful country. Then SA Power should have records. Their website won’t let me view the details, assuming it’s either a fault or I’m blocked due to being outside the country.

The text you’ve shown can easily be faked, a few minutes in photoshop and voila.

So playing both sides, let’s assume there was a power cut… let’s assume ET did visit. How would you know? You said the craft was silent, yet you were in bed asleep through the incident until the text woke you up almost 8 minutes later. Did they just want to hang around all that time so you could see them, assuming you jumped out of bed knowing the cause and ran outside to look?
It's a shared complex, throwing the breaker turns off my home power nothing else, all the lights go out, including porch light, but nothing else in the video would you see I have access to except porch light bulb

Making claims that one fakes something already makes me think you think it's real but I faked it I did not..

I didn't know the craft visited..

I didn't know the power company told me so i looked, last one was 8 years ago so figured I'd look and see

The AWAKE neighbour on my left was listening to distant crickets with her window open, ours was closed, only sound you hear when power comes on is the microwave

That sound was induced, detected by the camera it was silent outside until the power crew arrived an hour later, I looked at the message and that was it went back bed

Yes it was silent as the neighbour says, the webcam hears my fridge compressor drop no sound to be heard and then the flash of light and that sound, but only the camera heard it

I have no access to the lights outside, and the sound couldn't come from the inside without power despite never hearing it before or since or even that morning if I had if been awake

... fake power outage? How did I fake the power going out while asleep?

How did I get light on top of the houses 60 meters away?

Faking it.... if that helps you sleep better at night , move to another thread as this is genuine
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@cjdelphi The trouble is, you've made several false, unclear or misleading claims in this thread, but you don't seem to think that's an issue.

I'm trying to establish the facts, and since you are making a claim of an extraordinary event, you should expect questions and be prepared to answer them clearly, and not just repeat the same stuff over and over again. We know what you think your video shows - fine, we get it - but if you expect anyone else to accept your explanation of it, you ought to be able to answer a few simple questions about it.


No the power came on an hour later, nothing wrong with it, the relays shut them down after detecting a power surge, all equipment was fine!

So what's happening in this video?

At 5.00 am, the power appears to be back on - and then the lights across the street go out and your Wi-Fi goes down... was this another power cut? However, the lights at the front of your house are still on... are they on a different circuit or are they also connected to your back-up power supply?

It's also very strange that the street lights happen to go out after your wife tells your Google Home to switch the lights off... was that a coincidence?
I have no access to the lights outside
You mean you have no access to some of the lights outside... clearly some of the light shown outdoors is coming from your property i.e. your porch light which you have already said that you control via your Google Home device...
and the sound couldn't come from the inside without power
... but you obviously did have power - you've got multiple devices rigged up to a back-up battery, including the camera/audio recorder - see, it's unclear and misleading language and claims like this that make it very hard to believe you.
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Regardless of what you believe or want to try and prove please don't put your street address online, it's not safe
Did I miss the bit where you posted evidence of Aliens, all I saw so far was a collection of things you can't explain.

FWIW, I accept it's almost certain alien life exists, and therefore (an immensely small) possibility it's visited Earth... but what you're showing is not proof of your conclusion.
I wish the quote button was disabled too easy to hit it..

Human things and space things like meteors, lightning, can be ruled out and have..

All those things are explained by a ufo, their propulsion system interferes with power lines causing them to drop out or brown out

2 different blocks lost power and the light starts in the direction the first block lost power, you see the light get close up on my path without lighting the tree

Not possible... not human

@cjdelphi The trouble is, you've made several false, unclear or misleading claims in this thread, but you don't seem to think that's an issue.

I'm trying to establish the facts, and since you are making a claim of an extraordinary event, you should expect questions and be prepared to answer them clearly, and not just repeat the same stuff over and over again. We know what you think your video shows - fine, we get it - but if you expect anyone else to accept your explanation of it, you ought to be able to answer a few simple questions about it.


So what's happening in this video?

At 5.00 am, the power appears to be back on - and then the lights across the street go out and your Wi-Fi goes down... was this another power cut? However, the lights at the front of your house are still on... are they on a different circuit or are they also connected to your back-up power supply?

It's also very strange that the street lights happen to go out after your wife tells your Google Home to switch the lights off... was that a coincidence?

You mean you have no access to some of the lights outside... clearly some of the light shown outdoors is coming from your property i.e. your porch light which you have already said that you control via your Google Home device...

... but you obviously did have power - you've got multiple devices rigged up to a back-up battery, including the camera/audio recorder - see, it's unclear and misleading language and claims like this that make it very hard to believe you.

I have no access to any of the lights outside except 1 porch light you see me switch it off

I have power because of a 100ah battery

No street lamps go off, my 1 only porch light does, the lights on, are a block away , yes I have power how do you think the camera recorded it? 10pah lifepo4 battery connected to it.. but nothing outside my home

Since then I have connected lots of power sources around the place, but regardless what, turning off the power and on in my home, does not result in a black out or that sound being heard or seen

It's not emi, emf any kind of corruption , the beam hits twice, not a bat firework, meteor, car headlight, light coming from an incoming space x rocket

I've run out of human theories ...

Only future human or alien is left