All colorshift paints(COMPLETED)

  • Thread starter salikriaz
United States
I am willing to trade other paints, MC's, and Horns

These are what i need:

Maziora Andromeda
Maziora Andromedell
Maziora Everest

Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora McKenley

Maziora Plreadesll
Maziora Seyfert
Maziora Trapezium
Chamelon Blue
Chamelon Orange
Reflex Purple
Reflex Spice

Crystal Topaz Pearlescent

Thanks to everyone that helped!
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I am willing to trade other paints, MC's, and Horns

These are what i need:

Maziora Andromeda
Maziora Andromedell
Maziora Everest
Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora McKenley
Maziora Plreadesll
Maziora Seyfert
Maziora Trapezium
Chamelon Blue
Chamelon Orange
Reflex Purple
Reflex Spice
Crystal Topaz Pearlescent

I can start trading now :)

I can send you a
Maziora Andromeda
Maziora Andromedell
Maziora Everest
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora McKenley

do you have a midnight purple II?
I'm booked for paints the next couple days, but if you want to send a FR I can send some over after that. I have all the paints you're looking for & could use some museum cards & paints - check my garage for what I need (looks like you have a few Citroen cards I need & I'd like to have at least 5 of each special paint).
Which Citreon cards? alright i'll send an FR. Let me know when your schedule clears up. i'll send everything then

Edit: FR sent
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I'll send five more of the others in like 5mins

Okay both reflex and champs have been sent
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You still have me as friend on werty_56-1 right ?

Edit :

Maziora Plreadesll
Crystal Topaz Pearlescent
