Amazon uk cancels GT5 orders

  • Thread starter lowmax2
I wish they'd announce the most expensive premium version they're planning to put out so I can pre-order the hell out of it right now! :P
^Will that be more expensive to do?

It works out about the same as you usually pay much less tax, but a bit more on shipping.

For reference I imported Gt5:P for £25 inc 3day delivery from Hong Kong to Europe. Months before the European release and only cost me £5 more! :)

Thankfully some very kind people on this forum provided translations of the menu's!
Have you ever considered the fact that, for one reason or another, some people may not be able to easily get to a store? How about the fact that some people like to save a few quid by ordering online? Some people even like to chance getting it early by ordering online in advance.

Contrary to what you think, people are not pre-ordering just to ensure they get a copy in case of shortages, because everybody knows that marketing trick doesn't work anymore. However, that doesn't stop people pre-ordering for obvious reasons I stated above.

Oh, and if you want to get clever and quote things from ads, I think you'll find that it is "simplez" :rolleyes:

Haha, you wrong. Simples.

Well, that's me well and truly told off.

PS, What quote?

I believe hes referring to the advert.

and in fact, according the website your actually correct. It is 'simples'.

So there you go, you quoted and made a joke without even realising it.