Alpine | OP under Construction |

  • Thread starter CheladaJr
something new
Trial Mountain Circuit_3.jpg
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Trial Mountain Circuit_6.jpg
I like what you've done quinten Ur team looking good ✌ :)

Thanks Veily! Im just trying to get to the balance it out! So far its looking good!

On that note i'd like to welcome Devonte to Alpine! He has been in Alpine in the past life so welcome him back! I'll be getting pictures of my drivers and their bios soon! Just lookout!
Thanks Veily! Im just trying to get to the balance it out! So far its looking good!

On that note i'd like to welcome Devonte to Alpine! He has been in Alpine in the past life so welcome him back! I'll be getting pictures of my drivers and their bios soon! Just lookout!
So very glad to be back!

BTW I'll be back online soon maybe. PS3's not working currently.. I have a friend who might give me there's, because I'm sure as hell not buying a new one.
Haha now if you wanna use your team account you can! I was thinking about using mine for fun sometimes but it isnt required, and I filled the team yesterday and i'd like to welcome Hoonigan_Life and Camila_23_9! These two both displayed extreme talent yesterday and have been for awhile! I couldnt be more happy with my team! Now that I have it filled until we all see fit to add more I need to start getting pictures of all my mates! So inbox me a when your ready and ill hop on and get some shots! LOVE LIVE ALPINE!