All the prize car colours are here

  • Thread starter gumpy
I would really appreciate if somehow you can get access to a x-port/sharkpot. You can order an x-port for as little as around $25 from, and otherwise you can maybe find someone nearby who has one?

The reason I'm so eager is this: all the colors have their own unique GT3 code which uniquely identifies them. I can read this code from garage files and together with your descriptions, that means I can add all the codes to the Replay Manager so that it can always identify the correct colour name for any replay. That would be awesome ...

Well, at least give it some thought! An x-port is a great thing to have anyway - what would happen if somehow your gamesave got corrupted (this has been known to happen, for instance a power cut while you are saving does the trick) - all your work would be gone.

Originally posted by gumpy
Sorry. I am either thick or Australian or both.

What does the car look like ? Are you saying it is gold ? Please explain.

nope, it's not gold, that was a typo. The paint scheme looks like an american flag, with the stars and stripes. It's not just a red and blue actually looks like the flag.

I recall seeing it in Formula GT, particurlarly Seattle Circuit. I doubt it appears exclusively in Seattle Circuit, but that's where i remember seeing it. It was either a F686 or F 688, if my memory serves me correctly.
I have these garages of all the cars in Sharkport format for the US/NTSC version of the game (not sure about X-port - I've heard that they are compatible?). I will see about putting them on the Web somewhere in the next couple of days. Feel free to PM me if you need it sooner.
Can anyone else confirm the existance of a Formula 1 car with an American Flag paint scheme (not simply red/blue, but the stars and stripes).

About a year ago, i recall seeing it in the Formula GT Championship. If memory serves me correctly, it was at Seattle Circuit, and it may have been a F686 or F688.

Ive tried entering Seattle Circuit multiple times, and searching the pack for this car, but i haven't been able to find it again. I'm starting to doubt whether I've actually seen this paint scheme or not. I do remember re-loading my gamesave multiple times to try and get this car, so i must have been convinced back then.
I know im late, but i think u missed one of the rx7s, theres a normal fd but its colored yellow... i read it sumwhere and its not a hybrid. can anyone find that?
when you win a prize car that is available in several different colours, are they different colours than those that are available at the dealer?

to illustrate:

The Pro Tuscan Challenge, the TVR 500 is available in 3 prize colours. Are these coloured cars available at the car dealer or are they only available on a prize car?

(i hope i explained this clearly)

Originally posted by toyomatt84
DAM!!! STICKY THIS RIGHT AWAY!!! Beautiful job Gumpy.

I am busy being amazed on how usuful this soon can become. I want this to be a sticky right here and right now!
Two things I'd like to see added:

Alternative colors for purchasable cars. I know there are colors you can win that are not part of the selection list. I don't remember which car it was, but I recently won a color of a car that you can not purchase. I believe it was the NSX Type R in black. Only purchasable in yellow and white.
Yeah ok, so I didn't read the entire 50 pages of scrolling for my ONE example. Sorry! But there are others that I believe exist that were not listed.
American flag F1 Car? I think that it is actually the red/ white F687/s, red base, and a white Polyphony symbol* covering the car. I have it, if I could take a picture of it, I would.
Originally posted by CarbonFiber Man
Do you have all those cars saved on a memory card? If you do and have a Sharkport, could you post your game save file so we could download your garage and take a look at all of those cars without having to win them all? Just a thought...

You can only have 200 cars in your garage, so there is no way you can have all cars and all colors together. I have a save with all cars in the game (PAL version I mean, where most hidden cars appear with the body of the Daihatsu Altoworks), and I have all colors for only 3 cars : FTO LM Race, S2000 LM Race Car and RX-7 LM Race Car.
I can upload this somewhere if you like it.