All Avatar Related Items Here....

Slick Rick
Obvously, its like THE coolest movie ever.(what is biznatchin)

Im a bit hyperactive today. I had a A-level DT exam in the morning and was feeling sleepy so i had 3 cans of red bull....... It still hasnt worn off gowhyven (thats not how to spell it but you know what i mean!)

Sorry for anyone who wants to use it, its a GIF image and photoshop isnt letting me open it,
If anyone wants it, you will have to ask someone else (which isnt likely after seeing the family guy avatA r.


  • frinkearmuffs9sf.jpeg.gif
    6.2 KB · Views: 14
I thought I'd change my avatar from my regular picture of Mars, to a picture of MRSA (the superbug)... but the picture I found looks spookily like the planet Mars, don't you think? :odd: It's a pic of the MRSA bug growing on a plate...
I don't plan to.
I just thought I'd embarass you with a non-pixellated better angled version of the same picture.

I find myself a fountain of hilarity.:)

(I wasn't really trying to embarass you by the way)
Geez! Calm down, I had that in my avatar folder and I thought you might wanna use it.

No need to fly off the handle.
Im not gonna argue with you on the internet. Ill send you a PM.

ultrabeat has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.

Delete some messages so i can ACCTUALLY send you one then.
Slick Rick
Im not gonna argue with you on the internet. Ill send you a PM.
You don't need to blow your head off. He didn't say he'll be using it.

Calm down.
OK fine forget about it.
Anyway, I have some funny GIF avatars i would like to post for people, but their not showing up on imageshack. can someone help me?
OK heres a brilliant wallpaper but ive cropped it and scaled it down so hopefully it will make a brilliant avator. feedback appreciated.
Its the Kleeman SL 50
( i dont know why but its slightly blured, if anyone likes it feel free to sharpen it.)
can anyone do something up with my new baby >

if you can find a better pic, please feel free, its this same colour...2001 Nissan Sentra SE 2.0

thanks !!!
rollazn ill have a go at the Skyline.....its a nice car and i think i can make nice avatar from a few of the pics but my Brothers been Hogging the PC on MSN :indiff: and i havent had much time to spend on them.

TwinTurboJay i did a quick search and hear are a few i came up with..

Soz about the pic you posted but i couldnt do much with it.
Slick Rick
rollazn ill have a go at the Skyline.....its a nice car and i think i can make nice avatar from a few of the pics but my Brothers been Hogging the PC on MSN :indiff: and i havent had much time to spend on them.

TwinTurboJay i did a quick search and hear are a few i came up with..

Soz about the pic you posted but i couldnt do much with it.

Hey thats cool, thanks for the 'tar rick !
Where have the pictures gone......!

their not on my post! :confused:..........:scared:

EDIT: False alarm they have shown up. Thats weird, it shouldnt of taken that long for them to show up. :confused: