Am I getting bored of video games?

  • Thread starter Lukanyon
I have to say, I also am a lot less interested in gaming. It’s partly to do with my age as I am nearing 40. But also because of how long the gaming industry is functioning. How many sequels of our beloved franchises have we seen? It basically the same game iterated to the latest technological specs. So an fps is still just that. A racing game is still just that. The mechanics themselves don’t really change anymore.

I bought a ps5, but have no real new games to play. It’s all the same. I am currently expecting to enjoy GT7 and Elden Ring, but if those two game can’t really attain my attention, then I think this will be my last game console. I am curious what will happen the coming months.
Why not just get an external hard drive. A portable 2tb USB3.0 is dirt cheap these days and works fine with a PS4 for storing and playing games.
I've thought about that, if I need to get an external HDD, I might, but I'd much rather get a new internal HDD. I will admit, looking at the costs again on a different website, the prices were not as bad as I thought, but they're still a little much for me, especially now. I still have the lingering concern though that if whatever I buy will even be enough overtime because not only are all the games I am wanting over the size of my current HDD when combined, but theirs always the chance I may find more later.
It's not even that bad moving stuff as long as you do it bit by bit.
I don't know, when I upgraded my HDD on my PS3 and tried to restore a back up, it still said I had 120GB when my new HDD was 1TB. Couldn't find a fix, so I had to move everything on there manually via an app that comes with jailbroken consoles and it was a little tedious. Thing is, I don't have jailbreak for my PS4 and I am weary it may do the same thing again, except this time I won't have jailbreak to help me with this. So I don't know what I'll do. 🤷‍♂️

However, your post has me a little curious because what I just quoted suggests you can copy individual games to an external HDD with ease. Like, if I wanted to copy Call of Duty Black Ops III to an external HDD to clear out space on my internal HDD, I can do that?
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However, your post has me a little curious because what I just quoted suggests you can copy individual games to an external HDD with ease. Like, if I wanted to copy Call of Duty Black Ops III to an external HDD to clear out space on my internal HDD, I can do that?
Yes, and it's easy. I just leave the current games I'm playing on my consoles storage so I get the best performance from the console but the games can also be played directly from the external HD as well. As I mentioned, I've only ever had one game not play from the external HD and that was Red Dead Redemption II. It's also much quicker for me to transfer games than to re-download them with our infamous Aussie internet speeds.

Yes, and it's easy. I just leave the current games I'm playing on my consoles storage so I get the best performance from the console but the games can also be played directly from the external HD as well. As I mentioned, I've only ever had one game not play from the external HD and that was Red Dead Redemption II. It's also much quicker for me to transfer games than to re-download them with our infamous Aussie internet speeds.
Okay I know I am late here, been forgetting to reply to this. I don't know what I was expecting when I asked the question now :lol:, but it's good to know. 👍

I do stand by everything I said though because large file sizes really are something that has been discouraging me, especially now.

Something further I want to add is that although I finally made the jump to Xbox a while back with the Series X and I am VERY happy with the decision, I still have a natural habit of getting games for the PS4 over Xbox if it's an option since Playstation is my preference. However, as of late, I am getting to the point where I am considering buying some games, namely Wreckfest and Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, for the Series X instead of the PS4 partially due to the fact I won't have to deal with my PS4's lack of space I mentioned since I have a lot more on my Series X. And that's not normal for me, but times are changing and so am I, so I guess it had to happen eventually.
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Okay I know I am late here, been forgetting to reply to this. I don't know what I was expecting when I asked the question now :lol:, but it's good to know. 👍

I do stand by everything I said though because large file sizes really are something that has been discouraging me, especially now.

Something further I want to add is that although I finally made the jump to Xbox a while back with the Series X and I am VERY happy with the decision, I still have a natural habit of getting games for the PS4 over Xbox if it's an option since Playstation is my preference. However, as of late, I am getting to the point where I am considering buying some games, namely Wreckfest and Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, for the Series X instead of the PS4 partially due to the fact I won't have to deal my PS4's lack of space I mentioned since I have a lot more on my Series X. And that's not normal for me, but times are changing and so I am, so I guess it had to happen eventually.
I'd be buying any next gen games for the Series X because, well, next gen stuff rocks and older ones for the PS4 to save the space on the X. You'll still run into the same problem sooner or later and have to purchase an SSD rather than the cheaper PS4 external HDD though ;). I've already had to go down that path because of the PS5's puny memory size (it now has an extra 2TB internal SSD and an 8TB external HDD).

I wanted an Series X or I would've even been happy with a Series S but my wife beat me to the punch for our second new console with a Nintendo Switch so it'll have to wait.
I'd be buying any next gen games for the Series X because, well, next gen stuff rocks and older ones for the PS4 to save the space on the X.
You'll still run into the same problem sooner or later and have to purchase an SSD rather than the cheaper PS4 external HDD though ;).
Oh, believe me, my Series X may have a 1TB SSD, but I am not going to pretend like it will never run out of space because it eventually will. Given it's a new console generation, I strongly feel the install sizes will be even bigger than before and I dread to find out what some of the larger games are going to be in the future. Fortunately, theirs not many games I want for the console yet and the dev mode has been more than enough for me lately.
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I have to admit, GT7 and Elden Ring really made me game more again. GT7 is crazy beautiful and just fun to pick up and play.

Elden Ring will be the end of me. This game is by far the greatest (scope and size) game ever made. I cannot begin to express what this game does with me. I really get lost in it. In a good way.

So yeah, I am still enjoying game a lot, but they have to “good” in order to get my attention.
This is a topic and question I’ve asked myself regurarly over the last couple of years.

Surely, I now have far less time on my hands to enjoy gaming, however I’ve found myself not bored but rather indifferent to new games. A part of it comes down to the feeling of ”been there, done that” and another part being the souring realization of games becoming services that pray on the FoMo crowd as well having normalized in-game monetisation, in the process making publishers a tad too comfortable in doing so. I’ve at this point just noped out, yearning for simpler times and all that.

For that reason I continue exploring and discovering older/retro games that I’ve missed out on over the years.
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Thanks again for all the replies :cheers:

Almost 2 years later and with all the pandemic going on, there have been times when I wished I hadn't sold my console, not gonna lie. I may buy one of the newer consoles if I see any game that gets me really interested (GT7 maybe?), but it still isn't my priority.
One year later, after GT7 launch, I can say I haven't lost my interest in gaming. But now I've got another problem: money :lol:

Being a gamer in my country is expensive. The retail price of a PS5 is equivalent to US$ 900. If I get a better job, then I'll be able to afford a console and some games. For now, I'll be only watching on YouTube.