- 1,957
- Recklinghausen
- n_blkr
Thanks a lot!Fantastic work as usual Nico_Ble99.
Do you mind if I ask what resolution you upload your pictures to Flickr at please? I have just switched cameras and, now my images have a higher resolution, they appear to be fuzzy after upload. Do you resize at all, or just upload at the biggest size possible? (which is what I have always done in the past)
I always upload my images in full resolution. When I look at your pictures on your Flickr, they are all displayed in perfect quality to me.
I think you wanna know in what resolution my pictures are previewed here on GTP, correct me if I'm wrong though.
If it's what I think it is, then here's how I do it:
When you're copying the link, just select a bigger preview size.