amateur photo thread.

  • Thread starter Conbon14
@Turtle I like the one with the weird iron statute 👍

This was taken at noon in bright sunlight, a 384s exposure. Some weird light distortions going on in the corner which I need to figure out. This was hot pixel central, but I am pleased with it.

@Mike Rotch That was actually my least favorite one of those for a while, but it grew on me. Definitely looks better in B&W although I could have had better composition.

If I were you, I'd remove the thing in the lower right corner. My eyes keep leaving the subject of the photo and going towards the corner instead.

But other than that it's a stunning picture, way to show me up. :lol:
05 is the best IMO, maybe due to the tighter crop. 👍

I'm a noob so anything I say it best taken with a pinch of salt :D, but with the sky doing you no favours in terms of being cloudy/overexposed; some of them may be good candidates for B&W or a tweak to the colour balance a bit to bring more colour contrast out.
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05 is the best IMO, maybe due to the tighter crop. 👍

I'm a noob so anything I say it best taken with a pinch of salt :D, but with the sky doing you no favours in terms of being overexposed; some of them may be good candidates for B&W or a tweak to the colour balance a bit to bring more colour contrast out.

Thanks. I'll try to do something with B&W, not sure if I have ever 'produced' a B&W photo :P

First photo for example the sky there is horrible but to get that right I think I should have made an under exposed photo too. The skies weren't forgiving either with them being so plain..

I'm at work now so if you want to show me how B&W could turn out; here is the original size.

I didn't crop 05, I only changed some settings in Lightroom. I could crop all the others though to make them more like 05..
Thanks. I'll try to do something with B&W, not sure if I have ever 'produced' a B&W photo :P
Me neither, but I have hackup up a few :D.

I'm at work now so if you want to show me how B&W could turn out; here is the original size.
How about this. With a RAW, the sky would come out better but you get the idea ;).




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I think that B&W edit is too dark, particularly the wheels and the corner of the bumper right behind it.

I actually did edits of that photo in both color and B&W but didnt upload them because the rear of the car kept looking a bit off. However, using the gradient tool in lightroom it's possible to pull back the skies a bit to make it less distracting. Photoshop can probably do it better but I didn't try it.

And if all else fails you could try "borrowing" a sky from a different photo.
Me neither, but I have hackup up a few :D.

How about this. With a RAW, the sky would come out better but you get the idea ;).





Hmm that is pretty neat! Sky is better this way.

I would have sent you the Raw but that's on my PC, haven't had the time to try something myself.

But what can I do to prevent this?
@Carlos Prevent what? Overexposing the sky? If so, I usually take multiple shots with differing exposures if I can. If I can only get one or two shots and the sky is a problem I like to deliberately underexpose the photo slightly since it's easier to fix that in post than things being overexposed.
@Carlos Prevent what? Overexposing the sky? If so, I usually take multiple shots with differing exposures if I can. If I can only get one or two shots and the sky is a problem I like to deliberately underexpose the photo slightly since it's easier to fix that in post than things being overexposed.

Yeah exactly. I guess I'll have to pay more attention to it, to be honest I'm used to just point and shoot. Making under and over exposed photos is an idea, I have done this a couple of times but only when I had my tripod with me. I can try to do this more frequently without the tripod.
I think that B&W edit is too dark, particularly the wheels and the corner of the bumper right behind it.
Yea, it looked totally different on my home laptop versus my work screen now! Easy fix though :indiff:
I've noticed with some uploads, particularly from cellphones, that the images are in their original (massive) resolutions. While most everyone has broad band, it still takes time for a lot of devices to render a collection of these, so resizing to a more web friendly resolution would be nice for everyone.
Non-professional level photos? Yeah, I can do that ;)

My camera is a Nikon P510. I've had it for almost 2 years now and you'd think I was comfortable with all the settings, but no. Any feedback is appreciated :D

I mostly do car pics...

BMW i8 by gregthestig, on Flickr

With lots of closeups...

LaFerrari by gregthestig, on Flickr

And interior shots...

2015 BMW M4 by gregthestig, on Flickr

And some racing shots...

2013 Petit Le Mans - GT Class Battle by gregthestig, on Flickr

And then sometimes I get bored.

Cruising Through the Night in a 1966 Pontiac Bonneville by gregthestig, on Flickr
With my D90:

These are AWESOME. I love action shots like these. Cars are perfectly clear but you still get the sense of speed from it.

Hello everyone. Wonderful pictures in here!

Thoughts always appreciated.​

I thought this was the amateur thread ;) Seriously though, those are all great. I especially love the closeups and how creative you were with the frame shots.

Lines by bg_syd, on Flickr​

I like how you do B&W, especially on this one 👍