Not sure, will be a while before I find out, 7:05 as the best of my first 2 tries on the Nordschleife, pffft. That includes 1 expedition into the grass but still, I doubt I can get the 6:57 any time soon. I golded the individual stages without too many troubles but the entire track at that speed and concentration, not really my thing.
Focusing on Fishermans Ranch first now, need another 1,5 seconds to get gold on the full lap. That silver lap has a ton of seconds-errors in it and so many things that can be improved, but thanks to these bizarre brown soap physics it seems to take a while to get it done.
I hope PD fixes rally at some point though since the content in the game is already so thin, and the 3 rally maps themselves are actually quite fun. Or, would be fun if the physics worked properly.
I did get a bunch of trophies and achievements for all-silver on circuit experience though, but no car. Are you sure it was not just the car to get gold for the last circuit you did?