umm.........i think i lost my touch. B/C i cant do that one. Try not to use transitions that use to much colors. Like anything w/ fading will boost the file size way up there b/c that piticular transition uses lots of colors. Something like dissolve or pinwheel are tons smaller.
I'm home now...I didn't get to read this thread before I had to go, but I picked up Gif 5...all I have to do is get use to it and I'll be making avatars!
Hmm i think i should re-do it and this time in a smaller size like you did. The quality sucks (which is my fault) and you can't see the "CEINFXCONCEPT" at the bottom. But thanks anyways troy.
Hey troy, i'm sorry but i don't like the terrible quality. I'm gonna make on last one, only one transistion. I'm really sorry i'm making you do this over and over. But this is the last time i promise.